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solvent Solvens {n} [Lösungsmittel]
solvent solvent
solvent [attributive] lösemittelhaltig
solvent abuse [Br.] Lösungsmittelmissbrauch {m}
solvent content Lösemittelgehalt {m}
solvent exhaust systemLösungsmittelabluftsystem {n}
solvent extractionLösungsmittelextraktion {f}
solvent extraction Lösemittelextraktion {f}
solvent extraction Solventextraktion {f}
solvent frontLaufmittelfront {f}
solvent fumes Lösungsmitteldämpfe {pl}
solvent intoxicationLösungsmittelvergiftung {f}
solvent intoxication Lösungsmittelintoxikation {f} [sehr selten]
solvent moleculeLösungsmittelmolekül {n}
solvent naphtha Solventnaphtha {n}
solvent polymerisation [Br.] Lösemittelpolymerisation {f}
solvent properties Lösemitteleigenschaften {pl}
solvent properties Lösungsmitteleigenschaften {pl}
solvent resistance Beständigkeit {f} gegen Lösungsmittel
solvent resistance Lösungsmittelbeständigkeit {f}
solvent savings {pl}Lösemittelersparnis {f}
solvent separation test Lösemitteltrennprüfung {f}
solvent separation test Lösungsmitteltrennprüfung {f}
solvent stainLösungsmittelbeize {f}
solvent vapors [Am.] Lösungsmitteldämpfe {pl}
solvent vapours [Br.] Lösungsmitteldämpfe {pl}
solvent welded quellverschweißt
solvent weldingQuellschweißen {n}
solvent-based lösemittelbasiert
solvent-based lösungsmittelbasiert
solvent-containing lösungsmittelhaltig
solvent-free lösemittelfrei
solvent-resistant lösungsmittelbeständig
solvents Solvenzien {pl}
solventsschleimlösende Mittel {pl}
solvents Lösemittel {pl}
solvents odour Lösemittelgeruch {m}
solverAuflöser {m}
solverLöser {m} [von Rätseln]
solvingAufklärung {f} [eines Verbrechens]
solving [also: mystery etc.]Auflösung {f} [auch: Rätsel etc.]
solving of the case Aufklärung {f} des Falles
solving (of) problems Problemlösen {n}
solving technique Lösungstechnik {f}
solvolysisSolvolyse {f}
solvophobic effectsolvophober Effekt {m}
solvophobic effects solvophobe Effekte {pl}
solvothermal synthesisSolvothermalsynthese {f}
solyanka [spicy east European soup] Soljanka {f}
soma Soma {n}
soma sacrifice [Vedic]Somaopfer {n}
somaclonal variationsomaklonale Variation {f}
somaesthesia [Br.]Somästhesie {f}
Somali Somalier {m} [unpräzise für (ein) Somali]
Somali Somali {n}
Somali [female] Somalierin {f}
Somali / Somalian sand boa [Eryx somalicus] Somalische Sandboa {f}
Somali / Somaliland stock-dove [Columba oliviae] Somalitaube {f}
Somali bee-eater [Merops revoilii, syn.: Melittophagus revoilii]Blaßspint {m}
Somali bee-eater [Merops revoilii]Somalispint {m}
Somali blackbird [Turdus ludoviciae]Somalidrossel {f}
Somali black-throated bustard [Eupodotis humilis]Somalitrappe {f}
Somali bunting [Emberiza poliopleura]Somaliammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}]
Somali bushbaby [Galago gallarum]Somalia-Galago {m}
Somali butterflyfish [Chaetodon leucopleura]Somali-Falterfisch {m}
Somali canary [Serinus dorsostriatus, syn.: Crithagra dorsostriata, Ochrospiza dorsostriata, formerly Dendrospiza dorsostriata] Weißbauchgirlitz {m}
Somali carpet viper [Echis hughesi] Hughes Sandrasselotter {f}
Somali chanting goshawk [Melierax poliopterus] Weißbürzel-Singhabicht {m}
Somali cheetah [Acinonyx jubatus soemmeringii]Nordostafrikanischer Gepard {m}
Somali (chestnut-winged) starling [Onychognathus blythii] Somalistar {m}
Somali courser [Cursorius somalensis]Somalirennvogel {m}
Somali crombec [Sylvietta isabellina]Isabellsylvietta / Isabell-Sylvietta {f}
Somali dusky flycatcher [Muscicapa gambagae] Gambagaschnäpper {m}
Somali dwarf mongoose [Helogale hirtula] Östliche Zwergmanguste {f}
Somali dwarf mongoose [Helogale hirtula] Somalia-Zwergmanguste {f}
Somali elephant shrew [Elephantulus revoili] Somali-Elefantenspitzmaus {f}
Somali elephant shrew [Elephantulus revoili] Somali-Rüsselspringer {m}
Somali fiscal [Lanius somalicus] Antinoriwürger {m}
Somali flycatcher [Melaenornis microrhynchus, syn.: Bradornis microrhynchus, Bradornis pallidus] Strichelkopfschnäpper {m}
Somali gerbil [Ammodillus imbellis] Somali-Rennmaus {f}
Somali giraffe [Giraffa camelopardalis reticulata]Netzgiraffe {f}
Somali golden mole [Calcochloris tytonis, syn.: Chlorotalpa tytonis] Somalia-Goldmull {m}
Somali golden-breasted bunting [Emberiza poliopleura] Somaliammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}]
Somali golden-winged grosbeak [Rhynchostruthus louisae]Somaligimpel {m}
Somali grosbeak [Rhynchostruthus louisae]Somaligimpel {m}
Somali hedgehog [Atelerix sclateri] Somalischer Igel {m}
Somali lesser galago [Galago gallarum]Somalia-Galago {m}
Somali long-billed crombec [Sylvietta isabellina]Isabellsylvietta / Isabell-Sylvietta {f}
Somali (long-billed) lark [Mirafra somalica]Somaliriesenlerche {f}
Somali ostrich [Struthio molybdophanes] Somalistrauß {m}
Somali pigeon [Columba oliviae] Somalitaube {f}
« solisolisoloSolosolusolvSomasomasomesomesome »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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