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socle of a statueSockel {m} einer Statue
socle of the column Säulensockel {m} [Sockel der Säule]
socman Höriger {m} [Bauer]
socmen Hintersassen {pl} [vom Grundherren abhängige Bauern]
socmen {pl} Hörige {pl} [Bauern]
Socorro dove [Zenaida graysoni] Socorrotaube {f}
Socorro dove [Zenaida graysoni] Graysontaube {f}
Socorro mockingbird [Mimodes graysoni] Socorrospottdrossel {f}
Socorro parakeet [Aratinga (holochlora) brevipes]Socorrosittich {m}
Socorro thrasher [Mimodes graysoni] Socorrospottdrossel {f}
Socorro warbler [Parula pitiayumi, syn.: Compsothlypis nigrilora, C. pitiayumi, Setophaga pitiayumi] Elfenwaldsänger {m} [auch: Elfen-Waldsänger]
Socorro wren [Thryomanes sissonii] Socorrozaunkönig {m}
SocotraSokotra {n}
Socotra bunting [Emberiza socotrana] Sokotraammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}]
Socotra buzzard [Buteo socotraensis] Socotra-Bussard {m}
Socotra buzzard [Buteo socotraensis] Sokotrabussard {m}
Socotra (chestnut-winged) starling [Onychognathus frater]Sokotrastar {m}
Socotra cisticola [Incana incana]Sokotracistensänger {m}
Socotra cormorant [Phalacrocorax nigrogularis] Sokotrakormoran {m}
Socotra golden-winged grosbeak [Rhynchostruthus socotranus] Sokotragimpel {m}
Socotra golden-winged grosbeak [Rhynchostruthus socotranus]Goldflügelgimpel {m}
Socotra grosbeak [Rhynchostruthus socotranus] Sokotragimpel {m}
Socotra grosbeak [Rhynchostruthus socotranus] Goldflügelgimpel {m}
Socotra mountain bunting [Emberiza socotrana] Sokotraammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}]
Socotra night snake [Ditypophis vivax] Sokotra-Nachtnatter {f}
Socotra shag [Phalacrocorax nigrogularis] Sokotrakormoran {m}
Socotra sparrow [Passer insularis]Sokotrasperling {m}
Socotra sunbird [Nectarinia balfouri] Sokotranektarvogel {m}
Socotra warbler [Incana incana / incanus] Hartlaubcistensänger {m}
Socotra worm snake [Xerotyphlops socotranus] Sokotra-Blindschlange {f}
Socotran cormorant [Phalacrocorax nigrogularis]Sokotrakormoran {m}
Socotran pomegranate [Punica protopunica] Sokotra-Granatapfel {m} [Frucht]
SocratesSokrates {m}
Socratic method sokratische Methode {f}
Socratic turn sokratische Wende {f}
sodRasenstück {n}
sod Sode {f}
sod Rollrasen {m}
sod Grasnarbe {f}
sod Plagge {f} [nordd. für ausgestochenes Rasenstück] [auch {m}; niederd. auch {n}]
sod [Br.] [sl.] Fiesling {m} [ugs.]
sod [Br.] [sl.] [pej.] [sodomite] Sodomit {m} [pej.]
sod [Br.] [vulg.] [pej.]Sau {f} [vulg.] [pej.] [Person]
sod [divot] Grassode {f}
sod all [Br.] [vulg.] rein gar nichts
sod cutting Plaggen {n} [niederdeutsch]
sod house Grassodenhaus {n}
sod hut Grassodenhütte {f}
Sod it! [Br.] [coll.] Verdammter Mist! [vulg.]
sod of peat Torfsode {f}
Sod off! [Br.] [vulg.] Verpiss dich! [vulg.]
sod roof [turf roof] Rasendach {n}
sod roof [turf roof] Grasdach {n}
Sod that! [Br.] [sl.]Scheiß drauf! [vulg.]
Sod this for a game of soldiers! [Br.] [coll.] [idiom]Schluss damit, ich geb's auf! [ugs.]
Sod you! [Br.] [sl.] Du kannst mich mal! [ugs.]
Sod you! [Br.] [sl.]Leck mich am Arsch! [vulg.]
sodaMineralwasser {n}
soda [Am.] Limonade {f} [Softdrink]
soda [Am.] Limo {f} [ugs.]
soda [Am.] Kracherl {n} [bayer.] [österr.]
soda [Am.] [soft drink]Brause {f}
soda [Am.] [soft drink] süßer Sprudel {m}
soda [carbonated water] saurer Sprudel {m}
soda [Na2CO3·10 H2O]Soda {f}
soda [soda water]Soda {n} [Sodawasser]
soda [soda water]Sodawasser {n}
soda [sodium carbonate] Soda {f} [Natriumcarbonat]
soda ash wasserfreie Soda {f}
soda ash [coll.]wasserfreies Natriumkarbonat {n}
soda ash [sodium carbonate] Soda {f} [Natriumcarbonat]
soda (ash)kohlensaures Natrium {n}
soda (ash) Natriumcarbonat {n}
soda breadSodabrot {n}
soda can [Am.] [coll.]Getränkedose {f}
soda cracker Salzcracker {m}
soda firing Sodabrand {m}
soda fountain Getränkespender {m}
soda glaze Sodaglasur {f}
soda jerk [also: soda jerker] [Am.] [sl.] [dated]Limonadenverkäufer {m}
soda lake Sodasee {m}
soda lakeNatronsee {m}
soda lime Atemkalk {m}
soda lime glass Kalknatronglas {n} [Normalglas]
soda machineGetränkeautomat {m}
soda niter [Am.] [NaNO3] Natronsalpeter {m}
soda pop [Am.] Limo {f} [ugs.]
soda pop [Am.] Limonade {f} [Softdrink]
soda pop [Am.] Kracherl {n} [bayer.] [österr.]
soda powder [sherbet powder]Brausepulver {n}
soda siphonSodaflasche {f}
soda siphon Siphon {m} [auch {n}]
soda siphonSiphonflasche {f}
soda spoon Limonadenlöffel {m}
Soda Spring Valley kangaroo mouse [Microdipodops pallidus] Blasse Kängurumaus {f}
soda syphon Sodaflasche {f}
soda syphonSiphon {m} [auch {n}]
soda syphonSiphonflasche {f}
soda waterSelterswasser {n}
« socisociSocisocisocksoclsodasodisodiSodosoft »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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