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English-German Dictionary

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small bone of the ear Gehörknöchelchen {n}
small book of poemsGedichtbändchen {n}
small book of poetryGedichtbändchen {n}
small book of poetryLyrikbändchen {n}
small border town Grenzdorf {n}
small border town Grenzstädtchen {n}
small bore prosthesis Kleinkaliberprothese {f} [alloplastische Gefäßprothese]
small bore rifle Kleinkalibergewehr {n}
small Bornean maxomys [Maxomys baeodon, syn.: Rattus trachynotus]Kleine Rajah-Ratte {f}
small borrowing customer Kleinkreditkunde {m}
small bottle Flakon {m} {n}
small bottle Fläschchen {n}
small Bougainville honeyeater [Myzomela lafargei]Scharlachnacken-Honigfresser {m}
small boulder Kopfstein {m}
small boulder Katzenkopf {m}
small bouquet Sträußchen {n}
small bowSchleifchen {n}
small bowel [Intestinum tenue]Dünndarm {m}
small bowel carcinoid Dünndarmkarzinoid {n}
small bowel enema Enteroklysma {n}
small bowel enteritisDünndarmentzündung {f}
small bowel follow-through (X-ray) examination Dünndarmpassageuntersuchung {f}
small bowel perforationDünndarmperforation {f}
small bowel transit timeDünndarmpassagezeit {f}
small bowl Schälchen {n}
small bowlSchüsselchen {n}
small box Kästchen {n}
small box Kasterl {n} [österr.] [südd.]
small bramble aphid [Aphis ruborum, syn.: Doralis ruborum] Kleine Brombeerblattlaus {f}
small brindled beauty [Apocheima hispidaria] [moth] Gelbfühler-Dickleibspanner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
small brindled beauty [Apocheima hispidaria] [moth] Brauner Spinnerspanner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
small brindled beauty [Apocheima hispidaria] [moth]Wollhaarspanner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
small bronze statueBronzestatuette {f}
small brown brocket [Mazama nemorivaga]Amazonien-Mazama {m}
small brown milk cap [Lactarius tabidus] Milder Schwefel-Milchling / Schwefelmilchling {m}
small brown milk cap [Lactarius tabidus] Flatter-Milchling / Flattermilchling {m}
small brown milk cap [Lactarius tabidus] Flatterreizker / Flatter-Reizker {m}
small brown-headed barbet [Megalaima viridis, syn.: Psilopogon viridis]Grünbartvogel {m} [auch: Grün-Bartvogel]
small brushBürstchen {n}
small bugloss [Anchusa arvensis, syn.: Lycopsis arvensis] Acker-Ochsenzunge {f}
small bugloss [Anchusa arvensis, syn.: Lycopsis arvensis]Acker-Krummhals {m}
small bugloss [Anchusa arvensis, syn.: Lycopsis arvensis] Wolfsauge {n}
small buildings Kleingebäude {pl}
small bulb Lamperl {n} [bayer.]
small bulbous-rooted iris [Iris xiphium] Spanische Schwertlilie {f}
small bulbous-rooted iris [Iris xiphium]Spanische Iris {f}
small bur reed [Sparganium emersum, syn.: S. simplex] Einfacher Igelkolben {m}
small burnet [Sanguisorba minor, syn.: Pimpinella sanguisorba, Poterium sanguisorba]Kleiner Wiesenkopf {m}
small burnet [Sanguisorba minor] Kleiner Wiesenknopf {m}
small burparsley / bur-parsley [Caucalis lappula, syn.: C. daucoides, C. platycarpos, C. royeni, Orlaya platycarpos] Acker-Haftdolde / Ackerhaftdolde {f}
small burparsley / bur-parsley [Caucalis lappula, syn.: C. daucoides, C. platycarpos, C. royeni, Orlaya platycarpos]Möhren-Haftdolde / Möhrenhaftdolde {f}
small burparsley / bur-parsley [Caucalis lappula, syn.: C. daucoides, C. platycarpos, C. royeni, Orlaya platycarpos] Kletten-Haftdolde / Klettenhaftdolde {f}
small bur-reed [Sparganium natans, syn.: S. minimum]Kleinster Igelkolben {m}
small bur-reed [Sparganium natans, syn.: S. minimum] Zwergigelkolben {m}
small burr-parsley [Caucalis lappula, syn.: C. daucoides, C. platycarpos, C. royeni, Orlaya platycarpos] Möhren-Haftdolde / Möhrenhaftdolde {f}
small burr-parsley [Caucalis lappula, syn.: C. daucoides, C. platycarpos, C. royeni, Orlaya platycarpos] Acker-Haftdolde / Ackerhaftdolde {f}
small burr-parsley [Caucalis lappula, syn.: C. daucoides, C. platycarpos, C. royeni, Orlaya platycarpos] Kletten-Haftdolde / Klettenhaftdolde {f}
small business Kleinbetrieb {m}
small businessKleinunternehmen {n}
small businessKleinindustrie {f}
small business mittelständisches Unternehmen {n}
small business / farm Klitsche {f} [fig.] [pej.]
