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sixteen-year-old [female] <16-year-old> Sechzehnjährige {f} <16-Jährige>
sixteen-year-old <16-year-old> Sechzehnjähriger {m} <16-Jähriger>
sixth [female person]Sechste {f}
sixth [fraction] Sechstel {n} [schweiz. meist {m}]
sixth [interval] Sexte {f}
sixth [interval]Sext {f} [Intervall] [seltener neben: Sexte]
sixth [male person]Sechster {m}
sixth [sixthly] sechstens
sixth <6th> sechste
sixth centenarySechshundertjahrfeier {f}
sixth century 6. Jahrhundert {n}
sixth cervical vertebra <6th cervical vertebra, C6 vertebra, C6> [Vertebra cervicalis VI]sechster Halswirbel {m} <6. Halswirbel, C6, C 6>
sixth chordSextakkord {m}
sixth disease [coll.] [Exanthema subitum, Roseola infantum] sechste Krankheit {f} [ugs.] [Dreitagefieber]
sixth division [football] Landesliga {f}
sixth form [Br.]Oberstufe {f}
sixth form college [Br.][britisches College, das Schüler auf den britischen A oder AS Level-Abschluss vorbereitet]
sixth formers [Br.]Oberstufenschüler {pl}
sixth highest sechsthöchste
sixth largest sechstgrößte
sixth part Sechstel {n} [schweiz. meist {m}]
sixth sense sechster Sinn {m}
sixth Sunday after EasterExaudi {n}
sixth thoracic vertebra <6th thoracic vertebra, T6 vertebra, T6> [Vertebra thoracica VI]sechster Brustwirbel {m} <6. Brustwirbel, Th6, Th 6>
sixth-former [Br.] Primaner {m} [heute selten]
sixth-grader [Am.] Sechstklässler {m}
sixth-grader [Am.] [middle school] Sextaner {m} [veraltet]
sixthly sechstens
sixthsSexten {pl}
sixth-to-octave cadenceSext-Oktavklausel {f} [Sext-Oktavkadenz]
sixth-to-octave cadence Sext-Oktavkadenz {f}
sixties [60-69 degrees Fahrenheit][15-21 Grad Celsius]
sixties <1960s>Sechzigerjahre {pl}
sixties <1960s>sechziger Jahre {pl}
sixties <1960s>Sechziger {pl} [kurz für: Sechzigerjahre]
sixtiethSechzigster {m}
sixtieth [fraction] Sechzigstel {n} [schweiz. meist {m}]
sixtieth <60th>sechzigste
sixtieth part Sechzigstel {n} [schweiz. meist {m}]
six-time [attr.]sechsmalig [attr.]
six-toothed bark beetle [Ips sexdentatus, syn.: Bostrichus pinastri, Bostrichus sexdentatus, Dermestes sexdentatus, Tomicus sexdentatus, Tomicus stenographus]Großer (12-zähniger / Zwölfzähniger) Kiefernborkenkäfer {m}
six-toothed bark beetle [Ips sexdentatus, syn.: Bostrichus pinastri, Bostrichus sexdentatus, Dermestes sexdentatus, Tomicus sexdentatus, Tomicus stenographus] Zwölfzähniger Kiefernborkenkäfer {m}
six-towered sechstürmig
sixty sechzig
sixty thousandsechzigtausend
sixty-day [attr.] sechzigtägig
sixty-eight-year-old [attr.] <68-year-old> achtundsechzigjährig <68-jährig>
sixty-eight-year-old [female] <68-year-old> Achtundsechzigjährige {f} <68-Jährige>
sixty-eight-year-old <68-year-old>Achtundsechzigjähriger {m} <68-Jähriger>
sixty-five fünfundsechzig
sixty-five-year-old [attr.] <65-year-old> fünfundsechzigjährig <65-jährig>
sixty-five-year-old [female] <65-year-old> Fünfundsechzigjährige {f} <65-Jährige>
sixty-five-year-old <65-year-old> Fünfundsechzigjähriger {m} <65-Jähriger>
