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smock Hänger {m} [Kittel]
smock frockBauernkittel {m}
smocked [sewing]gesmokt
smocking Faltenbesatz {m}
smocking [sewing]Smokarbeit {f}
smocking stitch Smokstich {m}
smocks Kittel {pl}
smogSmog {m}
smog alertSmogalarm {m}
smog check [Am.] Abgasuntersuchung {f} <AU>
smog period Smogperiode {f}
smoka [sl.] [Jam.]Raucher {m}
smokeRauch {m}
smoke Schmok {m} [nordd.] [Rauch]
smoke [coll.] Zigarette {f}
smoke [coll.] [cigarette]Fluppe {f} [ugs.]
smoke [coll.] [cigarette]Kippe {f} [ugs.] [Zigarette]
Smoke [Wayne Wang]Smoke – Raucher unter sich
smoke abatement Rauchverringerung {f}
smoke alarm Rauchmelder {m}
smoke alarm Rauchalarm {m}
smoke ammunition Nebelmunition {f}
Smoke and Ashes [Tanya Huff]Rauch und Asche
smoke and heat extraction / exhaust system <SHE>Rauch- und Wärmeabzugsanlage {f} <RWA>
smoke and mirror gameVerschleierungstaktik {f}
Smoke and Mirrors [Tanya Huff] Rauch und Spiegel
Smoke and Shadows [Tanya Huff] Rauch und Schatten
smoke barrierRauchschürze {f}
smoke beer Rauchbier {n}
smoke blanket [chemical warfare]künstliche Nebeldecke {f}
smoke blue rauchblau
smoke breakZigarettenpause {f}
smoke breakRauchpause {f} [Raucherpause]
smoke break Raucherpause {f}
smoke canisterRauchkanister {m}
smoke chamber Rauchkammer {f}
smoke class Rauchklasse {f}
smoke cloudRauchwolke {f}
smoke column Rauchsäule {f}
smoke control damper Entrauchungsklappe {f}
smoke control door Rauchschutztür {f}
smoke control ventilationBrandbelüftung {f}
smoke curtain [chemical warfare]künstliche Nebelwand {f}
smoke damper Rauchklappe {f}
smoke deflector Windleitblech {n}
smoke density Rauchgasdichte {f}
smoke desulfurizationRauchgasentschwefelung {f}
smoke detection equipment Rauchmeldeeinrichtung {f}
smoke detector Rauchmelder {m}
smoke detector Rauchdetektor {m}
smoke detector Rauchwarnmelder {m}
smoke development Rauchentwicklung {f}
smoke dispeller Rauchverzehrer {m}
smoke distribution Rauchgasausbreitung {f}
smoke diverAtemschutzträger {m} [Person]
smoke duration [cigar] Rauchdauer {f} [Zigarre]
smoke emission Rauchentwicklung {f}
smoke emission Rauchemission {f}
smoke exposureRauchexposition {f}
smoke extraction [Br.] Entrauchung {f}
smoke filterRauchgasfilter {m} [fachspr. meist {n}] [Partikelfilter]
smoke gas Rauchgas {n} [sichtbarer Rauch]
smoke generation Raucherzeugung {f}
smoke grenade Rauchgranate {f}
smoke grenade Nebelkerze {f}
smoke haze [chemical warfare] künstlicher Nebelschleier {m}
smoke hole [also: smoke-hole] [e.g. vent in a tipi, yurt, etc.] Rauchloch {n} [z. B. in einem Tipi, einer Jurte usw.]
smoke houseRäucherei {f}
smoke inhalationRauchinhalation {f}
smoke inhalation (injury)Rauchgasvergiftung {f}
smoke inhalation (injury)Rauchgasintoxikation {f}
smoke inhalation (injury)Rauchgasintox {f} [ugs.] [Rauchgasintoxikation]
smoke intoxicationRauchgasvergiftung {f}
smoke intoxicationRauchvergiftung {f}
smoke intoxicationRauchintoxikation {f}
smoke jumperFeuerspringer {m}
smoke launcher Nebelwerfer {m}
smoke machine Nebelmaschine {f}
smoke mortar Nebelwerfer {m}
smoke mortar systemNebelwurfanlage {f}
smoke nuisance Rauchbelästigung {f}
smoke outlet Rauchabzugsvorrichtung {f}
Smoke over Birkenau [Il fumo di Birkenau] [Liana Millu]Der Rauch über Birkenau
smoke particle Rauchpartikel {n} [auch {f}]
smoke pointRauchpunkt {m}
smoke poisoning Rauchvergiftung {f}
smoke poisoningRauchgasvergiftung {f}
smoke poisonings Rauchvergiftungen {pl}
smoke pot Nebeltopf {m}
smoke probeRauchgasfühler {m}
smoke production Raucherzeugung {f}
smoke projector Nebelwerfer {m}
smoke propagationRauchgasausbreitung {f}
smoke protection Rauchschutz {m}
smoke reduction Rauchverringerung {f}
smoke reduction Rauchreduktion {f}
smoke ring Rauchkringel {m} [ugs.]
smoke room Rauchküche {f} [regional]
« smarsmassmegsmelsmirsmocsmoksmoksmoksmoksmoo »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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