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Satinsky clamp Satinsky-Klemme {f} [auch: Satinskyklemme]
satin-walnut [Liquidambar styraciflua] [American sweetgum] Storaxbaum {m}
satin-walnut [Liquidambar styraciflua] [American sweetgum] Amerikanischer Amberbaum {m}
satin-walnut [Liquidambar styraciflua] [American sweetgum]Seesternbaum {m}
satinwoodSatinholz {n}
satinwoodSeidenholz {n}
satinwood Zitronenholz {n}
satinwood(indisches) Atlasholz {n}
satinwood / satin-wood [Murraya paniculata] [orange jessamine]Orangenraute {f}
satinwood / satin-wood [Murraya paniculata] [orange jessamine] Orangenjasmin / Orangen-Jasmin {m}
satiny seidig
satiny [skin] samtig
satiny wormwood [Artemisia schmidtiana]Polster-Beifuß {m}
satiny wormwood [Artemisia schmidtiana] Silberraute {f}
Satir model Satir-Modell {n}
satireSatire {f}
satireSpottschrift {f}
satire Spottgedicht {n}
satire Spottrede {f}
satire novel satirischer Roman {m}
satire on sb. Satire {f} auf jdn.
satire poemsatirisches Gedicht {n}
satiric satirisch
satiric <font color=blue>Kuckucksei</font> satirisch
satirical Spottgedicht {n}
satirical satirisch
satirical Spott-
satirical broadsheet Spottblatt {n}
satirical magazine Witzblatt {n} [Satire]
satirical magazineSatiremagazin {n}
satirical magazine Satirezeitschrift {f}
satirical magazineSatireblatt {n}
satirical magazineSatire-Zeitung {f} [ugs.] [Satiremagazin]
satirical magazine Satirezeitung {f} [ugs.] [Satiremagazin]
satirical poem Spottgedicht {n}
satirical poemsSpottgedichte {pl}
satirical realityRealsatire {f}
satirical songSpottlied {n}
satirical song [with refrain]Couplet {n}
satirical songsSpottlieder {pl}
satirical vein satirische Ader {f}
satirical verseSpottvers {m}
satirical writer satirischer Schriftsteller {m}
(satirical) show Kabarett {n}
satirically satirisch
satirised [Br.]verspottet
satirising Persiflierung {f}
satirising [Br.]satirisch
satirism Persiflage {f}
satiristSatiriker {m}
satiristSpötter {m} [satirisch veranlagt]
satirist Kabarettdichter {m}
satirist [female] Satirikerin {f}
satirist [satirical author] Satirenschreiber {m}
satirist and moralistMoralsatiriker {m}
satirized persifliert
satirizerSatiriker {m}
satirizer [satirical author] Satirenschreiber {m}
satirizing verspottend
satirizing satirisch
satisfactionBegleichung {f}
satisfaction Löschung {f}
satisfaction Zahlung {f}
satisfaction Zufriedenheit {f}
satisfaction [fulfillment] Erfüllung {f}
satisfaction [of customers; also of arguments, explanations, claims]Zufriedenstellung {f}
satisfaction [of wishes, desires etc.]Befriedigung {f}
satisfaction [redressing a wrong] Genugtuung {f} [jdm. Genugtuung geben]
satisfaction [reparation, compensation] Satisfaktion {f} [geh.] [auch veraltet bei Ehrenhandel]
satisfaction [with oneself] Selbstgefälligkeit {f}
satisfaction at Genugtuung {f} über
satisfaction factor Zufriedenheitsfaktor {m}
satisfaction guarantee Zufriedenheitsgarantie {f}
satisfaction guaranteedZufriedenstellung garantiert
satisfaction level Zufriedenheitsgrad {m}
satisfaction of a debt Tilgung {f} einer Schuld
satisfaction of a mortgage Tilgung {f} einer Hypothek
satisfaction of an ambitionBefriedigung {f} des Ehrgeizes
satisfaction of creditors Befriedigung {f} der Gläubiger
satisfaction of demandDeckung {f} der Nachfrage
satisfaction of elementary needs Befriedigung {f} elementarer Bedürfnisse
satisfaction of mortgage Hypothekenlöschung {f}
satisfaction of mortgageHypothekentilgung {f}
satisfaction of needs Bedürfnisbefriedigung {f}
satisfaction of sexual desire Lustbefriedigung {f}
satisfaction of wants Befriedigung {f} der Bedürfnisse
satisfaction of wants Wunschbefriedigung {f}
satisfaction or money back bei Nichtgefallen Geld zurück
satisfaction scale Zufriedensheitstabelle {f}
satisfaction survey Zufriedenheitsumfrage {f}
satisfaction with the result Zufriedenheit {f} mit dem Ergebnis
satisfactionsBefriedigungen {pl}
satisfactorily zufrieden stellend
satisfactorily zufriedenstellend
satisfactorilyzur Zufriedenheit [zufriedenstellend]
satisfactoriness das Befriedigende {n}
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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