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English-German Dictionary

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sinewynervig [sehnig, kräftig]
sinfoniaSinfonia {f}
sinfonia concertante konzertante Symphonie {f}
sinfoniettaSinfonietta {f}
sinfonietta for chamber orchestra Sinfonietta {f} für Kammerorchester
sinful sündhaft [geh.]
sinful freventlich [veraltet]
sinfulfrevelhaft [geh.]
sinful frevlerisch
sinful sündig
Sinful Davey [John Huston]Dave – Zuhaus in allen Betten
Sinful Woman [James M. Cain] Engelsgesicht [auch: Das sündige Mädchen]
sinfully sündhaft
sinfully sündig
sinfulness Sündhaftigkeit {f}
Sing a new song to the LordSinget dem Herrn ein neues Lied [J. S. Bach, BWV 190, 190a, 225]
singability Sangbarkeit {f}
singabilitySanglichkeit {f}
singable singbar
sing-alongSingalong {n} [auch: Sing-along]
singalong concert Mitsingkonzert {n}
sing-along concertMitsingkonzert {n}
sing-along songs Lieder {pl} zum Mitsingen
Singapore <.sg>Singapur {n}
Singapore almond [Terminalia catappa] Katappenbaum {m}
Singapore almond [Terminalia catappa] Seemandelbaum {m}
Singapore almond [Terminalia catappa]Indische Mandel {f}
Singapore almond [Terminalia catappa]Badam {m}
Singapore angel [Chaetodontoplus mesoleucus]Mondkaiserfisch {m}
Singapore angel [Chaetodontoplus mesoleucus]Rauchgrauer Kaiserfisch {m}
Singapore blue (tarantula) [Lampropelma violaceopes]Blaue Malaysia-Vogelspinne {f}
Singapore dollar <SGD, S$> Singapur-Dollar {m} <SGD, S$>
Singapore ear [coll.] [Otitis externa (diffusa)] [swimmer's ear] Schwimmerohr {n} [Otomykose, Otitis externa]
Singapore parrotfish [Scarus prasiognathos]Grünwangen-Papageifisch {m}
Singapore prawn-goby [Cryptocentrus leptocephalus] Rottupfen-Wächtergrundel {f}
Singapore prawn-goby [Cryptocentrus leptocephalus] Schlankkopf-Wächtergrundel {f}
Singapore prawn-goby [Cryptocentrus leptocephalus] Schlankkopf-Symbiosegrundel {f}
Singapore Sling Singapore Sling {m}
Singapore wart frog [Limnonectes malesianus]Singapurfrosch {m}
Singapore wart frog [Limnonectes malesianus] Malayischer Riesenfrosch {m}
Singapore whiskered bat [Myotis oreias, syn.: Vespertilio oreias]Singapur-Bartfledermaus {f}
Singaporean Singapurer {m}
Singaporean [female]Singapurerin {f}
Singaporeans Singapurer {pl}
Singaporese whiskered myotis [Myotis oreias, syn.: Vespertilio oreias] Singapur-Bartfledermaus {f}
singeVersengung {f}
singe versengte Stelle {f}
singeBrandfleck {m}
singe [small wound caused by burning] Brandwunde {f}
singed angesengt
singer Sänger {m}
singer [female] Sängerin {f}
singer of Wagner Wagner-Sänger {m} [auch: Wagnersänger]
singer of Wagner [female] Wagner-Sängerin {f} [auch: Wagnersängerin]
singer-actorSänger {m} und Schauspieler
singer-actressSängerin {f} und Schauspielerin
Singer-Prebisch thesis These {f} der säkularen Verschlechterung der Terms of Trade [Prebisch-Singer-These]
Singer-Prebisch thesis Prebisch-Singer-These {f}
singers Sänger {pl}
singer's nodes [Noduli vocales] [ICD-10]Sängerknötchen {pl} [ICD-10]
singer's nodule [Nodulus vocalis] Sängerknötchen {n}
singer-songwriter Liedermacher {m}
singer-songwriterSinger-Songwriter {m}
singer-songwriter [female] Liedermacherin {f}
singer-songwriter [female] Singer-Songwriterin {f}
Singhalese Singhalese {m}
SinghaleseSinghalesisch {n}
Singhalese {pl}Singhalesen {pl}
Singhalese [female]Singhalesin {f}
Singin' in the Rain [Stanley Donen, Gene Kelly] Du sollst mein Glücksstern sein
singing Gesang {m}
singing singend
singing Singen {n}
singingSingerei {f} [ugs.]
singingSang {m} [veraltet]
singing [attr.] [e.g. career, classes, contest, duo, exercise]Gesangs- [z. B. Karriere, Unterricht, Wettbewerb, Duo, Übung]
singing birdSingvogel {m}
singing birds Singvögel {pl}
singing blackbird [Dives dives] Trauerstärling {m} [auch: Trauer-Stärlling]
singing bowl Klangschale {f}
singing bushlark [Mirafra cantillans] Buschlerche {f}
singing bushlark [Mirafra javanica] Horsfieldlerche {f}
singing canary Gesangskanarie {m}
singing canary Gesangskanari {m}
singing careerGesangskarriere {f}
singing cisticola [Cisticola cantans]Weißbrauen-Cistensänger {m}
singing classGesangsklasse {f}
singing classes {pl} Gesangsunterricht {m}
singing coachGesangslehrer {m}
singing contest Gesangswettbewerb {m}
singing contestSangeswettstreit {m} [veraltet]
singing duo Gesangsduo {n}
singing education Gesangsunterricht {m}
« simpsimusimusincsincsinesingsingsingsingsing »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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