small business clientKleinkunde {m}
small business computer kommerzieller Kleinrechner {m}
small business enterprise Kleingewerbe {n}
small business enterpriseMittelstandsunternehmen {n}
small business owner Kleinunternehmer {m}
small businessesKleinbetriebe {pl}
small businesses providing accommodation Beherbergungsgewerbe {n}
small businessman Kleinunternehmer {m}
small businesswoman Kleinunternehmerin {f}
small but beautiful voice schwache aber sehr schöne Stimme {f}
small but excellent klein aber fein [Redewendung]
small, but oh my [coll.] klein, aber oho [ugs.]
small buttonquail [Turnix sylvatica]Rostkehl-Kampfwachtel {f}
small button-quail [Turnix sylvaticus, syn.: T. sylvatica] Laufhühnchen {n}
small buttonquail [Turnix sylvaticus, syn.: T. sylvatica]Laufhühnchen {n}
small cabbage white [Pieris rapae] [butterfly]Kleiner Kohlweißling {m}
small cactus finch / cactus-finch [Geospiza scandens] Kaktusgrundfink {m} [auch: Kaktus-Grundfink]
small Cajal body-specific RNA <scaRNA> scaRNA {f}
small cakeKüchlein {n}
small caliber [Am.]Kleinkaliber-
small (caliber) graft [Am.]kleinkalibrige Prothese {f}
small calibre [attr.] [Br.]Kleinkaliber-
small calorie <cal> [now usually defined as 4.186 joules]kleine Kalorie {f} <cal> [veraltet] [1 cal = 4,186 J]
small caltrops {pl} [treated as sg.] [Tribulus terrestris, syn.: T. terrestris var. terrestris] Burzeldorn {m} [Erd-Burzeldorn]
small camas [Camassia quamash, syn.: C. esculenta, Athericum quamash, Phalangium quamash, Quamasia quamash]Camawurzel {f}
small camas [Camassia quamash, syn.: Phalangium quamash] Essbare Prärielilie {f}
small can Kännchen {n}
small candle [tealight]Teelicht {n}
small Capeweed [Hypochaeris glabra, also Hypochoeris glabra]Sandferkelkraut {n}
small Capeweed [Hypochaeris glabra, also Hypochoeris glabra]Kahles Ferkelkraut {n}
small capital letterKapitälchen {n}
small caps Kapitälchen {pl}
small caps kleinere Werte {pl}
small capskleinere Börsenwerte {pl}
small car Kleinwagen {m}
small cardamom [Elettaria cardamomum, syn.: Alpinia cardamomum, Amomum cardamomum, Cardamomum elletari, Matonia cardamomum, Zingiber cardamomum] (Grüner) Kardamom {m}
small cardiac vein [Vena cardiaca parva, Vena cordis parva] kleine Herzvene {f}
small carpenter bees [genus Ceratina] Keulhornbienen {pl}
« slugslumslurslylsmalsmalsmalsmalsmalsmalsmal »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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