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Slavic slavisch [Rsv.]
Slavic languagesslavische Sprachen {pl} [Rsv.]
Slavic peoplesSlawen {pl} [Völker]
Slavic script slawische Schrift {f}
Slavic studies {pl} Slavistik {f} [Rsv.]
Slavic studies {pl} [Am.] Slawistik {f}
Slavicisation [Br.] [also: slavicisation] Slawisierung {f}
Slavicism [Am.] Slawismus {m}
Slavicist Slawist {m}
Slavicist [female] Slawistin {f}
Slavicists Slawisten {pl}
Slavicists [female] Slawistinnen {pl}
Slavicization [also: slavicization] Slawisierung {f}
Slavicized slawisiert
slavíkite [(H3O)3Mg6Fe15(SO4)21(OH)18·98H2O] Slavíkit {m}
slaving schuftend
slaving [fig.] sich [Akk.] abschuftend [ugs.]
slavish obedience [pej.] Kadavergehorsamkeit {f} [pej.]
[slavish observance of the finest details of rules] Beckmesserei {f} [abwertend]
slavishly sklavisch
slavishly following authority [coll.]autoritätshörig
slavishnesssklavisches Verhalten {n}
Slavism [Br.] Slawismus {m}
Slavist Slawist {m}
Slavist [female] Slawistin {f}
Slavistics {pl} [treated as sg.] Slawistik {f}
Slavists Slawisten {pl}
Slavists [female] Slawistinnen {pl}
Slavkov u Brna Austerlitz {n}
Slavonia [geographical and historical region in eastern Croatia]Slawonien {n} [geografische und historische Region in Ostkroatien]
Slavonian grebe [Podiceps auritus] Ohrentaucher {m}
Slavonicslawisch <slaw.> [altslawisch]
Slavonic languagesslawische Sprachen {pl} [slavische Sprachen (Rsv.)]
Slavonic linguistics [treated as sg.]Slavistik {f}
Slavonic script slawische Schrift {f}
Slavonic studies {pl} [Br.] Slawistik {f}
SlavophileSlawophiler {m}
Slavophiles Slawophile {pl}
SlavophobiaSlawenfeindlichkeit {f}
Slavophobia Antislawismus {m}
Slavophobicslawenfeindlich [slawophob]
Slavs Slawen {pl}
slaw [esp. Am. or Can. for: coleslaw] Krautsalat {m}
slawsonite [(Sr,Ca)Al2Si2O8] Slawsonit {m}
slayed [Am.] getötet
slayed [Am.] erschlagen
slayed [Am.] umgebracht
slayer Mörder {m}
slayerWürger {m}
S-layerS-Schicht {f}
slayer Töter {m}
S-layer [part of the cell envelope commonly found in bacteria] S-Layer {m} {n} [Hüllproteine]
Slayground [Richard Stark] Ich bin die dritte Leiche links
slaying erschlagend
slaying Mord {m}
Slay-ride [Dick Francis] Schlittenfahrt / [früher] Schlachtritt / Ein Jockey auf Tauchstation
sleaze [coll.]Filz {m} [ugs.] [Korruption]
sleaze [coll.] Verderbtheit {f}
sleaze [esp. Am.] [coll.] [sleazy person] schmieriger Typ {m} [ugs.]
sleaze bag [sl.] Widerling {m}
sleaze ball [esp. Am.] [coll.] [sleazy person] schmieriger Typ {m} [ugs.]
sleaze charges {pl} [in politics] Korruptionsanklage {f} [in der Politik]
sleazebag [sl.]Widerling {m}
sleazebag [sl.] Dreckskerl {m}
sleazeball [esp. Am.] [coll.] [sleazy person] schmieriger Typ {m} [ugs.]
sleazeball [sl.] Widerling {m}
sleaziest [coll.] widerlichste
sleazilyschlampig [ugs.] [pej.]
sleaziness Dünne {f} [von Geweben]
sleaziness Lockerheit {f}
sleazo [sl.] schmierige Type {f} [ugs.]
sleazoid [sl.] schmierig [ugs.]
sleazyschmierig [pej.]
sleazy leicht [fig.]
sleazy schäbig
sleazyheruntergekommen [ugs.]
sleazy [dated: flimsy, shoddy] [now fig.]fadenscheinig [Material] [auch fig.]
sleazy hotel Absteige {f} [ugs.] [pej.] [Stundenhotel]
sled [Am.] Schlitten {m}
sled [Am.] Rodel {m} {f} [bayer. {m}, österr. {f}]
sled design Schlittenmodell {n}
sled dog [Am.] Schlittenhund {m}
sled dog raceSchlittenhundrennen {n}
sled dogs [Am.] Schlittenhunde {pl}
sled planeKufenflugzeug {n}
sled run Rodelbahn {f}
sled run [Am.] Schlittelbahn {f} [schweiz.] [Rodelbahn]
sled shovel Schneehexe {f} [Schneewanne]
sled shovelSchneewanne {f}
sledderSchlittenfahrer {m}
sledder Rodler {m}
sledding [esp. Am.]Rodeln {n} [regional] [Schlittenfahren]
sledding fun Rodelspaß {m}
sledding hill Rodelhang {m}
sledding run Schlittenstrecke {f}
sledding runSchlittelpiste {f} [österr.] [schweiz.]
« slanslasslatslatslavSlavsledsleesleesleeslee »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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