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sandwich lemmaSandwich-Lemma {n}
sandwich loafKastenbrot {n} [Toastbrot]
sandwich lunch Imbiss {m} [Mahlzeit]
sandwich maker Sandwichmaker {m}
sandwich man Plakatträger {m}
sandwich man Schilderträger {m}
sandwich manSandwichmann {m} [Träger eines Werbeplakats]
sandwich methodSandwich-Methode {f}
sandwich palletSandwichpalette {f}
sandwich panelSandwichelement {n}
sandwich panelVerbundplatte {f}
sandwich paper Butterbrotpapier {n}
sandwich phantom Sandwichphantom {n}
sandwich plate Zwischenplatte {f} [Sandwich-Platte]
sandwich rule [squeeze theorem] Sandwichregel {f} [auch: Sandwich-Regel]
sandwich serverSandwichplatte {f}
sandwich server [utensil] Sandwichpalette {f}
sandwich spreading machine Brotschmiermaschine {f}
sandwich structure Sandwichstruktur {f} [auch: Sandwich-Struktur]
Sandwich tern [Thalasseus sandvicensis, syn.: Sterna sandvicensis]Brandseeschwalbe {f}
sandwich theoremEinschließungssatz {m}
sandwich theorem Sandwichsatz {m}
sandwich theorem Dreifolgensatz {m}
sandwich theorem [sandwich lemma] Satz {m} von den zwei Polizisten [auch: Satz der Polizisten] [selten]
sandwich toasterSandwichtoaster {m}
sandwich wall Sandwichwand {f} [auch: Sandwich-Wand]
sandwiched zusammengepresst
sandwiched sandwiched [zwischen 2 Personen oder Dingen]
sandwiches Butterbrote {pl}
sandwichesbelegte Brote {pl}
sandwichesSandwiche {pl}
sandwichesSandwichs {pl}
sandwichesSandwiches {pl}
sandwichesbelegte Brötchen {pl}
sandwiching einlegend
sandwiching zusammenpressend
sandwichmanSandwichmann {m}
sandwich-sizeim Taschenformat
sandwich-type sandwichartig
sandwich-type plaster board Gipskartonplatte {f}
sandworm [Am.] [Nereis virens] Seeringelwurm {m}
sandworm [Arenicola marina]Sandpierwurm {m}
sandworm [Arenicola marina]Wattwurm {m}
sandworms {pl} Hautmaulwurf {m} [Ankylostomiasis]
sandy sandig
sandy körnig
sandy sandartig
sandy voll Sand
sandy [colour] rötlichgelb
sandy [colour] sandfarben
sandy [e.g. beach, desert, loess, soils]Sand- [z. B. Strand, Wüste, Löss, Böden]
Sandy [Sandra] Sandy {f} [Sandra]
sandy beach Sandstrand {m}
sandy beachesSandstrände {pl}
sandy bottomSandboden {m}
sandy brownsandbraun
sandy carpet [Perizoma flavofasciata, also Perizoma flavofasciatum] [moth] Gelber Lichtnelken-Kapselspanner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
sandy carpet [Perizoma flavofasciata, also Perizoma flavofasciatum] [moth]Kiesflur-Lichtnelken-Kapselspanner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
sandy carpet [Perizoma flavofasciata, also Perizoma flavofasciatum] [moth]Bräunlicher Lichtnelkenblattspanner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies] [auch Bräunlicher Lichtnelken-Blattspanner]
sandy clover weevil [Hypera zoilus, syn.: H. punctata, Antidonus punctatus, Phytonomus punctatus, P. zoilus]Kleeblattnager {m}
sandy desert Sandwüste {f}
sandy desertsSandwüsten {pl}
sandy earthcup / earth cup [Geopora arenicola] Gemeiner Sandborstling {m}
sandy earthcup / earth cup [Geopora arenicola] Großsporiger Sandborstling {m}
sandy gallito [Teledromas fuscus] Braungallito {m}
sandy gravelSandgeröll {n}
sandy groundSandboden {m}
sandy hair rotblondes Haar {n}
sandy limestone Kalksandstein {m}
sandy loam sandiger Lehm {m}
sandy loess Sandlöss {m}
sandy loess Flottsand {m}
sandy marlSandmergel {m}
sandy nail-tail wallaby [Onychogalea unguifera] Nördliches Nagelkänguru {n}
sandy path Sandweg {m}
sandy scops owl [Otus icterorhynchus] Gelbschnabeleule {f}
sandy shoes sandige Schuhe {pl}
sandy shore Sandstrand {m}
sandy shoreSandküste {f}
sandy skate [Leucoraja circularis]Sandrochen {m}
sandy soil Sandboden {m} [sandiger Boden]
sandy soil sandige Erde {f}
sandy soilsandiger Boden {m}
sandy soils Sandböden {pl}
sandy stiltball [Battarrea phalloides] Stelzenstäubling {m}
sandy trich [coll.] [Tricholoma equestre, syn.: T. flavovirens] Goldreizker {m}
sandy trich [coll.] [Tricholoma equestre, syn.: T. flavovirens]Echter Ritterling {m}
sandy wallaby [Macropus agilis]Flinkwallaby {n}
(sandy) black earth Tschernosem {n}
sandy-ground bug [Trapezonotus (Trapezonotus) arenarius] Acker-Trapp {m} [Sand-Bodenwanze]
sane zurechnungsfähig
sanegeistig gesund
sanegeistig fit [ugs.]
sane [sensible] gescheit [vernünftig]
sane attitude vernünftige Einstellung {f}
sane criticismsolide Kritik {f}
« sandsandsandsandsandsandsanesanisaniSantSãoM »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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