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slat Vorflügel {m}
slat adjustment [e.g. on venetian blinds]Lamellenverstellung {f} [Jalousien etc.]
slat armor [Am.]Käfigpanzerung {f}
slat armour [Br.]Käfigpanzerung {f}
slat conveyorPlattenbandförderer {m}
slat parquetStabparkett {n}
slat protection Slat-Schutz {m} [Schutzaufbau für Fahrzeuge, z. B. für Geländefahrten]
slate Schiefer {m}
slate Schieferplatte {f}
slate Schiefertafel {f}
slate Schiefer-
slate schiefrig
slate Schieferstein {m}
slate [Am.]Kandidatenliste {f}
slate [Am.] Filmklappe {f}
slate [Am.] Klappe {f}
slate [colour] Blaugrau {n} [dunkel]
slate [esp. Am.] [esp. Can.]Wahlliste {f}
slate [esp. Am.] [esp. Can.] [list of candidates] Vorschlagsliste {f} [Kandidatenliste]
slate black schieferschwarz
slate black Schieferschwarz {n}
slate blueSchieferblau {n}
slate blue schieferblau
slate blue blaugrau
slate claddingSchiefersplitt {m}
slate deposit Schieferlagerstätte {f}
slate floor covering Schieferplattenbelag {m} [Fußboden]
slate flooring Schieferboden {m}
slate gray [Am.] schiefergrau
slate gray nevus [Am.] [Mongolian spot] Mongolenfleck {m}
slate grey [Br.] schiefergrau
slate grey [Br.] [RAL 7015]Schiefergrau {n} [RAL 7015]
slate grey nevus [Br.] [Mongolian spot] Mongolenfleck {m}
slate grey saddle [Br.] [Helvella lacunosa] Gruben-Lorchel / Grubenlorchel {f}
slate hammer Schieferhammer {m}
slate hammer Dachdecker-Schieferhammer {m}
slate hookSchieferhaken {m} [z. B. bei Dachdeckung]
slate knife Streicheisen {n} [Lederherstellung]
slate knife Streichmesser {n} [Lederherstellung]
slate mineSchiefer-Steinbruch {m}
slate miningSchieferabbau {m}
slate mountains {pl}Schiefergebirge {n}
slate pencilGriffel {m} [Tafelstift]
slate pencilTafelstift {m}
slate quarries Schieferbrüche {pl}
slate quarry Schieferbergwerk {n}
slate quarry Schieferbruch {m}
slate roof Schieferdach {n}
slate roof cladding Schieferbedachung {f}
slate roof cladding Schieferdeckung {f} [Dachbelag]
slate roof claddingSchieferdeckung {f}
slate roof cladding Schiefereindeckung {f}
slate roof covering Schiefereindeckung {f} [Dach]
slate slab Schieferplatte {f} [größeres Teil]
slate terraces Schieferterrassen {pl}
slate-breasted rail [Lewinia pectoralis, syn.: Rallus pectoralis] Krickralle {f}
slate-brown snake [Stegonotus parvus] Yapen-Erdnatter {f}
slate-colored [Am.] schieferfarben
slate-colored antbird [Am.] [Schistocichla schistacea, syn.: Percnostola schistacea] Schwarzschnabel-Ameisenvogel {m}
slate-colored antbird [Schistocichla schistacea / Percnostola schistacea] [Am.]Einfarb-Ameisenvogel {m}
slate-colored boubou [Laniarius funebris] [Am.] Trauerwürger {m}
slate-colored grosbeak [Am.] [Pitylus grossus, syn.: Saltator grossus, S. fuliginosus] Rotschnabelsaltator {m}
slate-colored seedeater [Am.] [Sporophila schistacea] Schieferpfäffchen {n}
slate-colored solitaire [Am.] [Myadestes unicolor] Schieferklarino {m}
slate-coloured [Br.] schieferfarben
slate-coloured antbird [Schistocichla schistacea / Percnostola schistacea] [Br.] Einfarb-Ameisenvogel {m}
slate-coloured boubou [Br.] [Laniarius funebris]Trauerwürger {m}
slate-coloured grosbeak [Br.] [Pitylus grossus,syn.: Saltator grossus, S. fuliginosus] Rotschnabelsaltator {m}
slate-coloured hawk [Br.] [Leucopternis schistaceus]Schieferbussard {m}
slate-coloured seedeater [Br.] [Sporophila schistacea] Schieferpfäffchen {n}
slate-coloured solitaire [Br.] [Myadestes unicolor] Schieferklarino {m}
slate-crowned antpitta [Grallaricula nana]Grauscheitelstelzling {m}
slated [Br.] [coll.]missbraucht
slated [Br.] [coll.] [slammed] verrissen [runtergemacht]
slated for Sun April 18th at 10:00pmvorgesehen für Sonntag den 18. April um 22:00 Uhr
slated roof Schieferdach {n}
slated roof mit Schiefer gedecktes Dach {n}
slated roofsSchieferdächer {pl}
slate-headed tody flycatcher [Poecilotriccus sylvia] Graukehl-Spateltyrann {m}
slate-headed tody flycatcher [Poecilotriccus sylvia]Graukopf-Todityrann {m}
slater Schieferdecker {m}
slater Streicheisen {n} [Lederherstellung]
slater Streichmesser {n} [Lederherstellung]
slater Dachdecker {m} [mit Schiefer]
slater [esp. Aus., NZ] [woodlouse]Assel {f}
Slater determinantSlater-Determinante {f}
slater spider [Dysdera crocata] [esp. Aus., NZ for: woodlouse hunter] Großer Asseljäger {m} [Webspinnenart]
slater's hammer Schieferdeckerhammer {m}
slater's hammerDachhammer {m}
slatesSchiefertafeln {pl}
slatesSchieferplatten {pl}
slate-throated gnatcatcher [Polioptila schistaceigula]Graukehl-Mückenfänger {m}
slate-throated redstart [Myioborus miniatus]Larvenwaldsänger {m}
slate-throated whitestart [Myioborus miniatus, syn.: Setophaga miniata]Larvenwaldsänger {m} [auch: Larven-Waldsänger]
slate-tiled schiefergedeckt
slatey-brown ground snake [Stegonotus parvus] Yapen-Erdnatter {f}
slatey-grey ground snake [Br.] [Stegonotus cucullatus] Doberai-Erdnatter {f}
slatey-grey ground snake [Br.] [Stegonotus cucullatus] Schiefernatter {f}
slatey-grey snake [Br.] [Stegonotus cucullatus] Doberai-Erdnatter {f}
« slabslacslagslanslapslatslatslauslavSlavsled »
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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