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song [popular music]Titel {m}
song activity Gesangsaktivität {f}
song behavior [Am.] Gesangsverhalten {n}
song behaviour [Br.] Gesangsverhalten {n}
song birdSingvogel {m}
song bookGesangbuch {n}
song book Textbuch {n} [Liederbuch]
song composerLiedkomponist {m}
song composer Liederkomponist {m}
song composer [female] Liederkomponistin {f}
song contestSchlagerwettbewerb {m}
song culture Liedkultur {f}
song cycleLiedzyklus {m}
song cycle Liederzyklus {m}
song cycle Liederkreis {m}
song cycles Liederzyklen {pl}
Song Dynasty Song-Dynastie {f}
song element Gesangselement {n}
song fluteTonette {f} [selten] [eine Art Kunststoff-Blockflöte, bes. in den USA]
song for voice and continuo Generalbasslied {n}
song formLiedform {f}
song of angels Engelgesang {m}
song of confidence Vertrauenslied {n}
Song of DeborahDeboralied {n}
Song of Ecke [frequently used as a gloss on the German title] Eckenlied {n}
song of freedom Freiheitslied {n}
song of gladnessFreudengesang {m}
song of gratitudeDankeslied {n}
song of India [Dracaena reflexa, syn.: Dracaena marginata] Gerandeter Drachenbaum {m}
song of joy Freudengesang {m}
song of joy Jubelgesang {m}
song of joy Freudenlied {n}
song of joy Jubellied {n}
song of loveLiebesgesang {m}
song of love Liebeslied {n}
Song of Love [Clarence Brown (1947 film)]Clara Schumanns große Liebe
song of mourning Trauergesang {m}
Song of penanceBusslied [Beethoven]
song of penitenceBußlied {n}
song of praiseLoblied {n}
song of praisePreislied {n}
song of praise Lobgesang {m}
Song of Solomon [Toni Morrison]Solomons Lied
Song of SongsHoheslied {n} (Salomos) [das Hohelied]
song of thanksgiving [thanksgiving for a good harvest] Erntedanklied {n}
Song of the Albigensian Crusade Gesang {m} vom Albigenserkreuzzug
Song of the Fatherland Vaterlandslied [Ernst Moritz Arndt]
song of the nightingaleNachtigallenschlag {m}
song of the nightingaleGesang {m} der Nachtigall
Song of the persecuted man in the tower Lied des Verfolgten im Turm [G. Mahler]
song of the Sirens Sirenengesang {m}
Song of the South [Harve Foster, Wilfred Jackson] Onkel Remus' Wunderland
song of triumph Triumphlied {n}
song of victory Siegeslied {n}
song of welcomeWillkommenslied {n}
song parrot [Geoffroyus heteroclitus] Bismarckpapagei {m}
song pattern Gesangsmuster {n}
song post Singwarte {f}
song recital [in the evening] Liederabend {m}
song repertoireGesangsrepertoire {n}
song repertoire Liedrepertoire {n}
song repertoire Liederrepertoire {n}
song request Musikwunsch {m}
song sheet Liedblatt {n}
song sparrow [Melospiza melodia]Singammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}]
song tanager [Ramphocelus passerinii] Feuerrückentangare {f}
song tanager [Ramphocelus passerinii] Passerinitangare {f} [auch: Passerini-Tangare]
song texts Liedertexte {pl}
song theory Liedertheorie {f}
song thrush [Hylocichla mustelina, syn.: Catharus mustelinus, Turdus mustelinus] Walddrossel {f}
song thrush [Turdus philomelos]Singdrossel {f}
song thrush eggs Singdrosseleier {pl} [auch: Singdrossel-Eier]
song title Songtitel {m}
song whistleLotusflöte {f}
Song Without End Lied Ohne Ende [aus Albumblätter, op. 124, von R. Schumann]
song wren [Cyphorhinus phaeocephalus]Brillenzaunkönig {m}
song writer Liederdichter {m}
song writer [lyricist]Songtexter {m}
[song for a choir, usually unaccompanied] Chorlied {n}
songbird Singvogel {m}
songbird speciesSingvogelart {f}
songbird species {pl} Singvogelarten {pl}
songbirdsSingvögel {pl}
songbookLiederbuch {n}
songbook Gesangbuch {n}
songbook Textbuch {n} [Liederbuch]
songcraft Songschreiberhandwerk {n} [selten]
songfestSingfest {n}
songful gesangvoll
Songhai Empire [also: Songhay Empire]Songhaireich {n} [auch Songhai-Reich]
Songhai (language) [also: Songhay] Songhai {n}
Songhaian Empire [also: Songhay Empire] Songhaireich {n}
songless nicht singend
songless sanglos
songlike liedhaft
songlinesTraumpfade {pl}
songsLieder {pl}
Songs and Airs from Days of Youth Lieder und Gesänge aus der Jugendzeit [Gustav Mahler]
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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