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snake creepers [genus Ceropegia] Leuchterblumen {pl}
snake cucumber [Cucumis melo var. conomon, syn.: C. conomon] Gemüsemelone / Gemüse-Melone {f}
snake danceSchlangentanz {m}
snake doctor [coll.] [dragonfly] Libelle {f}
snake dress Schlangenkleid {n}
snake eels [family Ophichthidae] Schlangenaale {pl}
snake eels [genus Pisodonophis]Eingeweideaale {pl}
snake egg Schlangenei {n}
snake eggsSchlangeneier {pl}
snake eyes [Am.] [coll.] [treated as sg.] [pair of dice both showing one spot]zwei Einsen {pl} [Würfelpaar]
snake eyes [Am.] [coll.] [treated as sg.] [pair of dice both showing one spot] Einerpasch {m} [zwei Einsen beim Würfeln]
snake eyes [Am.] [coll.] [treated as sg.] [pair of dice both showing one spot]Einserpasch {m} [zwei Einsen beim Würfeln]
Snake Eyes [Brian De Palma] Spiel auf Zeit
snake familySchlangenfamilie {f}
snake farmSchlangenfarm {f}
snake fence [esp. Am.]Scherengitter {n}
snake fern [Lygodium microphyllum, syn.: L. scandens, L. scandens var. microphyllum, Ugena microphylla] Schlangen-Kletterfarn / Schlangenkletterfarn {m}
snake flyKamelhalsfliege {f}
snake fruitSchlangenfrucht {f}
snake genera {pl}Schlangengattungen {pl}
snake genusSchlangengattung {f}
snake goddess Schlangengöttin {f}
snake gourd [Trichosanthes cucumerina] Schlangenhaargurke {f}
snake gourd [Trichosanthes cucumerina]Schlangengurke {f}
snake gourd [Trichosanthes cucumerina] Chinesische Gurke {f}
snake gourd [Trichosanthes cucumerina] Schlangenkürbis {m}
snake grass [Eragrostis cilianensis, syn.: E. major, Poa cilianensis] Großähriges Liebesgras {n}
snake grass [Eragrostis cilianensis, syn.: E. major, Poa cilianensis] Großes Liebesgras {n}
snake grass [S.Afr.] [Equisetum hyemale] [scouring rush] Winter-Schachtelhalm / Winterschachtelhalm {m}
snake grass [S.Afr.] [Equisetum hyemale] [scouring rush] Überwinternder Schachtelhalm {m}
snake handling Snake-Handling {n} [Hantieren mit Schlangen als religiöses Ritual]
snake hawk [Herpetotheres cachinnans] Lachfalke {m}
snake hawk [Herpetotheres cachinnans]Lachhabicht {m}
snake headSchlangenkopf {m}
snake in the grass [coll.] [pej.] [backstabber] falsche Schlange {f} [pej.]
snake in the grass [coll.] [pej.] [secret enemy] geheimer Feind {m}
snake in the grass [pej.] [coll.] [fig.] [hidden danger]verborgene Gefahr {f}
Snake Island [Black Sea]Schlangeninsel {f}
snake killer [Geococcyx californianus] [greater roadrunner] Wegekuckuck {m}
snake killer [Sagittarius serpentarius] [secretary bird] Sekretär {m}
snake leather skirt Schlangenlederrock {m}
snake lemma Schlangenlemma {n}
snake lily [Dracunculus vulgaris]Gemeine Drachenwurz {f}
snake lily [Dracunculus vulgaris] Schlangenwurz {f}
snake lily [Iris versicolor] Verschiedenfarbige Schwertlilie {f}
snake lily [Iris versicolor]Schillernde Schwertlilie {f}
snake lily [Iris versicolor]Buntfarbige Schwertlilie {f}
snake lily [Iris versicolor]Blaue Schwertlilie {f}
snake lily [Iris versicolor]Blaue Sumpf-Schwertlilie / Sumpfschwertlilie {f}
snake liquor Schlangenschnaps {m}
snake lizards [genus Lialis]Flossenfüße {pl}
snake loaches [family Serpenticobitidae]Schlangenschmerlen {pl}
snake mackerel [Gempylus serpens] Schlangenmakrele {f}
snake mackerels [family Gempylidae] Schlangenmakrelen {pl}
snake man [coll.] [contortionist]Schlangenmensch {m} [Akrobat]
snake meatSchlangenfleisch {n}
snake melon [Cucumis melo subsp. melo var. flexuosus, syn.: C. flexuosus] Armenische Melone {f}
snake melon [Cucumis melo subsp. melo var. flexuosus, syn.: C. flexuosus] Schlangenmelone / Schlangen-Melone {f}
snake melon [Cucumis melo subsp. melo var. flexuosus, syn.: C. flexuosus] Schlangenkürbis / Schlangen-Kürbis {m}
snake oil Schlangenöl {n}
snake oil [a liquid with dubious medicinal value but sold as a cure for at least one illness] Quacksalberprodukt {n}
snake oil [fig.] wirkungsloses Heilmittel {n}
snake oil [fig.]Schwindel {m} [Betrug]
snake oil [hooey; bunkum] Quacksalberei {f} [fig.]
