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short-stay parking zone [Br.]Kurzparkzone {f}
shortstem carnationweed [Euphorbia segetalis] Saat-Wolfsmilch / Saatwolfsmilch {f}
short-stem endoprosthesis Kurzstielendoprothese {f} [auch: Kurzstiel-Endoprothese]
short-stem iris [Iris brevicaulis] Louisiana-Iris {f}
short-stemmed [attr.] [e.g. wheat] Kurzhalm-
short-stemmed [e.g. wheat] kurzhalmig
short-stemmed carnation weed [Euphorbia segetalis] Saat-Wolfsmilch / Saatwolfsmilch {f}
short-stemmed hip implant Kurzschafthüftprothese {f}
short-stemmed pipe Stummelpfeife {f}
shortstop [baseball]Halbspieler {m}
short-story cycle Kurzgeschichtenzyklus {m}
short-story writer Autor {m} von Kurzgeschichten
shortstraw pine [Pinus echinata] Fichtenkiefer / Fichten-Kiefer {f}
shortstraw pine [Pinus virginiana] Jersey-Kiefer {f}
shortstraw pine [Pinus virginiana]Virginia-Kiefer {f}
shortstripe goby [Elacatinus chancei]Kurzstreifen-Korallengrundel {f} [auch {m}]
short-styled field-rose [Rosa stylosa] Griffel-Rose {f}
shortswordKurzschwert {n}
short-tail alpine garter snake [Thamnophis scaliger] Mexikanische Hochland-Strumpfbandnatter {f}
short-tail electric ray [Aus.] [Hypnos monopterygius, syn.: H. monopterygium, Lophius monopterygius]Birnen-Zitterrochen {m}
short-tail lanternshark [Etmopterus brachyurus] Kurzschwanz-Laternenhai {m}
short-tail monitor [Varanus brevicauda] Kurzschwanzwaran {m}
short-tail monitor [Varanus brevicauda]Zwergwaran {m}
short-tail nurse shark [Pseudoginglymostoma brevicaudatum] Kurzschwanzammenhai {m}
short-tail nurse shark [Pseudoginglymostoma brevicaudatum] Kurzschwanz-Ammenhai {m}
shorttail skate [Amblyraja jenseni]Jensens Rochen {m}
short-tailed kurzschwänzig
short-tailed albatross [Phoebastria albatrus, syn.: Diomedea albatrus]Kurzschwanzalbatros {m}
short-tailed albatross [Phoebastria albatrus] Steller's Albatros {m}
short-tailed almond aphid [Brachycaudus amygdalinus, syn.: Anuraphis amygdalinus, Aphis amygdalinus]Mandelblattlaus {f}
short-tailed ant-thrush [Chamaeza campanisona] Kurzschwanz-Ameisendrossel {f}
short-tailed antthrush [Chamaeza campanisona] Kurzschwanz-Ameisendrossel {f}
short-tailed babbler [Malacocincla malaccensis, syn.: M. malaccense, Pellorneum malaccense, Trichastoma malaccense, T. malaccensis] Kurzschwanz-Maustimalie {f}
short-tailed bandicoot rat [Nesokia indica]Pestratte {f}
short-tailed batis [Batis mixta] Kurzschwanzschnäpper {m}
short-tailed batis [Batis mixta] Kurzschwanzbatis {m}
short-tailed blue [Everes argiades, syn.: Cupido argiades] [butterfly] Kurzschwänziger Bläuling {m}
short-tailed blue [Everes argiades, syn.: Cupido argiades] [butterfly]Kleebläuling {m} [Tagfalterart]
short-tailed blue-flycatcher / blue flycatcher [Cyornis concretus, syn.: C. concreta, Niltava concreta, N. concretus]Weißschwanzniltava {m}
short-tailed blue-flycatcher / blue flycatcher [Cyornis concretus, syn.: C. concreta, Niltava concreta, N. concretus]Weißschwanz-Blauschnäpper {m}
short-tailed centipede snake [Tantilla brevicauda] Kurzschwanz-Schwarzkopfnatter {f}
short-tailed chinchilla [Chinchilla chinchilla, formerly: Chinchilla brevicaudata] Kurzschwanz-Chinchilla {n}
short-tailed coral snake [Micrurus frontalis]Südliche Korallenotter {f}
short-tailed diuca-finch [Idiopsar brachyurus] Kurzschwanzdiuca / Kurzschwanz-Diuca {f}
short-tailed diuca-finch [Idiopsar brachyurus]Kurzschwanzammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}]
short-tailed emerald [Chlorostilbon poortmani] Poortmankolibri {m}
short-tailed emerald [Chlorostilbon poortmani] Kurzschwanz-Smaragdkolibri {m}
short-tailed field tyrant [Muscigralla brevicauda] Stummeltyrann {m}
short-tailed finch [Idiopsar brachyurus] Kurzschwanzdiuca / Kurzschwanz-Diuca {f}
short-tailed finch [Idiopsar brachyurus] Kurzschwanzammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}]
short-tailed fox [Urocyon littoralis] (Kalifornischer) Insel-Graufuchs {m}
