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shrouded propeller Mantelpropeller {m}
shrouded termination [IEC 60050] abgedeckter Endenabschluss {m} [IEC 60050]
shrouding Abdeckung {f}
shrouding cover Abdeckhaube {f}
shrouds Leichentücher {pl}
shrouds Wanten {pl}
Shrove MondayRosenmontag {m}
Shrove Monday Güdelsmontag {m} [schweiz.] [auch: Güdelmontag] [Rosenmontag]
Shrove Monday Güdelmontag {m} [schweiz.] [Rosenmontag]
Shrove Monday procession Rosenmontagszug {m}
Shrove Monday processionRosenmontagsumzug {m}
shrove money [archaic] Ablassgeld {n}
Shrove tide Fastnachtszeit {f}
Shrove Tuesday Fastnacht {f}
Shrove TuesdayFastnachtsdienstag {m}
Shrove TuesdayFaschingsdienstag {m} [bes. bayer., österr.] [Fastnachtsdienstag]
shrovetideFastnacht {f}
shrovetide Fastnachtszeit {f}
ShrovetideFaschingszeit {f} [eig. nur die drei Tage vor Aschermittwoch]
Shrovetide play Fastnachtsspiel {n}
shrub Busch {m}
shrubStaude {f} [bes. südd.]
shrubStrauch {m}
shrub Buschland {n}
shrub [archaic]Zitronenlikör {m}
shrub aloe [Aloe arborescens, syn.: A. arborea, A. frutescens, A. fruticosa, A. mutabilis, A. natalensis, A. perfoliata var. eta, A. principis] [tree aloe]Baum-Aloe / Baumaloe {f}
shrub aloe [Aloe arborescens, syn.: A. arborea, A. frutescens, A. fruticosa, A. mutabilis, A. natalensis, A. perfoliata var. eta, A. principis] [tree aloe]Brandaloe / Brand-Aloe {f}
shrub aloe [Aloe arborescens, syn.: A. arborea, A. frutescens, A. fruticosa, A. mutabilis, A. natalensis, A. perfoliata var. eta, A. principis] [tree aloe]Baumartige Aloe {m} [Baum-Aloe]
shrub althea [Hibiscus syriacus]Festblume {f}
shrub althea [Hibiscus syriacus] Scharonrose {f} [selten] [Straucheibisch]
shrub althea [Hibiscus syriacus] Garteneibisch {m}
shrub althea [Hibiscus syriacus]Syrischer Eibisch {m}
shrub althea [Hibiscus syriacus]Straucheibisch {m}
shrub birch [Betula glandulosa] Grönländische Strauch-Birke {f}
shrub birch [Betula glandulosa] Drüsige Birke {f}
shrub cuttings {pl} Strauchschnitt {m} [Abfall]
shrub encroachmentVerbuschung {f}
shrub frogs [family Rhacophoridae]Ruderfrösche {pl}
shrub layerStrauchschicht {f}
shrub live oak [Quercus turbinella, syn.: Quercus dumosa subsp. / var. turbinella, Quercus subturbinella] Sonora-Lebenseiche {f}
shrub medick [Medicago arborea]Baum-Schneckenklee {m}
shrub medick [Medicago arborea] Strauch-Schneckenklee {m}
shrub pruning Strauchschnitt {m} [Beschneiden von Sträuchern]
shrub rose Rosenstock {m}
shrub roses Strauchrosen {pl}
shrub stratum Strauchschicht {f}
shrub tundra Strauchtundra {f}
shrubberies Gebüsche {pl}
shrubberies Strauchwerk {n}
shrubberyGebüsch {n}
shrubbery Strauchwerk {n}
shrubberyGesträuch {n}
shrubbery {sg} [shrubs collectively] Sträucher {pl}
shrubbery [of a garden] Gebüschbereich {m} [eines Gartens]
shrubby buschig
shrubby buschartig
shrubby strauchig
shrubby strauchartig
shrubby althaea [Hibiscus syriacus] Roseneibisch {m}
