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English-German Dictionary

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SireMajestät {f} [Anrede]
sire Erzeuger {m}
sireVatertier {n}
sired gezeugt
siren Sirene {f}
siren [esp. voice, sound etc.]sirenenhaft
siren [police, ambulance, fire-engine] Martinshorn {n}
siren [police, ambulance, fire-engine]Tonfolgehorn {n}
siren [police, ambulance, fire-engine] Einsatzhorn {n}
siren [police, fire brigade etc.]Folgetonhorn {n} [österr.]
siren call Lockruf {m}
siren call Sirenengesang {m}
siren discLochsirene {f}
siren disk [Am.] Lochsirene {f}
siren song Sirenengesang {m}
siren (sound) Heulton {m}
siren testSirenentest {m} [schweiz.]
siren (warning) signalSirenensignal {n}
sirenians [order Sirenia]Seekühe {pl}
sirenomelia Sirenomelie {f}
sirensSirenen {pl}
Sirens [Eric Van Lustbader] Teuflischer Engel
sirens [family Sirenidae] Armmolche {pl}
siren's wailing Sirenengeheul {n}
Siret (River) [also: Sireth] Sereth {m}
sirex wasp [Sirex noctilio, syn.: Paururus noctilio]Blaue Fichtenholzwespe {f}
sirex woodwasp [Sirex noctilio]Blaue Fichtenholzwespe {f}
siricid woodwasp [Urocerus augur]Gelbe Fichtenholzwespe {f}
siriguela [Spondias purpurea]Rote Mombinpflaume {f}
siriguela [Spondias purpurea] Jocote {f}
siring Zeugung {f}
siris tree / siristree [Albizia lebbeck, syn.: A. latifolia, Feuilleea lebbeck, Mimosa lebbeck] [lebbek tree] Regenbaum {m} [Lebbekbaum]
sirises [genus Albizia] Schirmakazien {pl}
sirises [genus Albizia] Schlafbäume {pl}
sirises [genus Albizia]Seidenakazien {pl}
sirises [genus Albizia] Albizien {pl}
Sirius Sirius {m}
Sirjan Sirdschan {n}
Sirkar [British government in India](indische) Regierung {f}
sirkeer cuckoo [Phaenicophaeus leschenaultii] Sirkihkuckuck {m}
sirkeer malkoha [Phaenicophaeus leschenaultii]Sirkihkuckuck {m}
sirloinLendenstück {n}
sirloin Filet {n}
sirloinLende {f}
sirloin Rindsrücken {m}
sirloinRinderrücken {m}
sirloin Beiried {n} {f} [österr.]
sirloin Rinderlende {f}
sirloin of beef Lendenstück {n}
sirloin steak Lendensteak {n}
sirloin steak Rückensteak {n}
sirloinsLendenstücke {pl}
Sirmian formulasirmische Formel {f}
sirname [obs.] [surname]Familienname {m}
sirocco Schirokko {m}
sirocco Scirocco {m}
sirocco Sirokko {m}
sirolimus <SRL> Sirolimus {n} <SRL>
sirolimus-coated sirolimusbeschichtet [auch: Sirolimus-beschichtet]
sirolimus-eluting stent <SES> sirolimusbeschichteter Stent {m}
sirrah [obs.] mein Herr {m} [Anrede]
sirrah [obs.] Kerl {m} [veraltet] [verächtliche Anrede]
sirsHerren {pl}
sirtaki Sirtaki {m}
sirtuinSirtuin {n}
sirup [spv.] [syrup] Sirup {m}
sirupy [Am.] [spv.] sirupartig
sirupy [Am.] [spv.]sirupähnlich
sirupy [Am.] [spv.] schmalzig
sirupy [Am.] [spv.] [voice, smile] zuckersüß
sirupy [Am.] [spv.] [voice, smile] honigsüß
sirystes [Sirystes sibilator] Sirystestyrann {m}
sis [coll.] Schwesterherz {n} [veraltend, noch hum.]
sis [coll.] [sister] Schwester {f}
sisal Sisal {m}
sisalSisalhanf {m}
sisal [Agave sisalana] Sisal-Agave {f}
sisal agave [Agave sisalana] Sisal-Agave {f}
sisal family {sg} [family Agavaceae] Agavaceen {pl}
sisal family {sg} [family Agavaceae] Agavengewächse {pl}
sisal hemp [Agave sisalana] [sisal] Sisal-Agave {f}
sisal mitt Sisalhandschuh {m}
sisal runner [long sisal rug for a hallway] Sisalläufer {m}
SisigSisig {n}
siskins [family Fringillidae, genus Serinus] Girlitze {pl}
Siskiyou chipmunk [Tamias siskiyou, syn.: Neotamias siskiyou] Siskiyou-Streifenhörnchen {n}
Siskiyou cypress [Cupressus bakeri] Siskiyou-Zypresse {f}
Siskiyou cypress [Cupressus bakeri]Modoc-Zypresse {f}
Siskiyou cypress [Cupressus bakeri]Bakers Zypresse {f}
Siskiyou iris [Iris bracteata] Siskiyou-Iris {f}
Siskiyou lewisia [Lewisia cotyledon]Gewöhnliche Bitterwurz {f}
Siskiyou lewisia [Lewisia cotyledon] Porzellanröschen {n}
Siskiyou spruce [Picea breweriana]Siskiyou-Fichte {f}
Siskiyou spruce [Picea breweriana] Brewers Fichte {f}
sisomicin [C19H37N5O7]Sisomicin {n}
Sisquoc Formation Sisquoc-Formation {f}
sisserou (parrot) [Amazona imperialis]Kaiseramazone {f}
sissier [coll.]weibischer
sissies [coll.]Memmen {pl} [ugs.]
« singSinhsinkSinosinuSiresissSistsitesitesitt »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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