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English-German Dictionary

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satin Satin {m}
satinAtlasseide {f}
satin Atlas {m} [Seidenatlas]
satin [attr.] satiniert
satin [Photoshop ®]Glanz {m}
satin beauty [Deileptenia ribeata] [moth] Moosgrüner Rindenspanner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
satin beauty [Deileptenia ribeata] [moth] Fichtenmischwald-Baumspanner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
satin bed linen Satinbettwäsche {f}
satin beddingSatinbettwäsche {f}
satin bells [Calochortus albus] Weiße Mormonentulpe {f}
satin blouse Satinbluse {f}
satin bottomsSatinhose {f}
satin bowerbird [Ptilonorhynchus violaceus] Seidenlaubenvogel {m}
satin bowerbird [Ptilonorhynchus violaceus] Satinlaubenvogel {m}
satin braSatin-BH {m}
satin briefs {pl} [one pair] Satinslip {m}
satin chromium plating satinmatte Verchromung {f}
satin dress Satinkleid {n}
satin evening dress Satinabendkleid {n}
satin (evening) gown Satinabendkleid {n}
satin finishMattierung {f}
satin finish Bürstenmattierung {f}
satin finishingSatinieren {n} [Oberflächenbearbeitung]
satin flowers [genus Clarkia] Clarkien {pl}
satin flowers [genus Clarkia] Godetien {pl}
satin flowers [genus Lunaria] Mondviolen {pl}
satin flowers [genus Lunaria]Silberblätter {pl}
satin flowers [genus Lunaria] Judaspfennige {pl}
satin flowers [genus Lunaria]Silberlinge {pl}
satin flowers [genus Lunaria] Silbertaler {pl}
satin flycatcher [Myiagra cyanoleuca] Seidenmonarch {m}
satin glasssatiniertes Glas {n}
satin gownSatinkleid {n}
satin gownSatinrobe {f} [Kleid]
satin grass veneer [Crambus perlella]Weißer Graszünsler {m}
satin ink Atlasfarbe {f}
satin knickers {pl} [Br.] [one pair] [short underpants for women or girls]Satinschlüpfer {m} [Damen- od. Mädchenunterhose]
satin lingerieSatindessous {pl}
satin lutestring [Tetheella fluctuosa] Birken-Eulenspinner {m} [Schmetterling]
satin lutestring [Tetheella fluctuosa] [moth] Birken-Wollrückenspinner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
satin lutestring [Tetheella fluctuosa] [moth]Weißgestreifter Wollrückenspinner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
satin ochreSatinober {m}
satin ochre Satinocker {m}
satin panties {pl} [one pair] [short underpants] Satinhöschen {n} [Damen- od. Mädchenunterhose]
satin panties {pl} [one pair] [short underpants]Satinschlüpfer {m} [Damen- od. Mädchenunterhose]
satin panties {pl} [one pair] [short underpants] Satinslip {m} [Damen- od. Mädchenunterhose]
satin pants {pl} [one pair] [Am.]Satinhose {f}
satin pantySatinhöschen {n}
satin pantyhose [Am.] Satinstrumpfhose {f}
satin paper satiniertes Papier {n}
satin paper Atlaspapier {n}
satin pothos [Scindapsus pictus] Gefleckte Efeutute {f}
satin ribAtlasgrad {m}
satin robe Satinrobe {f} [Kleid]
satin sheet Satinbetttuch {n}
satin shield [Pluteus plautus] Verschiedenfarbiger Dachpilz {m}
satin shield [Pluteus plautus]Geriefter Dachpilz {m}
satin shield [Pluteus plautus] Knolliger Dachpilz {m}
satin shield [Pluteus plautus]Samtfüßiger Dachpilz {m}
satin shield [Pluteus plautus] Weißlicher Dachpilz {m}
satin shoeSatinschuh {m}
satin slacks {pl} [one pair](lange) Satinhose {f}
satin slipSatinunterrock {m}
satin spar [CaSO4·2H2O]Atlasspat {m} [faserige Varietät von Gips]
satin spar [CaSO4·2H2O] [selenite]Marienglas {n} [Selenit]
satin spar [selenite] [CaSO4·2H2O]Selenit {m}
satin stitch Flachstich {m} [Stickerei]
satin stitch Plattstich {m}
satin stitchSatinstich {m}
satin stocking Satinstrumpf {m}
satin stockings Satinstrümpfe {pl}
satin tights {pl}Satinstrumpfhose {f}
satin trousers {pl} [one pair]Satinhose {f}
satin twill Köperatlas {m}
satin underpants {pl} [one pair]Satinschlüpfer {m}
satin underskirtSatinunterrock {m}
satin wave [Idaea subsericeata] [moth] Graulinien-Zwergspanner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
satin wave [Idaea subsericeata] [moth]Olivengrauer Kleinspanner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
satin wave [Idaea subsericeata] [moth] Olivgrauer Kleinspanner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
satin weave Satinbindung {f}
satin weave Atlasbindung {f}
satin weaveDuchesse-Bindung {f}
satin whiteGlanzweiß {n}
satin whiteSatinweiß {n}
satinated glass satiniertes Glas {n}
satinbirds [family Cnemophilidae] Furchenvogelartige {pl}
satinbirds [family Cnemophilidae]Furchenvögel {pl}
satinet Satinet {m}
satinetHalbatlas {m}
satin-etched innenmattiert
satin-etched bulb innenmattierter Kolben {m} [einer Lampe]
satinette Satinet {m}
satinetteHalbatlas {m}
satin-finished edelmattiert
sating sättigend
sating übersättigend
satin-gloss seidenglänzend
satining satinierend
satinised [Br.] satiniert
« sarcSargsashsatcsatesatisatisatisatuSatusauc »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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