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small diamondKleindiamant {m}
small dish Napf {m}
small distribution boardKleinverteiler {m}
small domestic animals {pl}Kleinvieh {n}
small donation Obolus {m} [kleine Geldspende]
small donorKleinspender {m}
small door snail [Clausilia rugosa parvula, syn.: C. parvula] Kleine Schließmundschnecke {f}
small dorcopsis [Dorcopsulus vanheurni]Kleines Buschkänguru {n}
small dotted footman [Pelosia obtusa, syn.: Paidia obtusa] Braungelber Flechtenspinner {m}
small dotted footman [Pelosia obtusa, syn.: Paidina obtusa]Schilf-Flechtenbärchen {n} [Nachtfalterspezies]
small dotted footman [Pelosia obtusa, syn.: Paidina obtusa] Schilfbärchen {n} [Nachtfalterspezies]
small dotted footman [Pelosia obtusa, syn.: Paidina obtusa] Norddeutscher Flechtenbär {m} [Nachtfalterspezies] [selten]
small downy birch aphid [Betulaphis quadrituberculata]Blassgrüne Birkenblattlaus {f}
small drive Kleinantrieb {m}
small dung flies [family Sphaeroceridae, syn.: Borboridae, Copromycidae, Cypselidae, Sphoeroceridae] Dungfliegen {pl} [selten für Sphaeroceriden]
small dung flies [family Sphaeroceridae, syn.: Borboridae, Copromycidae, Cypselidae, Sphoeroceridae]Sphaeroceriden {pl}
small dusty wave (moth) [Idaea seriata] Grauer Zwergspanner {m}
small dusty wave (moth) [Idaea seriata] Graubestäubter Kleinspanner {m}
small earwig [Labia minor] Zwerg-Ohrwurm {m}
small earwig [Labia minor]Kleiner Ohrwurm {m}
small eastern caddisflies [family Beraeidae, order Trichoptera]Beraeiden {pl} [Köcherfliegenfamilie]
small eggar [Eriogaster lanestris] Birkennestspinner {m}
small eggar [Eriogaster lanestris] [moth]Frühlings-Wollafter {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
small eggar [Eriogaster lanestris] [moth]Gewöhnlicher Wollafter {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
small eggar [Eriogaster lanestris] [moth] Wollafter {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
small eider [Polysticta stelleri]Scheckente {f}
small Eifel town Eifelstädtchen {n}
small elephant hawk moth [Deilephila porcellus] Kleiner Weinschwärmer {m} [Falter]
small elephant hawkmoth [Deilephila porcellus] Kleiner Weinschwärmer {m} [Falter]
small elephant hawk-moth [Deilephila porcellus]Kleiner Weinschwärmer {m} [Falter]
small elm bark beetle [Scolytus multistriatus]Kleiner Ulmensplintkäfer {m}
small emerald [Hemistola chrysoprasaria] [moth] Waldreben-Grünspanner {m}
small emerald [Hemistola chrysoprasaria] [moth] Grüner Waldrebenspanner {m}
small emerald damselfly [Lestes virens]Kleine Binsenjungfer {f}
small emperor moth [Saturnia pavonia] Kleines Nachtpfauenauge {n}
small enchanter's nightshade [Circaea alpina]Kleines Hexenkraut {n}
small enchanter's nightshade [Circaea alpina] Alpen-Hexenkraut {n}
small enchanter's nightshade [Circaea alpina]Gebirgs-Hexenkraut / Gebirgshexenkraut {n}
small endPleuelkopf {m}
small end bearingKolbenbolzenlager {n}
small end bushKolbenbolzenbuchse {f}
small end bush [connecting rod] Pleuelstangenbüchse {f}
small enterpriseKleinbetrieb {m}
small enterprises Kleinbetriebe {pl}
small entrepreneur Kleinunternehmer {m}
small ermine moth [Yponomeuta evonymella] Traubenkirschen-Gespinstmotte / Traubenkirschengespinstmotte {f}
small European locust lobster [Scyllarus arctus]Kleiner Bärenkrebs {m}
