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English-German Dictionary

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shouting Geschrei {n}
shouting Jubelgeschrei {n}
shoutingGejohle {n}
shouting Ruferei {f}
shouting Gebrüll {n} [Schreien]
shouting atanschreiend
shouting for / with joy Juchzen {n} [ugs.]
shout-out [coll.] Gruß {m} [über Medien oder vor Publikum verbreitete Grußbotschaft, oft verbunden mit Danksagung, Anerkennung o. ä.]
shout-out [coll.] [acknowledgment]öffentlicher Dank {m}
shouts Zurufe {pl}
shoutsRufe {pl}
shouts of gleeSchreie {pl} des Entzückens
shouts of triumph {pl} Triumphgeschrei {n}
shouty [coll.] überlaut
shove Anstoß {m}
shoveSchub {m}
shoveSchubs {m} [ugs.] [(leichter) Stoß]
shoveStoß {m} [Schubs]
shoveStups {m}
shove Schieben {n}
shoveAnrempler {m} [ugs.] [Anstoßen, Anrempeln]
Shove it (up your arse)! [Br.] [vulg.] [idiom] Steck dir das sonst wohin! [ugs.] [Redewendung]
Shove it (up your ass)! [Am.] [vulg.] [idiom] Steck dir das sonst wohin! [ugs.] [Redewendung]
Shove it! [sl.] [vulg.] Du kannst mich mal! [derb]
Shove off! [coll.]Schieb ab! [ugs.] [Hau ab!]
Shove over! [coll.]Rutsch mal! [ugs.]
shoved geschoben
shovel Schaufel {f}
shovelSchippe {f} [nordd.] [mitteld.] [Schaufel]
shovelLöffel {m} [eines Baggers etc.]
shovelSchüppe {f} [regional] [bes. nordd.]
shovelSchöppe {f} [rhein.] [Schaufel]
shovel bladeSchaufelblatt {n}
shovel dredger Schaufelbagger {m}
shovel excavatorSchaufelbagger {m}
shovel handle Schaufelstiel {m}
shovel handleSchippenstiel {m}
shovel hat (englischer) Schaufelhut {m}
shovel loader Frontlader {m}
shovel loader Schaufellader {m}
shovel shear testNorwegertest {m} [auch: Norwegermethode] [Schnee- und Lawinenkunde]
shovel shear test [snowpack stability test]Schaufeltest {m} [Norwegertest]
shovel-billed kingfisher [Clytoceyx rex] Froschschnabelliest {m}
shovel-billed kookaburra [Clytoceyx rex]Froschschnabelliest {m} [auch: Froschschnabel-Liest]
shoveled [Am.] geschaufelt
shoveled-out [Am.] ausgeschaufelt
shovelers Löffelenten {pl}
shovelfulSchaufelvoll {f} [alt]
shovelfulSchaufel {f} voll
shovelhead [Sphyrna tiburo]Schaufelnasen-Hammerhai {m}
shovelhead [Sphyrna tiburo]Kleiner Hammerhai {m}
shovelhead cat [Pylodictis olivaris]Flachkopfwels {m}
shovelhead cat [Pylodictis olivaris] Flachköpfiger Katzenwels {m}
shovelhead (shark) Hammerhai {m}
shoveling schaufelnd
shovelled [Br.]geschaufelt
shoveller [Br.] Schaufler {m} [Person]
shoveller duck [Anas clypeata] [Br.] Löffelente {f}
shovel-like schaufelförmig
shovellingSchippen {n}
shovelnose frogs [genus Hemisus, family Hemisotidae] Schaufelnasenfrösche {pl}
shovelnose guitarfish [Rhinobatos productus] Pazifischer Geigenrochen {m}
shovelnose snakes [genus Chionactis]Schaufelnasenschlangen {pl}
shovelnose snakes [genus Chionactis] Schaufelnasennattern {pl}
shovelnose snakes [genus Chionactis]Schaufelnasen-Wühlnattern {pl}
shovelnose (sturgeon) [Scaphirhynchus platorynchus] (Gemeiner) Schaufelstör {m}
shovel-nosed [flat snout] flachschnäuzig
shovel-nosed (ground) snakes [genus Chionactis]Schaufelnasenschlangen {pl}
shovel-nosed (ground) snakes [genus Chionactis] Schaufelnasennattern {pl}
shovel-nosed (ground) snakes [genus Chionactis]Schaufelnasen-Wühlnattern {pl}
shovelnosed shark [Deania calcea] Vogelschnabel-Dornhai {m}
shovel-ready [Am.] [coll.] startbereit [Baubeginn]
shovels Schaufeln {pl}
shovel-shaped toothSchaufelzahn {m}
shovingDrängeln {n}
shoving Geschiebe {n} [ugs.]
shovingDrängelei {f}
showAusstellung {f} [Blumenausstellung, Hundeausstellung etc.]
showSchau {f}
show Vorstellung {f}
show Darbietung {f}
show Show {f}
showVorführung {f}
show Sendung {f}
show [concert] Konzert {n}
show [fig.] [pretense]Mache {f} [ugs.] [pej.] [Getue, Gehabe]
show [play] Stück {n}
Show a bit of savvy! [coll.] Streng mal deinen Grips an! [ugs.]
Show a bit of savvy! [coll.] Streng mal dein Köpfchen an! [ugs.]
Show a leg! [Get up! or Get a move on!] [Br.] [dated] [idiom] Aufwachen! [und aufstehen oder als Aufforderung zum Beeilen]
show biz [coll.] Showgeschäft {n}
show biz [coll.]Showbusiness {n}
show biz [coll.]Unterhaltungsindustrie {f}
show booth Schaubude {f}
show booth operator Schaubudenbesitzer {m}
show booths Schaubuden {pl}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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