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small identification plateKennzeichnungsplättchen {n}
small in staturekleinwüchsig [Volk]
small in stature [person] von kleinem Wuchs [Person]
small income kleines Einkommen {n}
small income schmales Einkommen {n} [geh.]
small Indian civet [Viverricula indica] Kleine Indische Zibetkatze {f}
small Indian pratincole [Glareola lactea]Sandbrachschwalbe {f}
small industry Kleinindustrie {f}
small insectivorous finch [Camarhynchus parvulus]Zwergdarwinfink {m}
small (insectivorous) tree finch [Camarhynchus parvulus] Zweigdarwinfink {m}
small (insectivorous) treefinch / tree-finch / tree finch [Camarhynchus parvulus] Kleiner Baumfink {m} [selten] [Zwergdarwinfink]
small (insectivorous) treefinch / tree-finch / tree finch [Camarhynchus parvulus] Zwergdarwinfink {m}
small instruments Kleininstrumente {pl}
small interfering RNA <siRNA>kurze interferierende RNA {f} <siRNA>
small intestinal bacterial overgrowth <SIBO> Dünndarmfehlbesiedlung {f} <DDFB> [auch: Dünndarm-Fehlbesiedlung]
small intestinal bacterial overgrowth <SIBO>Fehlbesiedlung {f} des Dünndarms
small intestinal bacterial overgrowth <SIBO> Falschbesiedlung {f} des Dünndarms
small intestinal tissue Dünndarmgewebe {n}
small intestine [Intestinum tenue]Dünndarm {m}
small intestine cancerDünndarmkrebs {m}
small intestine tissueDünndarmgewebe {n}
small intestine transit time Dünndarmpassagezeit {f}
small investor Kleinanleger {m}
small investors Kleininvestoren {pl}
small items Kleinartikel {pl}
small Japanese field mouse [Apodemus argenteus, syn.: Micromys geisha] Kleine Japanische Waldmaus {f}
small Japanese field mouse [Apodemus argenteus, syn.: Micromys geisha] Geishamaus {f}
small Japanese mole [Mogera imaizumii] Kleiner Japanischer Maulwurf {m}
small (jellied) snack Gabelbissen {m} [österr.]
small Jura hound [also: smaller Jura hound] Jura Niederlaufhund {m}
small kauai thrush [Myadestes palmeri] Palmerklarino {m}
small kitchen Teeküche {f}
small knobHöckerchen {n}
small lappet [Phyllodesma ilicifolia, also P. ilicifolium] [moth] Weidenglucke {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
small lappet [Phyllodesma ilicifolia, also P. ilicifolium] [moth] Blaubeerglucke {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
small larch sawfly [Pristiphora laricis, syn.: Lygaeonematus laricis]Kleine Lärchen-Blattwespe / Lärchenblattwespe {f}
small leaf linden [Tilia cordata] Winterlinde {f}
small leaf linden [Tilia cordata] Winter-Linde {f}
small leaved lime [Tilia cordata]Winterlinde {f}
small leaved lime [Tilia cordata]Winter-Linde {f}
small leaved linden [Tilia cordata]Winter-Linde {f}
small leaved linden [Tilia cordata] Winterlinde {f}
small letter Kleinbuchstabe {m}
small lettersKleinbuchstaben {pl}
small Lifu white-eye [Zosterops minutus] Ameisenbrillenvogel {m}
small light Lämpchen {n}
small livestock [treated as sg. or pl.] Kleinvieh {n}
small livestock [treated as sg. or pl.]Schmalvieh {n}
small load carrier <slc> Kleinladungsträger {m} <KLT>
small loaf Laibchen {n} [österr.]
small loan kleines Darlehen {n}
small loaves Weckerln {pl} [bayer.] [österr.]
small loaves Weckerl {pl} [bayer.] [österr.]
small lorry [Br.]Kleinlaster {m} [ugs.]