snake oil peddler [Am.] [coll.] [fig.] Schwindler {m}
snake oil salesman Scharlatan {m}
snake oil salesman Quacksalber {m}
snake palm [Amorphophallus konjac, syn.: Amorphophallus rivieri] Teufelszunge {f}
snake palm [Amorphophallus konjac, syn.: Amorphophallus rivieri]Tränenbaum {m} [österr.]
snake pipe-fish [Entelurus aequoreus, syn.: E. aequoraeus, Syngnathus aequoreus]Große Schlangennadel {f}
snake pipefish [Entelurus aequoreus] Große Schlangennadel {f}
snake pit Schlangengrube {f}
snake plant [coll.] [Dracaena trifasciata, formerly: Sansevieria trifasciata] Schwiegermutterzunge {f} [ugs.]
snake plant [Dracaena trifasciata, syn.: Sansevieria trifasciata] Sansevieria trifasciata {f}
snake plant [Dracaena trifasciata, syn.: Sansevieria trifasciata] Beamtenspargel {m} [ugs.] [hum.]
snake plant [Dracaena trifasciata, syn.: Sansevieria trifasciata]Bogenhanf {m} [Bogenhanfpflanze]
snake poison Schlangengift {n}
snake root [Bistorta officinalis, syn.: Persicaria bistorta, Polygonum bistorta, Bistorta major] Natterwurz {f}
snake root [Bistorta officinalis, syn.: Persicaria bistorta, Polygonum bistorta, Bistorta major]Otterwurz {f}
snake sea cucumber [Synapta maculata] Gefleckte Wurmseegurke {f}
snake serum Schlangenserum {n}
snake skeleton Schlangenskelett {n} [auch: Schlangen-Skelett]
snake skirtSchlangenrock {m}
snake skullSchlangenschädel {m}
snake speciesSchlangenart {f}
snake speciesSchlangenspezies {f}
snake species {pl}Schlangenarten {pl}
snake venom Schlangengift {n}
snake venom Schlangengifte {pl}
snake wattle [Acacia aculeatissima, syn.: A. tenuifolia] Schmalblättrige Akazie {f}
snake weed / snakeweed [Bistorta officinalis, syn.: Persicaria bistorta, Polygonum bistorta, Bistorta major] Otterwurz {f}
snake wine Schlangenwein {m}
snake woman [coll.] [contortionist] Schlangenfrau {f} [Akrobatin]
snake-back spider [Segestria senoculata] Kellerspinne {f}
snake-back spider [Segestria senoculata] Fischernetzspinne {f}
snake-bark maple [Acer grosseri, syn.: A. davidii ssp. grosseri, A. grosseri var. hersii]Grossers Schlangenhautahorn {m}
snakeberry [Actaea rubra, syn.: A. arguta, A. arguta var. viridiflora, A. asiatica, A. rubra ssp. rubra, A. rubra var. arguta, A. spicata var. alba, A. spicata ssp. rubra]Rotes Christophskraut {n}
snakeberry [Solanum dulcamara] Bittersüßer Nachtschatten {m}
snakeberry [Solanum dulcamara] Bittersüß {m}
snakeberry [Solanum dulcamara]Hundbeere {f}
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