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Sleuth [Kenneth Branagh]1 Mord für 2
sleuth dog Spürhund {m}
sleuth-hound [dated, esp. Scot.] [bloodhound] [also fig.] Bluthund {m} [auch fig.]
sleuthing Detektivarbeit {f}
sleuthsSpürhunde {pl}
Slevin's lizard eater [Mastigodryas slevini] Nayarit-Echsennatter {f}
Slevin's night snake [Hypsiglena slevini slevini] [Unterart der Niederkalifornischen Nachtnatter (Hypsiglena slevini)]
Slevin's short-fingered gecko [Stenodactylus slevini] Slevins Dünnfingergecko {m}
Slevins's mouse [Peromyscus slevini]Catalina-Hirschmaus {f}
slew [Am.] [coll.] Menge {f}
slew [slough] Suhle {f} [Lache]
slew brakeSchwenkbremse {f}
slew rate Flankensteilheit {f}
slew rate <SR>Anstiegsrate {f}
slew rate <SR> Anstiegsgeschwindigkeit {f}
slew rate <SR> Slew-Rate {f} <SR>
slewabledrehbar [z. B. Kran]
slewing Schwenkung {f} [Kran]
slewingDrehung {f}
slewing bearingGroßwälzlager {n}
slewing bearing Drehverbindung {f}
slewing bearings Großwälzlager {pl}
slewing brakeSchwenkbremse {f}
slewing column Drehsäule {f} [Kran]
slewing craneSchwenkkran {m}
slewing cranes Schwenkkräne {pl}
slewing drive Schwenkantrieb {m}
slewing gearDrehwerk {n}
slewing gear Schwenkgetriebe {n}
slewing gear Schwenkwerk {n} [Kran]
slewing jibs and cranesSchwenk- und Drehkrane {pl} [fachspr.]
slewing journal Drehzapfen {m} [senkrecht; für Schwenkbewegung]
slewing motion [esp. in motion control] Drehbewegung {f}
slewing ring Drehkranz {m}
slewing unit Schwenkeinheit {f}
sley [frame in a loom] Lade {f} [Weblade]
slice Scheibe {f} [von etw. abgeschnitten]
sliceStück {n}
sliceTranche {f}
slice Zeitanteil {m}
slice Abbauscheibe {f}
slice Teil {n} [Stück]
slice Schicht {f}
slice [backspin] [e.g. tennis]Rückwärtsdrall {m} [z. B. Tennis]
slice [backspin] [e.g. tennis]Unterschnitt {m} [z. B. Tennis]
slice [cake]Stückchen {n} [Torte]
slice [of bread etc.]Schnitte {f} [Brot etc.]
slice [of bread] Brotscheibe {f}
slice [of fruit]Schnitz {m} [südd.] [schweiz.]
slice [of fruit]Speigerl {n} [österr.] [ugs.]
slice [portion or share]Anteil {m}
slice [portion] Teil {m} [Anteil]
slice [processor element] Prozessorelement {n}
slice [small]Scheibchen {n}
slice [tennis, golf] Slice {m}
slice [wafer] Wafer {m}
slice collimationSchichtkollimation {f}
slice cut Scheibenschnitt {m} [Präparationstechnik]
slice distance Schichtabstand {m}
slice gap Schichtlücke {f}
slice interval Schichtabstand {m}
slice of a tree branch Astscheibe {f}
slice of a tree (trunk) Baumscheibe {f}
slice of bacon Speckscheibe {f}
slice of breadBrotschnitte {f}
slice of breadScheibe {f} Brot
slice of bread Bemme {f} [ugs.] [Brotschnitte]
slice of bread and butter Butterbrot {n}
slice of bread and butterBemme {f} [sächs./thüring.] [Butterbrot]
slice of bread and butter Stulle {f} [nordd.]
slice of bread and butterButterschnitte {f} [regional]
slice of bread and jam Marmeladenbrot {n}
slice of cake Kuchenstück {n}
slice of cheese Käsescheibe {f}
slice of cheese Kasblattl {n} [österr.] [Käsescheibe]
slice of cream cakeCremeschnitte {f}
slice of ham Scheibe {f} Schinken
slice of lemon Zitronenscheibe {f}
slice of lime Limonenscheibe {f}
slice of meatFleischschnitte {f}
slice of nectarine Nektarinenspalte {f}
slice of orange Orangenscheibe {f}
slice of pizza Pizzastück {n}
slice of roasted meat Bratenscheibe {f}
slice of sausage Wurstscheibe {f}
slice of (sweet) lime Limettenscheibe {f}
slice of the cakeStück {n} Kuchen
slice of the cake [also fig.]Stückchen {n} vom Kuchen [auch fig.]
slice of the cake [fig.]Scheibe {f} vom Kuchen
slice of toast Toastscheibe {f}
slice of tomato Tomatenscheibe {f}
slice of turkey Putenscheibe {f}
slice orientationSchichtorientierung {f}
slice planeSchnittfläche {f}
slice positionSchichtposition {f}
slice positioning [esp. in MRI etc.] Schichtpositionierung {f}
slice profileSchichtprofil {n}
slice selection <SS> Schichtselektion {f} <SS>
slice selection gradientSchichtselektionsgradient {m}
slice sensitivity profile <SSP>Schichtempfindlichkeitsprofil {n}
« sleesleislenslenslenSleuslicslidslidslidslid »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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