sixty-four vierundsechzig
sixty-fourth note [esp. Am.] Vierundsechzigstel {n}
sixty-fourth note [esp. Am.]Vierundsechzigstelnote {f}
sixty-fourth rest [esp. Am.] Vierundsechzigstelpause {f}
sixty-four-thousand-dollar question [coll.] Gretchenfrage {f}
sixty-four-year-old [attr.] <64-year-old>vierundsechzigjährig <64-jährig>
sixty-four-year-old [female] <64-year-old> Vierundsechzigjährige {f} <64-Jährige>
sixty-four-year-old <64-year-old> Vierundsechzigjähriger {m} <64-Jähriger>
sixtyish ungefähr sechzig
sixty-nine [sl.]69er-Stellung {f} [ugs.] [Stellung beim Geschlechtsverkehr]
sixty-nine <69> [sex position]Neunundsechzig {f} <69> [Sexstellung]
sixty-nine style [vulg.] in der 69er-Stellung [vulg.] [Geschlechtsverkehr]
sixty-nine style [vulg.] in der Stellung 69 [vulg.] [Geschlechtsverkehr]
sixty-nine-year-old [attr.] <69-year-old>neunundsechzigjährig <69-jährig>
sixty-nine-year-old [female] <69-year-old> Neunundsechzigjährige {f} <69-Jährige>
sixty-nine-year-old <69-year-old> Neunundsechzigjähriger {m} <69-Jähriger>
sixty-one-year-old [attr.] <61-year-old>einundsechzigjährig <61-jährig>
sixty-one-year-old [female] <61-year-old>Einundsechzigjährige {f} <61-Jährige>
sixty-one-year-old <61-year-old> Einundsechzigjähriger {m} <61-Jähriger>
sixty-seven siebenundsechzig
sixty-seven-year-old [attr.] <67-year-old> siebenundsechzigjährig <67-jährig>
sixty-seven-year-old [female] <67-year-old> Siebenundsechzigjährige {f} <67-Jährige>
sixty-seven-year-old <67-year-old> Siebenundsechzigjähriger {m} <67-Jähriger>
sixty-six sechsundsechzig
sixty-six [6-card point-trick game] [Germany] Sechsundsechzig {n} [Kartenspiel]
sixty-six [also: schnapsen] [5-card point-trick game] [Austria]Schnapsen {n} [österr.] [Kartenspiel]
sixty-six-year-old [attr.] <66-year-old>sechsundsechzigjährig <66-jährig>
sixty-six-year-old [female] <66-year-old> Sechsundsechzigjährige {f} <66-Jährige>
sixty-six-year-old <66-year-old> Sechsundsechzigjähriger {m} <66-Jähriger>
sixty-somethings [coll.]Menschen {pl} in ihren Sechzigern [ugs.]
sixty-three dreiundsechzig
sixty-three-year-old [attr.] <63-year-old>dreiundsechzigjährig <63-jährig>
sixty-three-year-old [female] <63-year-old> Dreiundsechzigjährige {f} <63-Jährige>
sixty-three-year-old <63-year-old>Dreiundsechzigjähriger {m} <63-Jähriger>
sixty-two zweiundsechzig
sixty-two-year-old [attr.] <62-year-old>zweiundsechzigjährig <62-jährig>
sixty-two-year-old [female] <62-year-old>Zweiundsechzigjährige {f} <62-Jährige>
sixty-two-year-old <62-year-old>Zweiundsechzigjähriger {m} <62-Jähriger>
sixty-year-oldSechziger {m}
sixty-year-old [attr.] <60-year-old> sechzigjährig <60-jährig>
sixty-year-old [female]Sechzigerin {f}
sixty-year-old [female] <60-year-old> Sechzigjährige {f} <60-Jährige>
sixty-year-old <60-year-old>Sechzigjähriger {m} <60-Jähriger>
sixty-year-oldsSechzigjährige {pl}
« sitesittsitusix-six-sixtsix-sizeskanskelskel »
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