small loudspeakerKleinlautsprecher {m}
small lousewort [Pedicularis sylvatica] Wald-Läusekraut {n} [auch Waldläusekraut]
small lovegrass / love grass [Eragrostis minor, syn.: E. poaeoides, E. suaveolens, Poa eragrostis] Kleines Liebesgras {n}
small Lucerne hound [also: smaller Lucerne hound] Luzerner Niederlaufhund {m}
small lumpKlümpchen {n}
small Luzon apomys [Apomys microdon, syn.: A. hollisteri] Kleine Luzon-Waldmaus {f}
small Luzon carpomys [Carpomys phaeurus] Braunschwanz-Luzon-Baumratte {f}
small Luzon forest mouse [Apomys microdon, syn.: A. hollisteri] Kleine Luzon-Waldmaus {f}
small lymphocytic lymphoma <B-SLL> [acc. to WHO classification] kleinzelliges B-Zell-Lymphom {n}
small lymphocytic lymphoma <SLL> [chronic lymphocytic leukaemia]kleines lymphozytisches Lymphom {n}
Small Magellanic Cloud Kleine Magellansche Wolke {f}
small magpie [Anania hortulata, syn.: Eurrhypara hortulata] [moth] Brennnesselzünsler {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
small maidenhair (fern) [Adiantum diaphanum] Zarter Frauenhaarfarn {m}
small mallow [Malva pusilla, syn.: M. borealis, M. rotundifolia]Kleinblütige Malve {f}
small mammalKleinsäuger {m}
small mammal bones Kleinsäugerknochen {pl}
small mammal communityKleinsäugergemeinschaft {f}
small mammal identification Kleinsäugerbestimmung {f}
small mammal nestKleinsäugernest {n}
small mammal population Kleinsäugerpopulation {f}
small mammal remainsKleinsäugerreste {pl}
small mammal species Kleinsäugerart {f}
small man syndromeNapoleon-Komplex {m}
small manor house Stöckel {n} [österr.] [bayer.] [meist: Stöckl]
small marbled [Eublemma parva] [moth] Geröllsteppenheiden-Zwergeulchen {n} [Nachtfalterspezies]
small marbled [Eublemma parva] [moth] Geröllsteppen-Zwergeulchen {n} [Nachtfalterspezies]
small margin of profitkleine Gewinnspanne {f}
small marshSumpfloch {n}
small matterbelanglose Angelegenheit {f}
small Mauritian flying fox [Pteropus subniger] [extinct] Rauchgrauer Flughund {m} [ausgestorben]
small mayflies [family Baetidae] Baetiden {pl} [Eintagsfliegen-Familie]
small meadow-rue / meadowrue / meadow rue [Thalictrum minus, syn.: T. adiantifolium, T. collinum, T. medium]Kleine Wiesenraute {f}
small meadow-rue / meadowrue / meadow rue [Thalictrum minus, syn.: T. adiantifolium, T. collinum, T. medium] Kleinblättrige Wiesenraute {f}
small meadow-rue / meadowrue / meadow rue [Thalictrum simplex, syn.: T. rariflorum] Einfache Wiesenraute {f}
small meadow-rue / meadowrue / meadow rue [Thalictrum simplex, syn.: T. rariflorum] Schmalblättrige Wiesenraute {f}
small medic-grass [Medicago minima, syn.: M. meyeri, M. polymorpha var. minima, M. sessilis]Zwerg-Luzerne / Zwergluzerne {f}
small medick [Medicago minima]Zwerg-Schneckenklee {m}
small medick / medic [Medicago minima, syn.: M. meyeri, M. polymorpha var. minima, M. sessilis]Zwerg-Luzerne / Zwergluzerne {f}
small melick [Melica minuta]Mittelmeer-Perlgras {n}
small metal-mark [Prochoreutis myllerana] [moth] Myllers Helmkraut-Spreizflügelfalter {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
small minivet [Pericrocotus cinnamomeus]Zwergmennigvogel {m}
small minnow mayflies [family Baetidae] Baetiden {pl} [Eintagsfliegen-Familie]
small modular reactor <SMR> kleiner modularer Reaktor {m} <SMR>
small modulatory RNA <smRNA>smRNA {f}
small mold [Am.] [for molding] Förmchen {n} [kleine Form]
small monkey kleiner Affe {m}
« smalsmalsmalsmalsmalsmalsmalsmalsmalsmalsmal »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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