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sacrilegious sakrilegisch
sacrilegious person Frevler {m} [geh.]
sacrilegiously entweihend
sacrilegiously frevelhaft [geh.]
sacringWeihung {f}
sacrist [sacristan] Sakristan {m}
sacristanKüster {m}
sacristan Mesner {m} [südd.] [österr.]
sacristan Kirchendiener {m}
sacristan Messner {m}
sacristanSakristan {m}
sacristansKüster {pl}
sacristiesSakristeien {pl}
sacristySakristei {f}
sacrococcygeal sakrokokzygeal
sacrococcygeal Kreuz- und Steißbein betreffend
sacrococcygeal sakrococcygeal
sacrococcygeal articulation [Articulatio sacrococcygea]Sakrokokzygealgelenk {n}
sacrococcygeal fistula [Sinus pilonidalis] Sacraldermoid {n}
sacrococcygeal teratoma <SCT>sakrokokzygeales Teratom {n} <SCT>
sacrodynia Sakralgie {f}
sacrodyniaSakrodynie {f}
sacrodynia Kreuzbeinschmerz {m}
sacroiliac sakroiliakal
sacroiliac blockage Iliosakralblockade {f}
sacroiliac joint [Articulatio iliosacralis]Sakroiliakalgelenk {n}
sacroiliac joint [Articulatio iliosacralis] Kreuzdarmbeingelenk {n}
sacroiliac joint <SI joint, SIJ> [Articulatio sacroiliaca] Iliosakralgelenk {n} <IS-Gelenk, ISG>
sacroiliac joint <SI joint, SIJ> [Articulatio sacroiliaca] Kreuzbein-Darmbein-Gelenk {f}
sacroiliac joint syndrome <SIJ syndrome> Iliosakralgelenksyndrom {n} <ISG-Syndrom>
sacroiliac pain {sg} Kreuzschmerzen {pl}
sacroiliitis Sakroiliitis {f}
sacrolumbar sakrolumbal
sacroperineal sakroperineal
sacroperineal Kreuzbein-Damm-
sacrosanct geheiligt
sacrosanct hochheilig
sacrosanct unantastbar
sacrosanct sakrosankt [geh.] [unantastbar]
sacrosanctunverfügbar [unantastbar]
sacrosanctity Unantastbarkeit {f}
sacrosanctity [rel. and generally]Sakrosanktheit {f} [rel. und allg.]
sacrospinous sakrospinal
sacrospinous ligament [Ligamentum sacrospinale / sacrospinosum] Kreuzbein-Sitzbeinstachelband {n}
sacrotomySakrotomie {f}
sacrotuberous ligament [Ligamentum sacrotuberale] Kreuzbein-Sitzbeinhöckerband {n}
sacrouterine sakrouterin
sacrouterine uterosakral
sacrouterine Kreuzbein-Gebärmutter-
sacrovertebral sakrovertebral
sacrum [Os sacrum]Kreuzbein {n}
sacrum [Os sacrum] Sakrum {n}
sacrumsKreuzbeine {pl}
sacs Beutel {pl}
sacsaoul [also: saksaul] [spv.] [Haloxylon ammodendron] [(black) saxaul] Schwarzer Saxaul {m}
sac-winged bats [family Emballonuridae] Glattnasen-Freischwänze {pl}
sac-winged bats [family Emballonuridae] Sackflügelfledermäuse {pl}
sad schlimm
sadschmerzlich [Lächeln]
sad betroffen [bestürzt, betrübt]
sad [pej.] [very poorly quality] jämmerlich [pej.] [verachtenswert]
sad accidenternster Unfall {m}
sad accident trauriger Unfall {m}
sad affairtraurige Angelegenheit {f}
sad at heartsehr traurig
sad atmosphere traurige Stimmung {f}
sad business traurige Angelegenheit {f}
sad but true traurig aber wahr
sad changebetrüblicher Wandel {m}
sad chapter trauriges Kapitel {n}
sad colour [Br.] düstere Farbe {f}
Sad Cypress [Agatha Christie] Morphium
sad end trauriges Ende {n}
sad episodetraurige Geschichte {f}
sad event trauriges Ereignis {n}
sad expression trauriger Gesichtsausdruck {m}
sad expressiontraurige Miene {f}
sad face trauriges Gesicht {n}
sad flycatcher [Myiarchus barbirostris] Jamaikatyrann {m}
sad gecko [Lepidodactylus lugubris, syn.: Amydosaurus lugubris, Gecko lugubris, Peropus neglectus, Platydactylus lugubris] Schuppenfinger {m}
sad gecko [Lepidodactylus lugubris, syn.: Amydosaurus lugubris, Gecko lugubris, Peropus neglectus, Platydactylus lugubris] Schuppenfingergecko {m}
sad gecko [Lepidodactylus lugubris, syn.: Amydosaurus lugubris, Gecko lugubris, Peropus neglectus, Platydactylus lugubris] Jungferngecko {m}
sad news betrübende Nachricht {f}
sad news traurige Nachricht {f}
sad newsTrauerbotschaft {f}
sad news {pl} Trauernachricht {f}
sad numbertraurige Zahl {f}
sad sack [Am.] [sl.]Trottel {m} [ugs.]
sad sighttrauriger Anblick {m}
sad storytraurige Geschichte {f}
sad to hearbedauerlich zu hören
« sabrsaccsacrsacrsacrsacrsadtsaddsadhsafesafe »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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