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soil material Erdmaterial {n}
soil mechanical response unit (SMRU) bodenmechanische Reaktionseinheit {f}
soil mechanics bodenmechanisch
soil mechanics [treated as sg.] Bodenmechanik {f}
soil megafauna Megafauna {f} des Bodens
soil microbes Bodenmikroben {pl}
soil microbial bodenmikrobiell
soil microfauna Bodenmikrofauna {f}
soil microflora Bodenmikroflora {f}
soil microorganisms Kleinstlebewesen {pl} im Boden
soil microorganisms Kleinstlebewesen {pl} im Erdreich
soil mineralBodenmineral {n}
soil mineralsBodenmineralien {pl}
soil modelBodenmodell {n}
soil moisture Bodenfeuchte {f}
soil moisture Bodenfeuchtigkeit {f}
soil moisture condition Bodenfeuchtezustand {m}
soil moisture measurement Bodenfeuchtemessung {f}
soil moisture measurement Bodenfeuchtigkeitsmessung {f}
soil moisture sensor Bodenfeuchtesensor {m}
soil moisture tension Bodenwasserspannung {f}
soil monitoringBodenüberwachung {f}
soil morphologyBodenmorphologie {f}
soil movement Bodenbewegung {f} [Acker-, Deckböden]
soil nailingVernagelung {f}
soil nailing Bodenvernagelung {f}
soil nailing Injektionsverdübelung {f}
soil nematodeErdnematode {m}
soil nematodeBodennematode {m}
soil nutrient availability Bodennährstoffverfügbarkeit {f}
soil nutrient composition Bodennährstoffzusammensetzung {f}
soil nutrients Bodennährstoffe {pl}
soil organic matter <SOM>organische Bodensubstanz {f} <OBS>
soil organisms Bodenorganismen {pl}
soil parameterBodenkennwert {m}
soil parameter Bodenparameter {m}
soil parameterBodenkenngröße {f}
soil particleBodenpartikel {n} [auch {f}]
soil particleBodenteilchen {n}
soil pattern Bodenmuster {n}
soil permeabilityBodendurchlässigkeit {f}
soil phaseBodenphase {f}
soil physicalbodenphysikalisch
soil physics [treated as sg.] Bodenphysik {f}
soil pipeAbflussrohr {n}
soil poisoner [coll.]Bodenvergifter {m} [ugs.]
soil pollutant Bodenschadstoff {m}
soil pollution Bodenverschmutzung {f}
soil pollutionBodenverunreinigung {f}
soil pore Bodenpore {f}
soil porosity Bodenporosität {f}
soil preparation Bodenvorbereitung {f}
soil preparation Bodenbearbeitung {f}
soil pressure Bodenpressung {f}
soil process Bodenprozess {m}
soil productivityBodenproduktivität {f}
soil profile Bodenprofil {n}
soil properties Bodeneigenschaften {pl}
soil propertyBodeneigenschaft {f}
soil protection Bodenschonung {f}
soil protection Bodenschutz {m}
soil protection concept Bodenschutzkonzept {n}
soil protection program [Am.] Bodenschutzprogramm {n}
soil protection programme [Br.] Bodenschutzprogramm {n}
soil protozoaBodenprotozoen {pl}
soil quality Bodenqualität {f}
soil reaction Bodenreaktion {f}
soil remediation Bodensanierung {f}
soil replacementBodenaustausch {m}
soil report Bodenanalysebericht {m}
soil research Bodenforschung {f}
soil resistanceBodenwiderstand {m}
soil resistivity [Am.]spezifischer Erdwiderstand {m} [Bodenwiderstand]
soil resistivity [Am.]Bodenwiderstand {m}
soil resourceBodenressource {f}
soil resources Bodenressourcen {pl}
soil respirationBodenatmung {f}
soil rigidityBodensteifigkeit {f}
soil rot [sweet potatoes] Bodenfäule {f} der / bei Süßkartoffeln [Bataten]
soil salinationBodenversalzung {f}
soil salinity Bodenversalzungsgrad {m}
soil salinityBodensalinität {f}
soil salinizationBodenversalzung {f}
soil sampleBodenprobe {f}
soil sampling {sg} [generally]Bodenprobennahmen {pl}
soil scienceBodenkunde {f}
soil scienceBodenwissenschaft {f}
soil science [pedology] Pedologie {f}
soil sciencesBodenwissenschaften {pl}
soil scientist Bodenkundler {m}
soil scientistBodenwissenschaftler {m}
soil scientist [female] Bodenkundlerin {f}
soil scientist [female]Bodenwissenschaftlerin {f}
soil sealingBodenversiegelung {f} [auch: Boden-Versiegelung]
soil sealingBodenversieglung {f} [auch: Boden-Versieglung]
soil series Bodenreihe {f} [Probenreihe etc.]
soil settlementBodensetzung {f}
soil solutionBodenlösung {f}
soil stabilisation [Br.] Bodenverfestigung {f}
soil stabilizationBodenverfestigung {f}
« softsoftsoftsoh-soilsoilsoilsojosolasolasola »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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