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sarcoplasmatic reticulum <SR> sarkoplasmatisches Retikulum {n} <SR>
sarcopside [(Fe2,Mn,Mg)3(PO4)2]Sarkopsid / Sarcopsid {m}
sarcopterygians [class Sarcopterygii] Sarcopterygii {pl}
sarcopterygians [class Sarcopterygii]Fleischflosser {pl}
sarcopterygians [class Sarcopterygii]Muskelflosser {pl}
sarcopterygii {pl}Sarcopterygii {pl}
sarcopterygii {pl} Fleischflosser {pl}
sarcoptic mange Sarkoptesräude {f} [auch: Sarkoptes-Räude]
sarcoptic mange Sarcoptesräude {f} [auch: Sarcoptes-Räude]
sarcoseptum Sarcoseptum {n}
sarcoseptum Sarkoseptum {n}
sarcosinate Sarkosinat {n}
sarcosine Sarkosin {n}
sarcosomeSarkosom {n}
sarcospanSarkospan {n}
sarcosporidiosis Sarkosporidiose {f}
sarcostyleSarcostyl {n}
sarcotestaSarcotesta {f}
sarcotestaSarkotesta {f}
sarcotestalmit Sarcotesta / Sarkotesta [nachgestellt]
sarcousfleischig [Muskelgewebe]
sard Sarder {m}
sardana [Catalan circular dance] Sardana {f}
Sardanapalus [legendary king of Assyria]Sardanapal {m}
sardelle Sardelle {f}
sardignaite [BiMo2O7(OH)·2H2O] Sardignait {m}
sardine Sardine {f}
sardine canSardinenbüchse {f}
sardine server Sardinenheber {m}
sardine tin [Br.] Sardinenbüchse {f}
(sardine) tin winding key Dosenöffner {m} zum Aufdrehen [bei Fischkonserven]
sardines Sardinen {pl}
sardines [family Clupeidae]Heringe {pl}
sardines [the game] [Br.] [Versteckspiel]
sardines in brine Sardinen {pl} im eigenen Saft
sardines in tomato sauce Sardinen {pl} in Tomatensauce
Sardinia Sardinien {n}
Sardiniansardinisch [veraltend]
Sardinian Sarde {m}
Sardinian Sardinier {m} [veraltend]
Sardinian Sardisch {n}
Sardinian [female] Sardin {f}
Sardinian [female]Sardinierin {f} [veraltend] [Sardin]
Sardinian brook salamander [Euproctus platycephalus]Sardischer Gebirgsmolch {m}
Sardinian (cave) salamander [Atylodes genei; syn.: Speleomantes genei]Genés Höhlensalamander {m}
Sardinian long-eared bat [Plecotus sardus]Sardisches Langohr {n}
Sardinian meadow brown [Maniola nurag] Sardinisches Ochsenauge {n} [Tagfalterart]
Sardinian mountain newt [Euproctus platycephalus]Sardischer Gebirgsmolch {m}
Sardinian pika [Prolagus sardus] [extinct] Sardischer Pfeifhase {m} [ausgestorben]
Sardinian starling [Sturnus unicolor]Einfarbstar {m}
Sardinian tree frog [Hyla sarda]Tyrrhenischer Laubfrosch {m}
Sardinian warbler [Sylvia melanocephala] Samtkopf-Grasmücke {f}
Sardinian warbler [Sylvia melanocephala] Samtkopfgrasmücke {f}
Sardinian-born auf Sardinien geboren
SardiniansSarden {pl}
Sardinians Sardinier {pl} [veraltend] [Sarden]
Sardinians [female] Sardinnen {pl}
Sardis [Lydia] Sardes {n} [Lydien]
sardonic sardonisch
sardonic bitter
sardonic hämisch
sardonic süffisant
sardonic mokant [geh.]
sardonic grin hämisches Grinsen {n}
sardonic laughter hämisches Lachen {n}
sardonic laughter hämisches Gelächter {n}
sardonic smile höhnisches Lächeln {n}
sardonically sardonisch
sardonically mokant [geh.]
sardonicism Sardonismus {m}
sardonyxSardonyx {m}
sardoodledom [rare] konstruierte Handlung {f}
sardoodledom [rare]melodramatische Handlung {f}
Sard's lemma [lemma of Sard] Lemma {n} von Sard
Sard's theorem [also: theorem of Sard]Satz {m} von Sard
saree Sari {m}
Sargasso SeaSargassomeer {n}
Sargasso SeaSargassosee {f}
Sargassum anemone [Anemonia sargassensis]Sargassumrose {f} [Seeanemone]
sargassum fish [Histrio histrio] Sargassofisch {m}
sargassum fish [Histrio histrio]Sargassum-Anglerfisch {m}
sargassum fish [Histrio histrio] Sargassum-Krötenfisch {m}
sargassum triggerfish [Xanthichthys ringens] Sargasso-Drückerfisch {m}
sargassumfish [Histrio histrio] Sargassofisch {m}
sarge [coll.] Feldwebel {m}
sarge [coll.]Polizeiwachtmeister {m}
sarge [coll.] [sergeant] Spieß {m} [ugs.] [Feldwebel]
Sargent GlacierSargent-Gletscher {m}
Sargent spruce [Picea brachytyla] Sargent-Fichte {f}
Sargent's / Sargent cypress [Cupressus sargentii, syn.: Callitropsis sargentii, Neocupressus sargentii] Sargents Zypresse {f}
Sargent's rowan [Sorbus sargentiana] Sargents Eberesche {f}
Sargent's spruce [Picea brachytyla]Sargent-Fichte {f}
Sargi's earth snake [Adelphicos sargii] Sargis Grabennatter {f}
sargo [Diplodus sargus]Große Geißbrasse {f}
Sargon of Akkad [also known as: Sargon the Great]Sargon {m} von Akkad
« SantSãoMsaphsappsapwsarcSargsashsatcsatesati »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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