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small-signal amplifier <SSA>Kleinsignalverstärker {m}
small-signal resistancedifferentieller Widerstand {m}
small-size [attr.] klein [von geringer Größe]
small-size [in a small format] kleinformatig
small-sized [pieces] kleinstückig
small-sized industrial unitsKleingewerbe {n}
small-sized shopLaden {m} von geringer Größe
small-spotted cat [Felis nigripes] Schwarzfußkatze {f}
small-spotted catshark [Scyliorhinus canicula] Kleingefleckter Katzenhai {m}
small-spotted coral snake [Calliophis maculiceps]Gesprenkelte Korallenotter {f}
small-spotted genet [Genetta genetta]Kleinfleck-Ginsterkatze {f}
small-spotted genet [Genetta genetta]Europäische Ginsterkatze {f}
small-sword [also: smallsword] Stoßdegen {m}
smalltail shark [Carcharhinus porosus]Atlantischer Zwerghai {m}
small-time [attr.] [insignificant] unbedeutend
small-time [coll.] [pathetic] armselig
small-time [coll.] [puny] mickerig [ugs.]
small-time academic Schmalspurakademiker {m}
small-time academic [female]Schmalspurakademikerin {f}
small-time crime [criminality] Kleinkriminalität {f}
small-time criminalKleinkrimineller {m}
small-time crookKleinkrimineller {m}
small-time crook kleiner Gauner {m}
small-time crookKleinganove {m} [ugs.]
small-time hood [coll.] Kleinkrimineller {m}
small-time outfit kleiner Betrieb {m}
small-time outfit [shabby] Klitsche {f} [ugs.] [pej.]
small-time politician Schmalspurpolitiker {m}
small-time thiefkleiner Dieb {m}
small-time villain kleiner Fisch {m} [ugs.] [hum.] [fig.] [kleiner Gauner]
(small-time) crook Ratero {m}
small-timer Krauter {m} [hum.] [unbedeutende Person, z. B. Handwerker]
small-timerkleiner Fisch {m} [fig.] [kleiner Ganove]
smalltooth / small-tooth (common) sawfish [Pristis pectinata] Kammsägefisch {m}
small-tooth comb Läusekamm {m}
small-tooth comb Staubkamm {m}
smalltooth sand tiger [Odontaspis ferox] Kleinzahn-Sandtigerhai {m}
smalltooth sand tiger [Odontaspis ferox]Schildzahnhai {m}
smalltooth sawfish [Pristis pectinata] Schmalzahn-Sägerochen {m}
smalltooth thresherPazifischer Fuchshai {m}
small-toothed combKamm {m} mit kleinen Zähnen
small-toothed ferret-badger [Melogale moschata] Chinesischer Sonnendachs {m}
small-toothed fruit bat [Neopteryx frosti] Kleinzähniger Flughund {m}
small-toothed long-eared bat [Nyctophilus microdon]Kleinzähnige Langohrfledermaus {f}
small-toothed mole [Euroscaptor parvidens, syn.: Talpa parvidens] Pakho-Maulwurf {m}
small-toothed palm civet [Arctogalidia trivirgata]Streifenroller {m}
small-toothed sportive lemur [Lepilemur microdon]Kleinzahn-Wieselmaki {m}
small-toothed weasel lemur [Lepilemur microdon]Kleinzahn-Wieselmaki {m}
small-toothed whiptail [Pentapodus caninus] Fangzahn-Scheinschnapper {m}
small-town [also: small town] Kleinstadt-
small-town [attr.] dörflich
small-town [attr.] kleinstädtisch
small-town Americadas kleinstädtische Amerika {n}
small-town atmosphere Kleinstadtatmosphäre {f}
small-town dweller Kleinstädter {m}
small-town dwellersBewohner {pl} von Kleinstädten
small-town folks [coll.] Dorfbewohner {pl}
small-town girl Kleinstadtmädchen {n}
small-town idyllKleinstadtidylle {f}
small-town preacher Kleinstadtprediger {m}
small-town residents Kleinstadtbewohner {pl}
small-townerKleinstädter {m}
small-towners Dorfbewohner {pl}
small-tufted lovegrass [Eragrostis pilosa, syn.: E. amurensis, E. baguirmensis, E. filiformis, E. multispicula, Poa eragrostis, P. pilosa]Behaartes Liebesgras {n}
small-tufted lovegrass [Eragrostis pilosa, syn.: E. amurensis, E. baguirmensis, E. filiformis, E. multispicula, Poa eragrostis, P. pilosa]Haariges Liebesgras {n}
small-tufted lovegrass [Eragrostis pilosa, syn.: E. amurensis, E. baguirmensis, E. filiformis, E. multispicula, Poa eragrostis, P. pilosa]Haar-Liebesgras {n}
small-type refrigerating machine Kleinkältemaschine {f}
small-webbed bell toad [Bombina microdeladigitora] Hubei-Rotbauchunke {f}
small-world experiment <SWE> Kleine-Welt-Experiment {n}
smallwort [Ficaria verna, syn.: F. ranunculoides, Chelidonium minus, Ranunculus ficaria] Feigwurz {f} [Scharbockskraut]
smallwort [Ficaria verna, syn.: F. ranunculoides, Chelidonium minus, Ranunculus ficaria] Scharbockskraut {n}
smallwort [Ficaria verna, syn.: F. ranunculoides, Chelidonium minus, Ranunculus ficaria]Frühlings-Scharbockskraut / Frühlingsscharbockskraut {n}
smaltKobaltblau {n}
smaltKobaltglas {n}
smalt Schmalte {f}
smalt Smalte {f}
smarminess [coll.]Schmierigkeit {f} [fig.] [pej.]
smarmy gefühlsduselig [ugs.] [pej.]
smarmykriecherisch [ugs.] [pej.]
smarmy schmierig [pej.]
smarmy approach Anbiederungsversuch {m}
smart elegant
smart fesch [ugs.] [österr.] [südd.]
smart pfiffig
smart Schmerz {m}
smart modisch
smart munter [aufgeweckt]
smartsmart [ugs.]
smartzügig [z. B. Tempo, Bedienung]
smart clever [aufgeweckt]
smart [appearance]schnittig
smart [appearance] gepflegt
smart [intelligent] gescheit
« smalsmalsmalsmalsmalsmalsmarsmarsmassmeasmel »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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