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sacred bark [Frangula purshiana, syn.: Rhamnus purshiana, R. purshianus] [cascara buckthorn]Amerikanischer Faulbaum {m}
sacred bark [Frangula purshiana, syn.: Rhamnus purshiana, R. purshianus] [cascara buckthorn] Sagradafaulbaum {m}
sacred blue lily [Nymphaea caerulea]Blaue Ägyptische Seerose {f}
sacred blue lily [Nymphaea caerulea]Blaue Lotusblume {f}
sacred blue lily [Nymphaea caerulea] Heilige Blaue Lilie {f}
sacred bo tree [Ficus religiosa, syn.: Ficus peepul] Heiliger Feigenbaum {m}
sacred bog Moorheiligtum {n}
sacred bookheiliges Buch {n}
sacred buildingSakralbau {m}
sacred buildings Sakralbauten {pl}
sacred chank [Turbinella pyrum, syn.: Buccinella caerulea, Volema curtangniona, Voluta pyrum, Xancus pyrum] Chank {f}
sacred chank [Turbinella pyrum, syn.: Buccinella caerulea, Volema curtangniona, Voluta pyrum, Xancus pyrum]Hinduglocke {f}
sacred chank [Turbinella pyrum, syn.: Buccinella caerulea, Volema curtangniona, Voluta pyrum, Xancus pyrum]Birn-Wirbelschnecke {f}
sacred chank [Turbinella pyrum, syn.: Buccinella caerulea, Volema curtangniona, Voluta pyrum, Xancus pyrum]Echte Birnschnecke {f}
sacred city heilige Stadt {f}
sacred community Sakralgemeinschaft {f}
sacred concert geistliches Konzert {n} [Veranstaltung]
sacred concerto geistliches Konzert {n} [Komposition]
Sacred Congregation for the Causes of Saints Kongregation {f} für die Selig- und Heiligsprechungsprozesse
Sacred Congregation for the Clergy [now: Congregation for the Clergy]Kongregation {f} für den Klerus
Sacred Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith [now: Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples] Kongregation {f} für die Evangelisierung der Völker
Sacred Country [Rose Tremain]Die Umwandlung
sacred cow [also fig.] heilige Kuh {f} [auch fig.]
sacred datura [Datura innoxia, also D. inoxia]Mexikanischer Stechapfel {m}
sacred datura [Datura innoxia]Großblütiger Stechapfel {m}
sacred datura [Datura wrightii]Wrights Stechapfel {m}
sacred datura [Datura wrightii] Kalifornischer Stechapfel {m}
sacred duty heilige Pflicht {f}
sacred festival drama Bühnenweihfestspiel {n} [Parsifal]
sacred fig [Ficus religiosa, syn.: Ficus peepul] Heiliger Feigenbaum {m}
sacred fig [Ficus religiosa, syn.: Ficus peepul] Pappel-Feige {f} [auch: Pappelfeige]
sacred fig [Ficus religiosa]Buddhabaum {m}
sacred fig [Ficus religiosa] Bodhibaum {m}
sacred fig [Ficus religiosa] Bobaum {m}
sacred fig [Ficus religiosa] Peepalbaum {m}
sacred fig [Ficus religiosa]Pipulbaum {m}
sacred fig [Ficus religiosa] Pepalbaum {m}
sacred fig [Ficus religiosa]Pepulbaum {m}
sacred fig (tree) [Ficus religiosa] Pappelfeige {f}
sacred fir [Abies religiosa, syn.: A. colimensis, A. glaucescens, Pinus hirtella, P. religiosa] Oyamel-Tanne {f}
sacred fir [Abies religiosa] Heilige Tanne {f}
sacred giftgöttliches Geschenk {n}
sacred grove heiliger Hain {m} [vorchristlich]
Sacred Heart (of Jesus) Herz {n} Jesu
Sacred Heart socialist Herz-Jesu-Sozialist {m} [seltener: Herzjesu-Sozialist]
sacred history heilige Geschichte {f}