short-tailed frogmouth [Batrachostomus poliolophus] Graukopf-Froschmaul {n}
short-tailed fruit bat [Carollia perspicillata]Brillenblattnase {f}
short-tailed glossy starling / glossy-starling [Aplonis minor] Sundastar {m}
short-tailed glossy starling / glossy-starling [Lamprotornis chalcurus] Erzglanzstar / Erz-Glanzstar {m}
short-tailed grasswren [Amytornis merrotsyi] Kurzschwanz-Grasschlüpfer {m}
short-tailed (green) magpie [Cissa thalassina] Buschelster {f}
short-tailed ground roller [Brachypteracias leptosomus] Bindenerdracke {f}
short-tailed gymnure [Hylomys suillus] Schweinshaarigel {m}
short-tailed gymnure [Hylomys suillus]Kleiner Haarigel {m}
short-tailed gymnure [Hylomys suillus]Zwerghaarigel {m}
short-tailed hawfinch [Coccothraustes coccothraustes] Kernbeißer {m}
short-tailed hawk [Buteo brachyurus]Kurzschwanzbussard {m}
short-tailed hopping mouse [Notomys amplus] [extinct] Kurzschwanz-Hüpfmaus {f} [ausgestorben]
short-tailed jungle babbler [Malacocincla malaccensis] Kurzschwanz-Maustimalie {f}
short-tailed jungle-babbler [Malacocincla malaccensis, syn.: M. malaccense, Pellorneum malaccense, Trichastoma malaccense, T. malaccensis] Kurzschwanz-Maustimalie {f}
short-tailed lark [Pseudalaemon fremantlii] Bartlerche {f}
short-tailed (lesser) butterfly ray [Gymnura micrura] [Am.]Kleinschwänziger Schmetterlingsrochen {m}
short-tailed mamushi [Gloydius brevicauda, syn.: Agkistrodon blomhoffi brevicaudus] Kurzschwanz-Mamushi {f}
short-tailed mole-rat [Nesokia indica] Pestratte {f}
short-tailed mongoose [Herpestes brachyurus] Kurzschwanzmanguste {f}
short-tailed nesokia [Nesokia indica] Pestratte {f}
short-tailed nighthawk [Lurocalis semitorquatus] Bändernachtschwalbe {f}
short-tailed opossum [Monodelphis domestica] Haus-Spitzmausbeutelratte {f}
short-tailed opossums [genus Monodelphis, family Didelphidae]Kurzschwanz-Beutelratten {pl}
short-tailed opossums [genus Monodelphis, family Didelphidae] Spitzmaus-Beutelratten {pl}
short-tailed paradigalla [Paradigalla brevicauda]Kurzschwanzparadigalla {f}
short-tailed parrot [Graydidascalus brachyurus]Kurzschwanzpapagei {m}
short-tailed parrotbill [Paradoxornis davidianus] Kurzschwanz-Papageimeise {f}
short-tailed pipit [Anthus brachyurus] Kurzschwanzpieper {m}
short-tailed pit viper [Gloydius brevicauda, syn.: Agkistrodon blomhoffi brevicaudus]Kurzschwanz-Mamushi {f}
short-tailed plump bush-cricket [Isophya brevicauda] Kurzschwänzige Plumpschrecke {f}
short-tailed pterosaurs [Pterodactyloidea] Kurzschwanzflugsaurier {pl}
short-tailed pygmy tyrant [Myiornis ecaudatus]Stummelschwanz-Zwergtyrann {m}
short-tailed (pygmy) monitor [Varanus brevicauda]Kurzschwanzwaran {m}
short-tailed (pygmy) monitor [Varanus brevicauda] Zwergwaran {m}
short-tailed python [Python curtus, syn.: Python curtus curtus] Sumatra-Kurzschwanzpython {m} [nicht fachspr. auch {f}]
short-tailed scimitar babbler [Jabouilleia danjoui] Kurzschwanzsäbler {m}
short-tailed shearwater [Puffinus tenuirostris]Kurzschwanz-Sturmtaucher {m}
short-tailed shrew tenrec [Microgale brevicaudata]Kurzschwanz-Kleintanrek {m}
short-tailed shrew tenrec [Microgale brevicaudata]Kurzschwanz-Kleintenrek {m}
short-tailed shrew tenrec [Microgale brevicaudata] Kurzschwanztanrek {m}
short-tailed sigmodontomys [Sigmodontomys alfari, syn.: Oryzomys ochraceus] Kurzschwanz-Wasserratte {f}
short-tailed sigmodontomys [Sigmodontomys alfari, syn.: Oryzomys ochraceus]Alfaro-Wasserratte {f}
short-tailed snake [Cryptophis nigrescens]Östliche Kleinaugenotter {f}
short-tailed starling [Aplonis minor] Sundastar {m}
short-tailed swift [Chaetura brachyura] Stutzschwanzsegler {m}
short-tailed Tibetan hamster [Cricetulus alticola] Ladakh-Zwerghamster {m}
short-tailed Tibetan hamster [Cricetulus alticola]Indischer Zwerghamster {m}
« shorshorshorshorshorshorshorshorshotshotshou »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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