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English-German Dictionary

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sophistry Haarspalterei {f} [pej.]
sophistry [pej.] Trugschluss {m} [pej.] [zur Täuschung eingesetzer Fehlschluss]
sophists Sophisten {pl}
Sophocles Sophokles {m} [griechischer Dramatiker]
sophomoreSchüler {m}
sophomore [Am.]Student {m} im 2. Studienjahr
sophomore [Am.] Zehntklässler {m}
sophomore [Am.] Sechstklässler {m} [österr.]
sophomore [attr.] [esp. Am.] [second] [e.g. album] Zweit- [z. B. Album]
sophomore [female] [Am.] Studentin {f} im zweiten Studienjahr
sophomore [female] [Am.] Zehntklässlerin {f}
sophomore [female] [Am.]Sechstklässlerin {f} [österr.]
sophomore album [esp. Am.] [second album] Zweitalbum {n}
sophomore girl [Am.] Zehntklässlerin {f}
sophomore girl [Am.] Sechstklässlerin {f} [österr.]
sophomores [Am.] Zehntklässler {pl}
sophomoric angeberisch [ugs.]
sophomoric an Selbstüberschätzung leidend
sophomorically angeberisch [ugs.]
sophophobia Sophophobie {f}
sophoricoside [C21H20O10] Sophoricosid {n}
sophrosyne [rare]Besonnenheit {f}
sopor tiefer Schlaf {m}
soporSopor {m} [schlafgleicher Zustand]
soporiferous einschläfernd
soporiferous schlafinduzierend
soporiferously einschläfernd
soporific einschläfernd
soporific ermüdend
soporific schlaffördernd
soporific Schlafmittel {n}
soporific agent Schlafmittel {n}
soporifically einschläfernd
soporifics Schlafmittel {pl}
soporose [morbidly sleepy]krankhaft schläfrig
soporous [morbidly sleepy]krankhaft schläfrig
Sopot Zoppot {n}
soppier [Br.] [coll.] fader
soppiest [Br.] [coll.]fadeste
soppily [Br.] [coll.]schnulzig [ugs.]
soppiness [Am.] [coll.] [pej.]Gefühlsduselei {f} [ugs.] [pej.]
soppiness [Am.] [coll.] [pej.](übertriebene) Sentimentalität {f} [ugs.] [oft pej.]
soppiness [Br.] [coll.] [pej.]Rührseligkeit {f}
soppiness [clamminess]Klammheit {f} [Feuchtigkeit]
sopping triefend
sopping wet quatschnass [ugs. für: triefend nass]
sopping wet [coll.] klitschnass [ugs.]
sopping wet [coll.] klatschnass [ugs.]
soppressataSoppressata {f}
soppy [coll.] fad / fade [österr.] [zimperlich]
soppy [Br.] [coll.] [sentimental]rührselig
soppy [Br.] [coll.] [sentimental] sentimental [Person]
soppy [Br.] [sentimental, slushy]schnulzig [ugs.]
soppy [drenched] durchnässt
soppy [rainy]regnerisch
soppy [soaked, drenched]durchweicht
sopranino clarinetSopranino-Klarinette {f}
sopranino recorder Sopraninoblockflöte {f}
sopranino recorderSopranino {f}
sopranino saxophoneSopraninosaxophon {n}
sopranino ukuleleSopranino-Ukulele {f}
sopranissimo saxophoneSoprillo {n}
sopranist Sopranist {m}
sopranoSopran {m}
soprano ariaSopran-Arie {f}
soprano aria Sopranarie {f}
soprano clarinet Sopranklarinette {f}
soprano clef Sopranschlüssel {m}
soprano clef Diskantschlüssel {m}
soprano part [roll] Sopranpartie {f} [Rolle]
soprano pipistrelle (bat) [Pipistrellus pygmaeus] Mückenfledermaus {f}
soprano recorderC-Flöte {f} [Blockflöte]
soprano recorder [Am.]Sopranblockflöte {f}
soprano saxophone Sopransaxophon {n}
soprano saxophone Sopransaxofon {n} [Rsv.]
soprano singer [female] Sopranistin {f}
soprano trombone Sopranposaune {f}
soprano trombone Diskantposaune {f}
soprano ukuleleSopran-Ukulele {f}
soprillo (saxophone) [sopranissimo saxophone] Soprillo {n} [kleinste reguläre Baugröße des Saxophons]
Sopron Ödenburg {n}
sora [Porzana carolina] Carolinasumpfhuhn {n}
sora crake [Porzana carolina] Carolinasumpfhuhn {n}
sora rail [Porzana carolina] Carolinasumpfhuhn {n}
Sorabe alphabet [also: Sora-be]Sorabe {n} [Schrift]
soralia Sorale {pl}
sorb Eberesche {f}
Sorb Sorbe {m}
Sorb [female]Sorbin {f}
sorb (tree) [Sorbus domestica, syn.: Cormus domestica, Pyrus domestica] Haus-Vogelbeere / Hausvogelbeere {f}
sorb (tree) [Sorbus domestica, syn.: Cormus domestica, Pyrus domestica] Sperbe {f} [Speierling]
sorb (tree) [Sorbus domestica, syn.: Cormus domestica, Pyrus domestica] Zahmer Sperberbaum {m} [Speierling]
sorb (tree) [Sorbus domestica, syn.: Cormus domestica, Pyrus domestica] Speerbirnbaum {m} [Speierling]
sorb (tree) [Sorbus domestica] Speierling {m}
sorb (tree) [Sorbus domestica] Spreigel {m}
sorb (tree) [Sorbus domestica]Spierapfel {m}
sorb (tree) [Sorbus domestica] Sporapfel {m}
« soniSonosoonsootsootsophsorbsoresorpsorrsort »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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