small everlasting [Antennaria microphylla]Kleinblättriges Katzenpfötchen {n}
small faceSchmalseite {f}
small family Kleinfamilie {f}
small fan-foot [Herminia grisealis, also Herminia nemoralis] [moth]Bogenlinien-Spannereule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
small fan-foot [Herminia grisealis, also Herminia nemoralis] [moth] Schlehen-Zünslereule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
small farmer Kleinbauer {m}
small farmer Kleinhäusler {m} [österr.] [regional] [auch: Häusler]
small farmerKleinlandwirt {m} <Kl.-Ldw.>
small festooned roller [Ancylis diminutana] [moth]Weiden-Spitzflügelwickler {m} [Mottenart]
small findKleinfund {m}
small finegeringfügige Geldstrafe {f}
small fine milde Geldstrafe {f}
small fineniedrige Geldstrafe {f}
small fire kleines Feuer {n}
small fire-fighting vehicle Kleinlöschfahrzeug {n} <KLF>
small firmKleinbetrieb {m}
small firm kleines Unternehmen {n}
small firm Kleinunternehmen {n}
small firm sector Mittelstand {m}
small fishing boat Lüttfischer {m} [nordd.]
small five-toed jerboa [Allactaga elater] Kleiner Pferdespringer {m}
small flange branchingKleinflanschverzweigung {f}
small flange components Kleinflanschbauteile {pl}
small flange hubNiedrigflanschnabe {f}
small flattened bark beetles [family Monotomidae] Rindenkäfer {pl}
small flattened bark beetles [family Monotomidae] Rindenglanzkäfer {pl}
small fleabane [Pulicaria vulgaris, syn.: P. prostrata]Kleines Flohkraut {n}
small floating chips Schwimmspäne {pl}
small flower kleine Blume {f} [Blümlein, Blümchen]
small flower pot Blumentöpfchen {n}
small flowerpecker [Dicaeum erythrorhynchos] Lachsschnabel-Mistelfresser {m}
small flue tubeSiederohr {n}
small flycatcher [Niltava macgrigoriae, syn.: N. macgregoriae] Feenblauschnäpper {m}
small flycatcher [Niltava macgrigoriae, syn.: N. macgregoriae]Feenniltava {m}
small flying squirrel [Petinomys fuscocapillus]Travancore-Gleithörnchen {n}
small for gestational age infant <SGA infant> SGA-Kind {n} [wörtl. Übersetzung des engl. Begriffs: klein bezogen auf das Reifealter]
small foraminifers Kleinforaminiferen {pl}
small form Kleinform {f}
Small Form Factor Special Interest Group <SFF-SIG> Small Form Factor Special Interest Group {f} <SFF-SIG> [Interessengruppe für kleine Formfaktoren (wörtl. übersetzt)]
small format Kleinformat {n}
small fortunekleines Vermögen {n}
small forwardSmall Forward {m} [Basketball]
small fox tapeworm Fuchsbandwurmerkrankung {f} [beim Menschen; alveoläre Echinokokkose]
small frame [of a picture, photograph] Rähmchen {n}
small fringeFränschen {n} [kleine Franse]
small fringe Fränslein {n} [kleine Franse]
small frosted gingerbread cake [Am.] Weinbeißer {m} [österr.] [Lebkuchensorte]
small fruit fly [Drosophila melanogaster] Kleine Essigfliege {f}
small fry kleines Würstchen {n}
small frykleine Fische {pl}
small galangal [Alpinia officinarum, syn.: Languas officinarum] (Kleiner) Galgant {m}
small galangal [Alpinia officinarum, syn.: Languas officinarum]Echter Galgant {m}
small galangal [Alpinia officinarum, syn.: Languas officinarum]Galgantwurzel {f}
« slurslydsmalsmalsmalsmalsmalsmalsmalsmalsmal »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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