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snifflingGeschnüffel {n} [ugs.]
sniffling schniefend [ugs.]
sniffly [coll.] verschnupft
sniff-through-secure [tissue]durchschnupfsicher [Papiertaschentuch]
sniffyleicht unangenehm riechend [z. B. Fleisch]
sniffy [coll.] hochmütig
sniffy [musty] muffig
sniffy [coll.] schnippisch [pej.]
sniffy [coll.]verächtlich
sniffy [coll.] [pej.] hochnäsig [ugs.] [pej.]
snifterKognakglas {n}
snifter [coll.] [small drink of distilled liquor] Kurzer {m} [ugs.] [kleines Glas Schnaps]
snifter [coll.] [small drink of distilled liquor]Schnäpschen {n} [kleines Glas Schnaps]
snifter (beer glass) Biertulpe {f} [auch für die Bierverkostung]
snifter pipe Riechrohr {n}
snifter valve Schnüffelstück {n} [Heizungsbau]
snigger [esp. Br.]Lacher {m} [verhaltener od. alberner]
snigger [esp. Br.]Gekicher {n} [ugs.]
snigger [esp. Br.] Kichern {n}
sniggering Gekicher {n} [ugs.]
sniggering [esp. Br.]kichernd
sniggler Aalfänger {m}
sniggling eels Aalangeln {n}
snip Schnippel {m} {n} [ugs. für: Schnipsel]
snip Schnipsel {m} {n}
snip [Am.] [coll.] [insignificant person]Würstchen {n} [ugs.] [pej.] [unbedeutende Person]
snip [Am.] [coll.] [small or insignificant person]Gernegroß {m} [ugs.] [hum.]
snip [Am.] [coll.] [small person] Knirps {m}
snip [Br.] [coll.] [bargain] Schnäppchen {n} [ugs.]
snip [Br.] [coll.] [bargain] günstiger Kauf {m}
snip [cut]Schnitt {m}
snip [representation of the sound of scissors] schnipp [Lautmalerei: Scherengeräusch]
snip [small incision] Einschnitt {m}
snipeSchnepfe {f}
Snipe Snipe {f} [kleine Segeljolle]
snipe [Am.] [coll.] [U.S. Navy term for members of the engineer staff of a vessel][US-Navy-Slang für ein Crewmitglied des Maschinenpersonals eines Schiffs]
snipe [shot from ambush]Schuß {m} aus dem Hinterhalt [alt]
snipe [shot from ambush] Schuss {m} aus dem Hinterhalt
snipe eels [family Nemichthyidae]Schnepfenaale {pl}
snipe fly [Atherix ibis] Ibisfliege {f}
snipe fly [family Rhagionidae]Schnepfenfliege {f}
snipe nose pliers {pl} [one pair] Flachrundzange {f}
sniped weggeputzt [ugs.] [erschossen, erledigt]
snipe-fish [Macroramphosus scolopax] Gewöhnlicher Schnepfenfisch {m}
snipefish [Macroramphosus scolopax] Gewöhnlicher Schnepfenfisch {m}
sniper Heckenschütze {m}
sniperScharfschütze {m}
sniper [female] Heckenschützin {f}
sniper [female] Scharfschützin {f}
Sniper [Luis Llosa] Sniper - Der Scharfschütze
sniper fire Heckenschützenfeuer {n}
sniper rifleScharfschützengewehr {n}
sniper rifle Heckenschützengewehr {n}
sniper scopeScharfschützen-Zielfernrohr {n}
sniper scopeScharfschützenzielfernrohr {n}
sniper (shooting) matScharfschützenmatte {f}
snipe-rail [Capellirallus karamu] [extinct] Schnepfenralle {f} [ausgestorben]
snipers Heckenschützen {pl}
snipersScharfschützen {pl}
sniper-scope Infrarot-Zielfernrohr {n}
snipes Schnepfen {pl}
snipe's bill [Haustellum haustellum, syn.: H. laeve, Aranea denudata, Murex erythrostoma, M. haustellum, M. scolopaceus] [species of sea snail]Schnepfenkopf {m} [Meeresschneckenart]
snipe's bill [Haustellum haustellum, syn.: H. laeve, Aranea denudata, Murex erythrostoma, M. haustellum, M. scolopaceus] [species of sea snail]Schnepfenschnabel {m} [Meeresschneckenart]
snipe's bill [Haustellum haustellum, syn.: H. laeve, Aranea denudata, Murex erythrostoma, M. haustellum, M. scolopaceus] [species of sea snail] Schöpfer {m} [Meeresschneckenart]
sniping wegputzend
snipingaus dem Hinterhalt schießend
sniping {sg} [fig.]Querschüsse {pl} [fig.]
snippet Schnipsel {m} {n}
snippetBruchstück {n}
snippetAusschnitt {m}
snippet [Am.] [coll.] [rare] [a small or insignificant person]Wicht {m} [pej.] [kleiner oder unwichtiger Mensch]
snippet of conversationGesprächsfetzen {m}
snippetsSchnipsel {pl}
snippety [snippy]bruchstückhaft
snipping schnippelnd
snippingFragment {n} [Papier, Stoff etc.]
snipping Stückchen {n}
snipping of informationInformationsfetzen {m}
snipping of knowledgeaufgeschnapptes Teilwissen {n}
snippy bruchstückartig
snippy bruchstückhaft
snippy [Am.] [coll.] schnippisch
snippy [Am.] [coll.]kurz angebunden [ugs.] [abweisend]
snirt [Scot.] [suppressed laugh] unterdrücktes Lachen {n}
snit [Am.] [coll.] Frustration {f}
snit fit [Am.] [sl.]Wutanfall {m}
snitch [coll.]Petze {f} [ugs.]
snitch [coll.]Spitzel {m}
snitch [coll.] Petzer {m} [ugs.]
snitch [coll.] Petzliese {f} [ugs.]
snitch [coll.]Plaudertasche {f} [ugs.] [Petzer]
snitch [coll.] Informant {m}
snitched [coll.] [stolen] geklaut [ugs.]
snitcher Informant {m}
snitcher [coll.]Spitzel {m}
« snaksnapsnapsnatsneesnifsnitsnoosnotsnowsnow »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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