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slice of bread Bemme {f} [ugs.] [Brotschnitte]
slice of bread and butter Butterbrot {n}
slice of bread and butter Bemme {f} [sächs./thüring.] [Butterbrot]
slice of bread and butterStulle {f} [nordd.]
slice of bread and butter Butterschnitte {f} [regional]
slice of bread and jam Marmeladenbrot {n}
slice of cakeKuchenstück {n}
slice of cheese Käsescheibe {f}
slice of cheeseKasblattl {n} [österr.] [Käsescheibe]
slice of cream cakeCremeschnitte {f}
slice of hamScheibe {f} Schinken
slice of lemon Zitronenscheibe {f}
slice of lime Limonenscheibe {f}
slice of meat Fleischschnitte {f}
slice of nectarineNektarinenspalte {f}
slice of orangeOrangenscheibe {f}
slice of pizzaPizzastück {n}
slice of roasted meat Bratenscheibe {f}
slice of sausage Wurstscheibe {f}
slice of (sweet) lime Limettenscheibe {f}
slice of the cakeStück {n} Kuchen
slice of the cake [also fig.] Stückchen {n} vom Kuchen [auch fig.]
slice of the cake [fig.] Scheibe {f} vom Kuchen
slice of toastToastscheibe {f}
slice of tomatoTomatenscheibe {f}
slice of turkeyPutenscheibe {f}
slice orientationSchichtorientierung {f}
slice plane Schnittfläche {f}
slice position Schichtposition {f}
slice positioning [esp. in MRI etc.]Schichtpositionierung {f}
slice profile Schichtprofil {n}
slice selection <SS>Schichtselektion {f} <SS>
slice selection gradient Schichtselektionsgradient {m}
slice sensitivity profile <SSP> Schichtempfindlichkeitsprofil {n}
slice thickness Schichtdicke {f}
slice thickness Scheibendicke {f}
slice thicknessScheibenstärke {f}
slice width Schichtweite {f}
[slice of bread piled with thinly sliced sausage] Wurstbrot {n}
slice-and-dice movies [Am.]Splatterfilme {pl} [Genre]
slice-cut preparationScheibenschliffpräparation {f}
slicedin Scheiben geschnitten
sliced gescheibt [selten] [in Scheiben geschnitten]
sliced almondsMandelblätter {pl}
sliced bananasBananenscheiben {pl}
sliced breadin Scheiben geschnittenes Brot {n}
sliced bread [for sale]Schnittbrot {n}
sliced cheeseScheibenkäse {m}
sliced (German) sausage sandwich [German-style bologna sandwich] zusammengeklapptes Wurstbrot {n} [z. B. als Pausenbrot]
sliced hazelnuts gehobelte Haselnusskerne {pl}
sliced pineapple Ananas {f} in Scheiben
sliced potatoes Kartoffelscheiben {pl}
sliced roast meat [cold]Bratenaufschnitt {m}
sliced shot [football]Bogenlampe {f}
sliced veneerMesserfurnier {n}
[sliced pancakes] Fritatten {pl}
[sliced pancakes] Flädle {pl} [bes. schwäb.]
[sliced pork sausage served with rings of raw onions, vinegar, oil] Stadtwurst {f} mit Musik [regional, bes. Franken und Oberpfalz]
slicerHobelbank {f}
slicerSchneidemaschine {f}
slicer Aufschnittmesser {n}
slicer Hobel {m} [Gemüsehobel]
slicers Hobelbänke {pl}
slicers Schneidemaschinen {pl}
slices Scheiben {pl}
slices of bread Brotschnitten {pl}
slices of bread and butter Butterbrote {pl}
slices of meatFleischschnitten {pl}
slices of sirloinRinderfiletscheiben {pl}
slices of tomato Tomatenscheiben {pl}
[slices of bread piled with thinly sliced smoked bacon] Speckbrote {pl}
slicing in Scheiben schneidend
slicing knife Tranchiermesser {n}
slicing machineSchneidemaschine {f}
slicing sausage Schnittwurst {f}
slick glatt
slick poliert
slick routiniert
slick schlau
slick schlüpfrige Art {f}
slick Slick {m} [profilloser Rennreifen]
slick aalglatt
slick glitschig
slickraffiniert [schlau, glatt]
slick schlüpfrig
slick clever
slick [Am.] [nickname for Bell UH-1D transport helicopter] (Bell UH-1D) Hubschrauber {m}
slick [oil slick]Schlick {m} [Ölschlick]
slick (magazine) [Am.] [coll.] Hochglanzheftchen {n} [ugs.]
slick of fatFettschicht {f}
slick roadrutschige Straße {f}
slick tyre [Br.]profilloser Reifen {m}
slickens Tailings {pl} [schlammartige Rückstände bei der Uranerzgewinnung]
slicker glatter
slicker Regenmantel {m}
« sleeslenslenslenslenslicslicslidslidslidslig »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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