shrubby althaea [Hibiscus syriacus]Straucheibisch {m}
shrubby althaea [Hibiscus syriacus] Syrischer Eibisch {m}
shrubby birch [Betula fruticosa]Strauchige Birke {f}
shrubby birch [Betula fruticosa] Strauch-Birke {f}
shrubby birch [Betula humilis]Nordische Birke {f}
shrubby birch [Betula humilis] Niedrige Birke {f}
shrubby birch [Betula humilis]Strauch-Birke / Strauchbirke {f}
shrubby cinquefoil [Dasiphora fruticosa, syn.: Potentilla fruticosa, Pentaphylloides fruticosa]Fingerstrauch {m}
shrubby cinquefoil [Dasiphora fruticosa, syn.: Potentilla fruticosa, Pentaphylloides fruticosa] Strauchiges Fingerkraut {n}
shrubby germander [Teucrium fruticans] Strauchiger Gamander {m}
shrubby hare's-ear / hare's ear [Bupleurum fruticosum]Hasenohrstrauch {m}
shrubby hare's-ear / hare's ear [Bupleurum fruticosum] Strauchiges Hasenohr {n}
shrubby kidney vetch [Anthyllis hermanniae] Dorniger Wundklee {m}
shrubby kidney vetch [Anthyllis hermanniae] Dornwundklee {m}
shrubby lichenStrauchflechte {f}
shrubby milkwort [Polygala chamaebuxus]Buchsblättrige Kreuzblume {f}
shrubby milkwort [Polygala chamaebuxus]Waldmyrte {f}
shrubby milkwort [Polygaloides chamaebuxus, syn.: Polygala chamaebuxus]Buchs-Kreuzblume / Buchskreuzblume {f}
shrubby milkwort [Polygaloides chamaebuxus, syn.: Polygala chamaebuxus]Alpen-Zwergbuchs / Alpenzwergbuchs {m}
shrubby orache [Atriplex halimus] Strauch-Melde {f}
shrubby pink [Dianthus fruticosus, syn.: D. creticus, D. rhodius] Strauch-Nelke / Strauchnelke {f}
shrubby plantain [Plantago sempervirens, syn.: P. cynops] Großes Flohsamenkraut {n}
shrubby plantain [Plantago sempervirens, syn.: P. cynops]Strauch-Wegerich / Strauchwegerich {m}
shrubby plantain [Plantago sempervirens, syn.: P. cynops] Stauden-Wegerich / Staudenwegerich {m}
shrubby reindeer lichen [Cladonia arbuscula] Einseitswendige Rentierflechte {f}
shrubby restharrow [Ononis fruticosa] Strauchige Hauhechel {f}
shrubby scorpion vetch [Coronilla valentina, syn.: C. pentaphylla] Valentinische Kronwicke {f}
shrubby scorpion vetch [Coronilla valentina, syn.: C. pentaphylla]Valance-Strauch-Kronwicke {f}
shrubby scorpion vetch [Coronilla valentina, syn.: C. pentaphylla]Valencia-Kronwicke {f}
shrubby speedwell [Veronica fruticulosa, syn.: V. frutescens]Halbstrauch-Ehrenpreis / Halbstrauchehrenpreis {m} {n}
shrubby wallflower [Erysimum bicolor] Zweifarbiger Schöterich {m}
shrubby wormwood [Artemisia arborescens]Strauchwermut {m}
(shrubby) reindeer lichen [Cladonia arbuscula, syn.: Cladina arbuscula] Einseitswendige Rentierflechte {f}
(shrubby) reindeer lichen [Cladonia arbuscula, syn.: Cladina arbuscula] Fahlgelbe Rentierflechte {f}
(shrubby) reindeer lichen [Cladonia arbuscula, syn.: Cladina arbuscula] Sparrige Rentierflechte {f}
shrubland Buschland {n}
shrubland Strauchsteppe {f}
shrubland Trockensavanne {f}
shrubland Strauchsavanne {f}
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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