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shuttle armatureDoppel-T-Anker {m}
shuttle bayShuttlerampe {f}
shuttle bayShuttleabteilung {f}
shuttle bus Shuttlebus {m}
shuttle bus Zubringerbus {m}
shuttle busPendelbus {m}
shuttle (bus) Zubringer {m}
shuttle diplomacyPendeldiplomatie {f}
shuttle diplomacy Shuttlediplomatie {f}
shuttle flightShuttleflug {m} [auch: Shuttle-Flug]
shuttle ignition Shuttlezündung {f}
shuttle machining Pendelbearbeitung {f}
shuttle marching abwechselnder Fuß- und Fahrzeugmarsch {m}
shuttle migration Pendelmigration {f}
shuttle service Pendelverkehr {m}
shuttle serviceZubringerdienst {m}
shuttle service Pendeldienst {m}
shuttle service Pendelbetrieb {m}
shuttle service Shuttle-Service {m} [österr. auch {n}]
shuttle service Fahrdienst {m}
shuttle technologyShuttle-Technologie {f} [auch: Shuttletechnologie]
shuttle trainPendelzug {m}
shuttle transport Pendelverkehr {m}
shuttle valve Wechselventil {n}
shuttle valve Pendelventil {n}
shuttlecock Federball {m} [Ball]
Shuttlecock [Graham Swift] Alias Federball
shuttlecock [used in badminton and battledore]Shuttlecock {m} [auch: Shuttle-Cock] [Ball im Badminton und beim Federballspiel]
shuttlecock fern [Matteuccia struthiopteris, syn.: Onoclea struthiopteris, Struthiopteris germanica](Deutscher) Straußenfarn {m}
shuttlecock fern [Matteuccia struthiopteris, syn.: Onoclea struthiopteris, Struthiopteris germanica] Straußfarn {m}
shuttlecock fern [Matteuccia struthiopteris, syn.: Onoclea struthiopteris, Struthiopteris germanica] Trichterfarn {m} [Straußenfarn]
shuttlecock fern [Matteuccia struthiopteris, syn.: Onoclea struthiopteris, Struthiopteris germanica] Becherfarn {m} [Straußenfarn]
shuttlecraft [Star Trek]Shuttle {n} [Star Trek]
shuttled gependelt
shuttles Schiffchen {pl}
shuttle-shaped dart [Agrotis puta] [moth] Schmalflügelige Erdeule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
shuttle-shaped dart [Agrotis puta] [moth] Fahlbräunlichgraue Erdeule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
shuttle-shaped dart (moth) [Agrotis puta] Fahle Erdeule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
shuttle-shaped dart (moth) [Agrotis puta]Südliche Erdeule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
shuttle-shaped dart (moth) [Agrotis puta] Südliche Bodeneule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
shuttling carriageVorschubwagen {m} [Förderer]
shuv holer Doppelspaten {m}
shuv holer Handbagger {m}
shuv holerErdlochausheber {m}
Shvat [also: Shevat, Shebat, Sebat] Schevat {m} [auch: Schewat, Schwat, Schebat, Sebat]
shvi Shvi {f}
shvitz [also: schvitz, schwitz] [esp. Am.] [coll.] [from Yiddish] [sweat]Schweiß {m}
shvitz [also: schvitz, schwitz] [from Yiddish] [session in a steam bath or sauna]Dampfbadaufenthalt {m}
shvitz [also: schvitz, schwitz] [from Yiddish] [steam bath]Schwitzbad {n} [bes. das ostjüdische Dampfbad]
Shwachman-Bodian-Diamond syndrome <SBDS> Shwachman-Bodian-Diamond-Syndrom {n} <SBDS>
shwarma [spv.] Schawarma {n}
shy gehemmt
shy reserviert
shy verlegen [scheu]
shy verschüchtert
shy zurückhaltend
shyzag [geh.]
shybefangen [schüchtern]
shy genierlich [ugs.] [schüchtern]
shy zage [geh.]
shy blöd [veraltet] [schüchtern]
shy blöde [veraltet] [schüchtern]
shy [easily frightened, timid] ängstlich
shy [dated] [quick throw, fling] Wurf {m}
shy [sudden movement, as from fear] Zurückzucken {n}
shy [throw] schneller Wurf {m}
shy [timid] verdruckst [ugs.]
shy albatross [Thalassarche cauta, syn.: Diomedea cauta] Weißkappenalbatros {m}
shy bladder Paruresis {f} [soziale Phobie]
shy by nature [postpos.] von Natur aus schüchtern
shy dove scheue Taube {f}
shy emerald damselfly [Lestes barbarus]Südliche Binsenjungfer {f} [Libellenart]
shy eyesIzak {m} [Haiart]
shy girl schüchternes Mädchen {n}
shy ground dove [Gallicolumba stairi]Purpurschultertaube {f}
shy heathwren [Hylacola cautus] Sandhuscher {m}
shy mollymawk [Thalassarche cauta, syn.: Diomedea cauta]Weißkappenalbatros {m}
shy ofim / in Rückstand mit [z. B. Zahlung]
shy of [coll.] [a short distance from sth.](kurz) vor [räumlich]
shy of [coll.] [short of] weniger als [unterhalb von]
shy of [slightly earlier than] [coll.] kurz vor [+Dat.] [zeitl.]
shy of moneyknapp bei Kasse
shy person zurückhaltende Person {f}
shy plant [Mimosa pudica]Schamhafte Sinnpflanze {f}
shy plant [Mimosa pudica]Mimose {f} [Schamhafte Sinnpflanze]
Shy Violet [Rainbow Brite] Viola Veilchenscheu [Regina Regenbogen]
shy with sb. scheu gegenüber jdm.
shyer schüchterner
shyer scheuer
shyest scheueste
shyest schüchternste
shying away zurückscheuend
shying horse scheuendes Pferd {n}
shyish [inclined to be shy] ziemlich schüchtern [scheu]
shylock [loan shark] Kredithai {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
« shrishrushucshunshutshutshylSiamSibeSibeSice »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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