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English-German Dictionary

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sour cherry [Prunus cerasus] Weixel {f} [südd., österr. für Sauerkirsche]
sour creamSauerrahm {m} [österr.] [südd.] [schweiz.]
sour creamsaure Sahne {f}
sour cream [with increased fat content]Schmant {m} [Rsv.] [regional] [saure Sahne mit erhöhtem Fettanteil]
sour cream [with increased fat content]Schmand {m} [regional] [saure Sahne mit erhöhtem Fettanteil]
sour cream cake Schmandkuchen {m}
sour cream cake Sauerrahmkuchen {m}
sour cream ice creamSauerrahmglace {n} {f} [schweiz.] [Sauerrahmeis]
sour cream mixture Schmandmasse {f} [regional] [saure Sahne]
sour cream sauce Sauerrahmsauce {f}
sour crudeschwefelreiches / saures Erdöl {n}
sour dispositionmürrische Gemütslage {f}
sour dock [Rumex crispus]Krauser Ampfer {m}
sour doughSauerteig {m}
sour fig [S.Afr.] [Carpobrotus edulis, syn.: Mesembryanthemum acinaciforme, M. edule] Eiskraut {n} [Mittagsblume]
sour fig [S.Afr.] [Carpobrotus edulis] Hexenfinger {m}
sour fig [S.Afr.] [Carpobrotus edulis] Hottentottenfeige {f}
sour fig [S.Afr.] [Carpobrotus edulis]Pferdefeige {f}
sour fig [S.Afr.] [Carpobrotus edulis]Gelbe Mittagsblume {f}
sour fig [S.Afr.] [Carpobrotus edulis] Essbare Mittagsblume {f}
sour gasSauergas {n}
sour grapes [also fig.] saure Trauben {pl} [auch fig.]
sour grapes [fig.]Missgunst {f}
sour grapes [fig.]Neid {m} der Besitzlosen
sour gum family {sg} [family Nyssoideae]Tupelogewächse {pl}
sour milk Sauermilch {f}
sour milk gestöckelte Milch {f} [bayer.] [österr.]
sour milksaure Milch {f}
sour milk cheeseQuargel {m} {n}
sour milk cheeseSauermilchkäse {m}
sour oil saures Rohöl {n}
sour old hag [pej.] Gewitterziege {f} [pej.] [böse / zänkische Frau]
sour old man alter Griesgram {m}
sour orange [Citrus aurantium]Clementine {f}
sour person mürrische Person {f}
sour soil saurer Boden {m}
sour stomach [acid stomach]übersäuerter Magen {m}
sour taste säuerlicher Geschmack {m}
sour weed [Rumex acetosella, syn.: Acetosella vulgaris] Kleiner Sauerampfer {m}
sour weed [Rumex acetosella, syn.: Acetosella vulgaris] Zwerg-Sauerampfer {m}
sour weed [Rumex acetosella, syn.: Acetosella vulgaris]Kleiner Ampfer {m}
sour whey Sauermolke {f}
[Sour-tasting food improves your mood.]Sauer macht lustig.
(sour) cream toppingSahneguss {m}
sour-balled [Am.]herb [mürrisch, schwierig]
sourballed [Am.]herb [mürrisch, schwierig]
Sourbrodt Sauerbrodt {n} [veraltend] [Sourbrodt]
source Quell {m} [geh.]
sourceQuelle {f}
source Ursprung {m}
sourceAusgang {m} [Ursprung]
sourceHerkunft {f} [eines Produkts, Objekts]
sourceFundort {m}
source Urgrund {m}
source [a lake as the source of a river]Quellsee {m}
source [attr.] [e.g. address, application, code, file, program]Quell- [z. B. Adresse, Anwendung, Code, Datei, Programm]
source [attr.] [e.g. material, criticism, edition, reference, situation] Quellen- [z. B. Material, Kritik, Edition, Hinweis, Lage]
source [of a disease etc.] Entstehungsort {m} [einer Krankheit etc.]
source [of a metaphor]Bildspender {m} [von einer Metapher]
source [of information, artifacts, etc.]Fundstelle {f}
source [person, feminine]Gewährsfrau {f}
source [person] Gewährsmann {m}
source [submitter]Einsender {m} [Einreicher]
source addressQuelladresse {f}
source admittance Quellenleitwert {m}
source analysisQuellenanalyse {f}
source analysisQuellenscheidung {f}
source and application of fundsMittelherkunft {f} und -verwendung
source and disposition statementVerwendungsnachweis {m}
source and drain [FET]Quelle und Senke [FET]
source and sink Quelle und Senke
source application Quellanwendung {f}
source apportionmentQuellenzuordnung {f}
source areaUrsprungsbereich {m}
source areaUrsprungsgebiet {n}
source area Herkunftsgebiet {n}
source book Quellensammlung {f}
source citation Quellenangabe {f}
source cluster Quellcluster {m} {n}
source code Quelltext {m}
source code Programmcode {m} [ugs.] [Quelltext, Quellcode]
source code <SC>Quellcode {m}
source code <SC>Ausgangscode {m}
source code <SC> Quellencode {m}
source coderQuellkodierer {m}
source codingQuellkodierung {f}
source coding Datenkompression {f}
source coding Source-Codierung {f}
source computer Übersetzungsrechner {m}
source computerQuellrechner {m}
source country Quellenland {n}
source criticismQuellenkritik {f}
source culture Ausgangskultur {f}
source dataUrsprungsdaten {pl}
source data Erstdaten {pl}
source data [treated as sg. or pl.]Originaldaten {pl} [Quelldaten]
source data [treated as sg. or pl.]Quelldaten {pl}
source definition Quelldefinition {f}
source deviceQuellgerät {n}
source directoryQuellverzeichnis {n}
« sounsounsounsounSounsoursoursoursoursourSout »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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