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skull measures Schädelmaße {pl}
skull morphology Schädelmorphologie {f}
skull of the cat Katzenschädel {m}
skull of the dogHundeschädel {m}
skull pileSchädelhaufen {m}
skull remains Schädelreste {pl}
skull rivet Totenkopfniete {f}
skull session [coll.]Strategiesitzung {f}
skull structure Schädelstruktur {f}
skull traction Schädelzug {m} [Chirurgie]
skull traction caliper Schädelextensionsklammer {f}
skull traction tong Schädelhalter {m} [Chirurgie]
skullbaseSchädelbasis {f}
skull-base meningiomas Schädelbasismeningeome {pl}
skullcap Schädeldecke {f}
skullcapSchädelkappe {f}
skullcap Schädeldach {n}
skullcap Kalotte {f} [Schädeldach]
skullcapScheitelkappe {f}
skullcap Schädelkalotte {f}
skullcap Käppchen {n}
skullcapKappe {f} [enganliegende Mütze]
skullcapScheitelkäppchen {n}
skullcap speedwell [Veronica scutellata] Schild-Ehrenpreis {m}
skullcap speedwell [Veronica scutellata] Sumpf-Ehrenpreis / Sumpfehrenpreis {m} {n}
skullcap speedwell [Veronica scutellata] Schildfrüchtiger Ehrenpreis {m} [selten auch {n}: Schildfrüchtiges Ehrenpreis]
skullcaps Schädeldecken {pl}
skullcapsSchädelkappen {pl}
skullcaps [genus Scutellaria]Helmkräuter {pl}
skullduggerySchwindel {m}
skullduggery Betrug {m}
skullduggery Gemeinheit {f}
skullduggery Betrügerei {f}
skullduggery Hinterlist {f}
Skullduggery [Gordon Douglas]Abenteuer in Neuguinea
skull-liketotenkopfhaft [selten] [totenkopfartig, totenkopfähnlich]
skulls Schädel {pl}
skullsTotenköpfe {pl}
skulls Totenschädel {pl}
skunk [coll.]Saukerl {m} [ugs.] [pej.] [gemeiner Kerl, Lump]
skunk [family Mephitidae]Skunk {m}
skunk [family Mephitidae] Stinktier {n}
skunk [family Mephitidae] Stinkkatze {f} [veraltet für: Stinktier]
skunk [sl.]Schweinehund {m} [ugs.]
skunk [sl.] [cannabis] Skunk {n} [Cannabissorte]
skunk bear [Gulo gulo]Vielfraß {m}
skunk bear [Gulo gulo]Bärenmarder {m}
skunk bear [Gulo gulo] Gierling {m}
skunk bear [Gulo gulo]Giermagen {m}
skunk bear [Gulo gulo]Gierschlund {m}
skunk bears [Gulo gulo; obs. syn. Gulo vulgaris] Gemeine Vielfraße {pl} [veraltet] [Vielfraße]
skunk blackbird [Dolichonyx oryzivorus]Bobolink {m}
skunk blackbird [Dolichonyx oryzivorus] Reisstärling {m}
skunk botia [Botia morleti]Aalstrichschmerle {f}
skunk botia [Botia morleti]Mausschmerle {f}
skunk botia [Yasuhikotakia morleti, syn.: Botia morleti, Botia horae, Botia modesta]Horas Schmerle {f}
skunk cabbage [genus Lysichiton]Stinkkohl {m}
skunk cabbage [genus Lysichiton] Stinktierkohl {m}
skunk cabbage [Veratrum californicum]Kalifornischer Germer {m}
skunk (cabbage) [Symplocarpus foetidus, Dracontium foetidum, Ictodes foetida] [skunk cabbage]Stinkkohl {m}
skunk cabbages [genus Lysichiton]Scheincallas {pl}
skunk cabbages [genus Lysichiton] Riesenaronstäbe {pl}
skunk catfish [Corydoras arcuatus]Stromlinien-Panzerwels {m}
skunk catfish [Corydoras arcuatus]Stinkender Panzerwels {m}
skunk cleaner shrimp [Lysmata amboinensis] Indopazifische Weißband-Putzergarnele {f}
skunk clownfish [Amphiprion akallopisos] Weißrücken-Anemonenfisch {m}
skunk corydoras [Corydoras arcuatus]Stromlinien-Panzerwels {m}
skunk corydoras [Corydoras arcuatus] Stinkender Panzerwels {m}
skunk dolphin [Cephalorhynchus commersonii]Commerson-Delfin {m}
skunk dolphin [Cephalorhynchus commersonii]Jacobita {m}
skunk goby [Redigobius balteatus] Vaimosagrundel {f}
skunk grape [Am.] [Vitis labrusca] Erdbeerrebe {f}
skunk grape [Am.] [Vitis labrusca] Fuchsrebe {f}
skunk lily [Fritillaria camschatcensis] Schatten-Schachblume {f}
skunk loach [Botia morleti] Mausschmerle {f}
skunk loach [Botia morleti] Aalstrichschmerle {f}
skunk loach [Botia morleti] Horas Schmerle {f}
skunk spruce [Picea glauca] Weiß-Fichte {f}
skunk spruce [Picea glauca]Schimmel-Fichte {f}
skunk tilefish [Hoplolatilus marcosi] Marcos' Torpedobarsch {m}
skunkhead coot [Melanitta perspicillata] [surf scoter] Brillenente {f}
skunk-headed coot [Melanitta perspicillata, syn.: Oidemia perspicillata] Brillenente {f}
skunkiness [beer] ranziger Geschmack {m} [Lichtgeschmack] [Bier]
skunkish wie ein Stinktier
skunk-leaf polemonium [also: skunkleaf polemonium] [Polemonium pulcherrimum] Schönes Sperrkraut {n}
skunk-leaf polemonium [also: skunkleaf polemonium] [Polemonium pulcherrimum] Schöne Jakobsleiter {f}
skunk-leaved polemonium [Polemonium pulcherrimum] Schöne Jakobsleiter {f}
skunk-leaved polemonium [Polemonium pulcherrimum]Schönes Sperrkraut {n}
skunks [family Mephitidae] Stinktiere {pl}
skunks [family Mephitidae] Skunks {pl}
skunk-striped anemonefish [Amphiprion sandaracinos]Oranger Anemonenfisch {m}
skunkweed [Dysphania ambrosioides, syn.: Chenopodium ambrosioides, C. ambrosioides var. ambrosiodes] Mexikanischer Traubentee {m}
skunky [beer] ranzig [Bier]
skutterudite [CoAs3] Skutterudit {m}
skutterudite [CoAs3]Speiskobalt {n} [Skutterudit]
skwal Skwal {m}
sky Himmel {m}
sky advertising Luftwerbung {f}
sky blue Himmelsblau {n} [dichter.]
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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