sacred history [literally "salvation history"]Heilsgeschichte {f}
Sacred Hunger [Barry Unsworth] Das Sklavenschiff
sacred ibis [Threskiornis aethiopicus]Heiliger Ibis {m}
sacred jasmine [Jasminum sambac] [Arabian jasmine]Arabischer Jasmin {m}
sacred kingfisher [Todiramphus sanctus] Götzenliest {m}
sacred language [cultivated for religious reasons, like Latin, Arabic etc.] Sakralsprache {f}
sacred lotus [Nelumbo nucifera] Indische Lotosblume {f}
sacred music geistliche Musik {f}
sacred musicKirchenmusik {f}
sacred pepper [Piper auritum]Makulan {m}
sacred pepper [Piper auritum] Mexikanischer Blattpfeffer {m}
sacred pepper [Piper auritum] Ohrenpfeffer {m}
sacred place geweihter Ort {m}
sacred precinctgeweihter Bezirk {m}
sacred precinct Sakralbezirk {m}
sacred prostitution Tempelprostitution {f}
sacred prostitutionkultische Prostitution {f}
Sacred Roman RotaRömische Rota {f}
sacred sage [Salvia apiana] [white sage]Indianischer Räuchersalbei {m} [auch {f}: Indianische Räuchersalbei]
sacred sage [Salvia apiana] [white sage] Weißer Salbei {m} [auch {f}: Weiße Salbei]
sacred Scriptures heilige Schriften {pl}
sacred siteheilige Stätte {f}
sacred sites Heiligtümer {pl} [heilige Stätten]
sacred space Sakralraum {m}
sacred space sakraler Raum {m}
sacred structure Sakralbau {m}
sacred thorn-apple / thornapple [Datura wrightii] Wrights Stechapfel {m}
sacred thorn-apple / thornapple / thorn apple [Datura wrightii] Kalifornischer Stechapfel {m}
sacred tobacco [Nicotiana rustica, syn.: N. pavonii, N. texana]Bauern-Tabak / Bauerntabak {m}
sacred tobacco [Nicotiana rustica, syn.: N. pavonii, N. texana]Rundblatt-Tabak / Rundblatttabak {m}
sacred tree [Butea monosperma, syn.: B. braamania, B. frondosa, Erythrina monosperma, Plaso monosperma var. flava, Rudolphia frondosa]Malabar-Lackbaum {m} [auch Lackbaum]
sacred tree [Butea monosperma, syn.: B. braamania, B. frondosa, Erythrina monosperma, Plaso monosperma var. flava, Rudolphia frondosa] Plossobaum {m}
sacred tree [Butea monosperma, syn.: B. braamania, B. frondosa, Erythrina monosperma, Plaso monosperma var. flava, Rudolphia frondosa] Palasabaum {m}
sacred tree [Butea monosperma, syn.: B. braamania, B. frondosa, Erythrina monosperma, Plaso monosperma var. flava, Rudolphia frondosa]Waldfeuer {n} [auch Waldfeuerbaum]
sacred vesselheiliges Gefäß {n}
sacred vocal worksgeistliche Vokalwerke {pl}
sacred works geistliche Werke {pl}
sacred writingsheilige Schriften {pl}
(Sacred) Birman Birma-Katze {f}
(Sacred) BirmanHeilige Birma {f}
(Sacred) Congregation of Rites [Sacra Rituum Congregatio](Heilige) Ritenkongregation {f}
(Sacred) Congregation of Studies Studienkongregation {f}
(sacred) pillar [of stone] Steinmal {n}
sacrednessHeiligkeit {f}
sacredness of propertyUnverletzlichkeit {f} des Eigentums
sacrification Sakrifizierung {f}
sacrificeOpfer {n} [Opfergabe, auch fig.]
sacrificeAufopferung {f}
sacrifice Opfergabe {f}
sacrificeVerlust {m}
sacrificeVerzicht {m}
sacrifice Opferung {f} [Opfern]
sacrificehoppsaOpferung {f} [Opfern]
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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