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shorthand Kurzschrift {f}
shorthand Stenografie {f}
shorthand Stenogramm {n}
shorthand Stenographie {f}
shorthand Steno {f} [ugs.] [Stenografie]
shorthand kurzschriftlich
shorthandSteno {n} [ugs.] [Stenogramm]
shorthand [fig.] [short version, simplified communication] Kurzform {f}
shorthand note Stenogramm {n}
shorthand notebook Stenoblock {m}
shorthand pad Stenoblock {m}
shorthand pad Stenogrammblock {m}
shorthand pencilStenostift {m}
shorthand pencil Stenobleistift {m}
shorthand pencil Stenografiestift {m}
shorthand pencilStenografie-Bleistift {m}
shorthand pencilSteno-Bleistift {m}
shorthand report Stenogramm {n}
shorthand reports Stenogramme {pl}
shorthand symbol Kürzel {n}
shorthand typist Stenotypist {m}
shorthand typist [female] Stenotypistin {f}
shorthand typists Stenotypisten {pl}
shorthand writerStenograph {m}
shorthand writer [female] Stenographin {f}
shorthand writers Stenographen {pl}
shorthandedin Unterzahl
shorthanded [understaffed] knapp an Arbeitskraft
short-handled [e.g. spade, brush]mit kurzem Stiel [nachgestellt] [z. B. Spaten, Bürste]
short-handled [e.g. spade]kurzstielig [z. B. Spaten]
short-haul aircraft Kurzstreckenflugzeug {n}
short-haul aircraftKurzstreckenflieger {m} [ugs.]
short-haul fleet Kurzstreckenflotte {f}
short-haul flight Kurzstreckenflug {m}
short-haul jetKurzstreckenjet {m}
shorthead barbel [Luciobarbus brachycephalus, syn.: Barbus brachycephalus] Aral-Barbe {f}
shorthead garter snake [Thamnophis brachystoma] Kurzkopf-Strumpfbandnatter {f}
short-head rear-fanged tree snake [Dipsadoboa guineensis]Guinea-Nachtbaumnatter {f}
short-headed [brachycephalic] kurzköpfig [brachyzephal]
short-headed blackhead [Apostolepis breviceps] Chaco-Schwarzkopfnatter {f}
short-headed earth snake [Geophis brachycephalus] Kurzköpfige Erdnatter {f}
short-headed garter snake [Thamnophis brachystoma] Kurzkopf-Strumpfbandnatter {f}
short-headed smooth snake [Erythrolamprus breviceps, syn.: Liophis breviceps] Kurzköpfige Glattnatter {f}
shorthorn Kurzhornrind {n}
Shorthorn cattle {pl} Shorthorn-Rind {n}
short-horned chameleon [Calumma brevicorne, syn.: Chamaeleo brevicornis]Kurzhorn-Chamäleon {n}
short-horned grasshoppers [family Acrididae]Feldheuschrecken {pl}
shortie nightie [coll.] kurzes Nachthemd {n}
shorting Kurzschließen {n}
shortingBlankoverkauf {m}
shorting [short selling] Leerverkauf {m}
shorting [short selling]Leerkauf {m}
shorting [short selling] Short-Verkauf {m} [Leerverkauf]
shorting barKurzschlussschiene {f}
shorting bar Kurzschlussbügel {m}
shorting bridgeKurzschlussbrücke {f} [allgemein, z. B. ein Stück Draht]
shorting linkKurzschlussbügel {m}
shorting plugKurzschlussstecker {m}
shorting plungerKurzschlussschieber {m}
shorting switchunterbrechender Schalter {m}
shorting switchKurzschlussschalter {m}
short-interval intracortical inhibition <SICI>intrakortikale Inhibition {f} bei kurzem Interstimulus-Intervall
shortishetwas kurz
shortishziemlich kurz
shortish [scarce]ziemlich knapp
shortish [person]ziemlich klein [Person]
Shortit [Na2Ca2(CO3)3] Shortit {m}
shortjaw cisco [Coregonus zenithicus] Kurzkiefer-Maräne {f}
short-landed goods {pl}nichtgelandete Ware {f}
short-lasting kurzdauernd
short-lasting kurz anhaltend
short-lasting kurz [kurz anhaltend, kurz andauernd, kurzdauernd]
shortleaf / short-leaf pine [Pinus echinata] Fichtenkiefer / Fichten-Kiefer {f}
shortleaf / short-leaf pine [Pinus echinata]Glatte Kiefer {f}
shortleaf / short-leaf pine [Pinus echinata] Igelkiefer {f}
shortleaf / short-leaf pine [Pinus echinata]Gelbkiefer {f}
shortleaf black spruce [Picea mariana] Schwarz-Fichte / Schwarzfichte {f}
shortleaf fescue [Festuca brachyphylla] Fels-Schwingel / Felsschwingel {m} [Grasart]
shortleaf fig [Ficus citrifolia]Bartfeigenbaum {m}
short-leaf sedge [Am.] [Can.] [Carex fuliginosa] Ruß-Segge {f}
shortleaf yellow pine [Pinus echinata] Fichtenkiefer / Fichten-Kiefer {f}
short-leaved gentian [Gentiana brachyphylla] Kurzblättriger Enzian {m}
short-leaved gentian [Gentiana brachyphylla]Kurzblatt-Enzian {m}
short-leaved pine [Pinus echinata] Fichtenkiefer / Fichten-Kiefer {f}
short-leaved ragged moss [Sciuro-hypnum oedipodium, syn.: Brachythecium oedipodium] Lockeres Schweifchenastmoos {n}
short-leaved ragged moss [Sciuro-hypnum oedipodium, syn.: Brachythecium oedipodium]Dünnes Kurzbüchsenmoos {n}
short-leg cast <SLC> Unterschenkelgips {m} [Verband]
short-leg cast <SLC> Unterschenkelgipsverband {m}
short-legged kurzbeinig
short-legged ground roller [Brachypteracias leptosomus] Bindenerdracke {f}
short-legged groundroller / ground-roller [Brachypteracias leptosomus] Bindenerdracke {f}
short-legged groundroller / ground-roller / ground roller [Brachypteracias leptosomus]Binden-Erdracke {f}
short-legged striders [family Veliidae]Bachläufer {pl}
short-legged striders [family Veliidae] Bachwasserläufer {pl}
short-life kurzlebig
« shorshorshorshorshorshorshorshorshorshorshor »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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