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snatching up zusammenraffend
snatchings Bruchstücke {pl}
snatchy abgehackt [stockend, nicht flüssig]
snath [Am.] [regional] Stiel {m} [einer Sense]
snawy [Scot.] [covered in snow] verschneit
snazzier [coll.]flotter
snazzily [coll.] flott
snazzy [coll.] pfiffig
snazzy [coll.]schick
snazzy [coll.]flott [ugs.] [schick, modisch]
snazzy [coll.]piekfein [ugs.]
snazzy [coll.] modisch
sneak Kriecher {m}
sneak [Br.] [coll.]Petzer {m} [ugs.]
sneak [Br.] [coll.] Petze {f} [ugs.]
sneak [female] Kriecherin {f}
sneak [female] [coll.] [underhanded person]Duckmäuserin {f}
sneak [short for: sneak preview] Sneak {f} [kurz für: Sneakpreview]
sneak peek kurze Vorschau {f}
sneak peek kleiner Einblick {m}
sneak previewgeheime Vorschau {f}
sneak preview inoffizielle Vorpremiere {f}
sneak preview Sneakpreview {f}
sneak preview Sneak-Preview {f}
sneak spider [Harpactea hombergi]Wald-Sechsaugenspinne {f}
sneak spider [Harpactea hombergi] Hombergs Sechsaugenspinne {f}
sneak thiefGelegenheitsdieb {m}
sneak-by guard [on a motion detector] Unterkriechschutz {m} [am Bewegungsmelder]
sneaked geschlichen
sneaked up to herangeschlichen
sneakerSchleicher {m}
sneakerTennisschuh {m}
sneaker [Am.]Turnschuh {m}
sneaker [Am.]Treter {m} [ugs.] [Sportschuh]
sneaker [Am.] (leichter) Segeltuchschuh {m}
sneaker [esp. Am.]Sneaker {m}
sneaker sock Sneakersocke {f}
sneaker waves [Am.]Sneaker-Wellen {pl}
sneakernet [hum.] [sl.] Turnschuhnetzwerk {n} [hum.]
sneakers Tennisschuhe {pl}
sneakersLeisetreter {pl} [ugs.]
sneakers [Am.] Turnschuhe {pl}
sneakers [esp. Am.] Sportschuhe {pl}
sneakers [esp. Am.] Sneakers {pl}
Sneakers [Phil Alden Robinson]Sneakers – Die Lautlosen
Sneakers [Stephen King]Turnschuhe
sneakier verstohlener
sneakily heimtückisch
sneakily raffiniert [schlau, gewieft]
sneakiness Heimlichtuerei {f}
sneaking geheim
sneaking heimlich [fig.]
sneaking verstohlen
sneaking [coll.] gemein [hinterhältig]
sneaking ambitionheimlicher Ehrgeiz {m}
sneaking cowardhinterlistiger Feigling {m}
sneaking desire heimlicher Wunsch {m}
sneaking fellowgemeiner Kerl {m}
sneaking inclination heimliche Neigung {f}
sneaking looks verstohlene Blicke {pl}
sneaking suspicion heimlicher Verdacht {m}
sneaking suspicion leiser Verdacht {m}
sneaking thief Langfinger {m}
sneaking up Anschleichen {n}
sneaking up to heranschleichend
sneakingly schleichenderweise
sneakoscope [Harry Potter]Spickoskop {n}
sneaks [Am.] [coll.] [short for: sneakers]Turnschuhe {pl}
sneaky schleichend
sneaky hinterhältig
sneakyraffiniert [schlau, gewieft]
sneakygewieft [ugs.]
sneaky hinterlistig
sneck [Br. dial.: door latch] Türklinke {f}
sneck-up [Br.] [archaic] [a thievish vagabond] diebischer Vagabund {m}
Sneddon's syndrome <SS> [also Sneddon syndrome] Sneddon-Syndrom {n}
sneep [Chondrostoma nasus]Nase {f}
sneep [Chondrostoma nasus] Näsling {m}
sneep [Chondrostoma nasus] Schnabel {m}
sneep [Chondrostoma nasus]Blaunase {f}
sneer Spott {m}
sneer Hohn {m}
sneerHohngelächter {n}
sneer Hohnlächeln {n}
sneer Spöttelei {f}
sneer spöttische Bemerkung {f}
sneerspöttisches Lächeln {n}
sneered gespottet
sneeredspöttisch gelächelt
sneerer Spötter {m}
« snaksnaksnaksnapsnapsnatsneesnifsnitsnoosnot »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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