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sapphire tip Saphirspitze {f}
sapphire-bellied hummingbird [Lepidopyga lilliae] Lillikolibri {m}
sapphire-bellied hummingbird [Lepidopyga lilliae]Blaubauchkolibri {m}
sapphire-blue saphirblau
sapphire-headed flycatcher [Ficedula sapphira] Saphirschnäpper {m}
sapphire-rumped parrotlet [Touit purpuratus, syn.: Touit purpurata]Purpurschwanzpapagei {m}
sapphiresSaphire {pl}
sapphire-spangled emerald [Amazilia lactea] Saphiramazilie {f}
sapphire-throated hummingbird [Lepidopyga coeruleogularis] Blaukehlkolibri {m}
sapphire-vented puffleg [Eriocnemis luciani] Blaustirn-Schneehöschen {n}
sapphire-vented puffleg [Eriocnemis luciani] Langschwanz-Höschenkolibri {m}
sapphiric saphiren
sapphirine Saphir-
sapphirine [Mg7Al18Si3O40]Sapphirin {m}
sapphirines [family Sapphirinidae]Saphirkrebse {pl}
sapphirinids [family Sapphirinidae] Saphirkrebse {pl}
sapphist [literary] Sapphistin {f} [veraltet] [selten]
sapphist [rare] Lesbierin {f}
Sappho Sappho {f}
sappily saftig
sappinessSaftigkeit {f}
sapping auslaugend
sapping Unterminierung {f}
sapping Klifferosion {f}
sappy saftig
sappy [Am.] [sl.] rührselig
sappy [Am.] [coll.] vertrottelt [ugs.]
sappy [Am.] [coll.]dämlich [ugs.]
sappy [Br.] [public school sl.]schwere Prügelstrafe {f}
sappy [coll.] [esp. Am.] kitschig [sentimental]
sapree wood [Widdringtonia nodiflora, syn.: W. caffra, W. dracomontana, W. natalensis, Brunia nodiflora, Callitris cupressoides, Cupressus cornuta, Juniperus capensis, Thuja cupressoides]Kap-Zypresse / Kapzypresse {f}
Saprist [also: saprist] Saprist {m}
saprobeSaprobiont {m}
saprobes Saprobionten {pl}
saprobes Fäulnisfresser {pl}
saprobes Saprobier {pl}
saprobes Saprophagen {pl}
saprobic saprob
saprobic indexSaprobienindex {m}
saprobic system Saprobiensystem {n}
saprobically saprobisch
saprobiologic [rare] saprobiologisch [selten]
saprobiological saprobiologisch
saprobiologically [rare] saprobiologisch [selten]
saprobity Saprobität {f}
saproby systemSaprobiensystem {n}
saprodontia Zahnfäule {f}
saprogenic saprogen
saprogenic <font color=blue>Kuckucksei</font>saprogen
saprogenic fäulniserregend
saprolite Saprolith {m}
sapromyophily Sapromyophilie {f}
sapronosisSapronose {f}
sapropelFaulschlamm {m}
sapropelSapropel {n}
sapropelVollfaulschlamm {m}
sapropel coal Sapropelkohle {f}
sapropel coal Faulschlammkohle {f}
sapropelic sapropelitisch
saprophageSaprophage {m}
saprophages Saprophagen {pl}
saprophagous saprovor [selten] [saprophag]
saprophagous [feeding on dead organic matter] saprophag [verfaulte organische Materie fressend]
saprophagy Saprophagie {f}
saprophyte Saprophyt {m}
saprophytic saprophytisch
saprophytically saprophytisch
saprophytismSaprophytismus {m}
sapropsammite sandiges Sapropel {n} [selten auch {m}: sandiger Sapropel]
saprotrophSaprotroph {m}
saprotrophically saprotroph
saprotrophy Saprotrophie {f}
saproxylic saproxylisch
saproxylophilous saproxylophil
saprozoonosisSaprozoonose {f}
saps Säfte {pl}
Saps At Sea [Gordon Douglas] Auf hoher See
Saps At Sea [Gordon Douglas] Immer wenn er hupen hörte [Alternativtitel Deutschland] / Helden auf hoher See [Österreich] [Auf hoher See]
sapsagoKräuterkäse {m} [Schabziger]
sap-sap [plant and fruit] [Annona muricata] Stachelanone {f}
sap-sap (tree) [Annona muricata] Sauersackbaum {m}
sapsucker [Sphyrapicus] Saftlecker {m} [Specht]
sapsuckers [family Picidae, genus Sphyrapicus] Saftlecker {pl}
sap-sucking sea slugs [clade Sacoglossa]Saftsauger {pl} [Meeresschnecken]
sap-sucking sea slugs [clade Sacoglossa]Schlundsackschnecken {pl}
sap-sucking slug [Elysia viridis]Grüne Samtschnecke {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
sapwood Splint {m}
sapwood Splintholz {n}
« sanisaniSantSãoMsaphsappsapwsarcSargsashsatc »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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