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sinusoidal characteristicsinusförmiger Verlauf {m}
sinusoidal curve Sinuskurve {f}
sinusoidal field Sinusfeld {n}
sinusoidal filterSinusfilter {m} [fachspr. meist {n}]
sinusoidal function sinusförmige Funktion {f} [Sinusoid]
sinusoidal oscillation sinusförmige Schwingung {f}
sinusoidal quantity [IEC 60050] sinusförmige Größe {f} [IEC 60050]
sinusoidal toneSinuston {m}
sinusoidal waveSinuswelle {f}
sinusoidally sinusförmig
sinusotomy Sinusotomie {f}
siomycinSiomycin {n}
Sion [Switzerland]Sitten {n} [Schweiz]
Siouan Sioux-
SiouxSioux {m}
Sioux State [nickname] [State of North Dakota]Sioux-Staat {m} [Spitzname für North Dakota, USA]
sip Schlückchen {n}
sip Schlürfen {n}
sip (kleiner) Schluck {m}
sip by sipSchluck für Schluck
sip feed Trinknahrung {f}
sipe [tread pattern] Lamelle {f}
siped tread Lamellenprofil {n}
siped tread lamelliertes Profil {n}
siped tyre [Br.]feinprofilierter Reifen {m}
siphonSiphon {m} [auch {n}]
siphonSaugheber {m}
siphon Überlaufrohr {n}
siphonAbsaugrohr {n}
siphon Sipho {m}
siphon Siphonflasche {f}
siphon bottle [esp. Am.]Siphon {m} [auch {n}]
siphon bottle [esp. Am.] Siphonflasche {f}
siphon process Siphonalfortsatz {m}
siphon weed [genus Polysiphonia]Fadentang {m}
[siphon] Syphon {m} [FALSCH für: Siphon]
siphonageAushebern {n} [Ausheberung]
siphonage Absaugen {n}
siphonage [the emptying of a cavity, such as the stomach, by means of a siphon]Ausheberung {f}
siphonal lobe Siphonallobus {m}
siphonal process Siphonalfortsatz {m}
siphonal space Siphonalraum {m}
Siphonaria luzonica [species of false limpet snail] Falsche Luzon-Napfschnecke {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
siphoneinSiphonein {n}
siphonic entleerend
siphoning entleerend
siphoning mit Heber absaugend
siphoningSiphonieren {n}
siphonocladous siphonocladal
siphonoglyphSiphonoglyphe {f}
siphonoglyph Wimperrinne {f} [Siphonoglyphe]
siphonophoreStaatsqualle {f}
siphonophore colony Siphonophorenstock {m}
siphonophore colonySiphonophorenkolonie {f}
siphonostele Siphonostele {f}
siphonoxanthinSiphonoxanthin {n}
siphonozooid Siphonozooid {n}
siphuncleSiphunculus {m}
siping Feinprofilierung {f}
sipingLamellierung {f}
Siple Coast Siple-Küste {f}
sipo [Chironius carinatus] Sipo {m}
Sipora flying squirrel [Hylopetes sipora] Sipora-Gleithörnchen {n}
Sipora scops owl [Otus mentawi] Mentawai-Halsbandeule {f}
sipos [genus Chironius]Sipos {pl}
sipped genippt
sipped in kleinen Schlückchen getrunken
sipped geschlürft
sipped (at) gesüffelt [ugs.]
sippet [Am.] Brotstück {n} zum Tunken
sipping schlürfend
sipping in Schlückchen trinkend
sipping at sth. an etw. [Dat.] nippend
sippy cupLerntasse {f}
sippy cup Schnabeltasse {f}
sippy cup [Am.]Trinklerntasse {f}
SiquijorSiquijor {n}
sirHerr {m}
Sirmein Herr
sirSir {m}
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's The Lost World Die verlorene Welt
Sir David's long-beaked echidna [Zaglossus attenboroughi] Sir David-Langschnabeligel {m}
Sir David's long-beaked echidna [Zaglossus attenboroughi]Attenborough-Langschnabeligel {m}
Sir David's long-beaked echidna [Zaglossus attenboroughi] Zyklop-Langschnabeligel {m}
Sir Gerald Nabarro, BartSir Gerald Nabarro {m}, Ritter
Sir Stalwart [Dave Duncan]Des Königs Dolche [Sir Stahlhart]
Sir! [addressing a teacher] Herr Lehrer! [veraltend]
Sir2-like proteins [sirtuins] Sir2-like-Proteine {pl} [Sirtuine]
Sira barbet [Capito (wallacei) fitzpatricki] Sirabartvogel {m}
Sira curassow [Pauxi koepckeae]Sira-Hokko {m}
Sira tanager [Tangara phillipsi] Siratangare {f}
Sirabe shelduck [Alopochen sirabensis] [extinct] Madagaskar-Gans {f} [ausgestorben]
SiracusaSyrakus {n}
sire Vater {m} [Tier]
Sire Majestät {f} [Anrede]
sire Erzeuger {m}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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