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skive Schleifrad {n} [für Edelsteine]
skived sheet Schälfolie {f}
skiver [Br.] [coll.]Drückeberger {m} [ugs.]
skiving drückebergerisch [ugs.]
skiving [Br.] [coll.] [absenteeism]Blaumachen {n} [ugs.]
skiving cutter Schälrad {n}
skiving machine Schärfmaschine {f} [für Leder]
skiving machine [e.g. for hoses, plastic films]Schälmaschine {f} [z. B. für Schläuche, Folien]
Skiving Snackbox [Harry Potter]Nasch-und-Schwänz-Leckereien {pl}
skiving wheel Schälrad {n}
skivvies {pl} [Am.] [men's underwear] Unterwäsche {f} [für Herren]
skivvies {pl} [esp. Am.] [sl.] [men's underwear]Unterzeug {n} [für Herren]
skivvies {pl} [sl.] [Am.: men's underwear]Leibwäsche {f} [für Herren]
skivvy [Br.] [coll.] Dienstmagd {f} [veraltet]
skivvy [Br.] [coll.] Dienstmädchen {n} [veraltend]
skivvy [Br.] [coll.] [male] Handlanger {m} [ugs.]
skivvy [sl.] [Am.] T-Shirt {n}
skiwear Skikleidung {f}
sklodowskite [(H3O)2Mg(UO2)2(SiO4)2·2H2O] Sklodowskit {m}
Skoal! [spv.] Prost!
Skol! Prost!
Skolem constant Skolemkonstante {f}
Skolem function Skolemfunktion {f}
Skolem normal form Skolemsche Normalform {f} [alt]
Skolem normal formSkolem'sche Normalform {f}
Skolemisation [Br.] Skolemisierung {f}
Skolemization Skolemisierung {f}
Skolt SamiSkoltsamisch {n}
skookum [Chinook jargon] [Pacific Northwest] [strong, powerful]stark
Skopje Skopje {n}
Skoptsy {pl} [also: Skoptzy, Skoptzi, Skoptsi, Skopzi, Scoptsy]Skopzen {pl}
Skorokhod's representation theorem [also: Skorokhod representation theorem] Skorochod-Darstellung {f}
skorpionite [Ca3Zn2(PO4)2CO3(OH)2·H2O] Skorpionit {m}
skort [esp. Am.] Skort {m}
skosh [Am.] [sl.]Tick {m} [ugs.] [kleines Bisschen]
skosh [coll.] [Am.] [a very small amount, from Japanese word "sukoshi"]Prise {f} [sehr kleine Menge, z. B. Tabak, Gewürz u. a.]
skotomorphogenesis Skotomorphogenese {f}
skototropism Skototropismus {m}
Skraup reactionSkraup-Reaktion {f}
Skraup synthesisSkraup-Synthese {f}
skrei [Norwegian cod]Skrei {m} [norwegischer Kabeljau]
skuaJäger {m}
skua Raubmöwe {f}
Skua Glacier Skua-Gletscher {m}
skuas [family Stercorariidae] Raubmöwen {pl}
skulduggery Gemeinheit {f}
skulduggery Schwindel {m}
skulduggeryBetrug {m}
skulduggeryBetrügerei {f}
skulduggeryHinterlist {f}
skulduggeryGaunerei {f}
skulker Schleicher {m}
skulker Drückeberger {m}
skulking schleichend
skullSchädel {m}
skull Totenkopf {m}
skullTotenschädel {m}
skull [attr.] Schädel-
skull [part containing the brain]Hirnschale {f}
skull and bones Totenkopf {m}
skull and crossbones Totenkopf {m} [auf Piratenflagge, als Warnsymbol]
skull and crossbonesTotenkopf {m} mit gekreuzten Knochen
skull and crossbones [☠] Schädel {m} mit gekreuzten Knochen [Symbol für Giftstoffe] [U+2620 (9760)]
skull base [Basis cranii] Schädelbasis {f}
skull base bone Schädelbasisknochen {m}
skull burial Schädelbestattung {f}
skull cap Mütze {f} [eng anliegend]
skull cap [kippah] Kippa {f}
skull CTSchädel-CT {f} [auch: CT-Schädel] [kraniale Computertomographie]
skull CT (scan)Schädel-CT {n} [Scan, Aufnahme]
skull deformation Schädeldeformation {f}
skull deposition Schädeldeposition {f}
skull drillSchädelbohrer {m}
skull featureSchädelmerkmal {n}
skull find Schädelfund {m}
skull fracture Schädelbruch {m}
skull fracture Schädelfraktur {f}
skull fracturesSchädelfrakturen {pl}
skull fragmentSchädelfragment {n}
skull fragmentSchädelbruchstück {n}
skull fragment Schädelstück {n}
skull fragmentsSchädelteile {pl}
skull holderSchädelhalter {m}
skull injury Schädelverletzung {f}
skull kinesis Schädelkinese {f}
skull kinetics [treated as sg.] Schädelkinetik {f}
skull lengthSchädellänge {f}
skull measures Schädelmaße {pl}
skull of the catKatzenschädel {m}
skull of the dog Hundeschädel {m}
skull pile Schädelhaufen {m}
skull remains Schädelreste {pl}
skull rivetTotenkopfniete {f}
skull session [coll.] Strategiesitzung {f}
skull structure Schädelstruktur {f}
skull traction Schädelzug {m} [Chirurgie]
skull traction caliper Schädelextensionsklammer {f}
« skinskinskinskipskirskivskulskygskysslacslac »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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