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English-German Dictionary

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southern black flycatcher [Melaenornis pammelaina]Glanzdrongoschnäpper {m}
southern black flycatcher / black-flycatcher [Melaenornis pammelaina, syn.: Bradornis pammelaina] Drongoschnäpper {m}
southern Black ForestSüdschwarzwald {m}
southern black korhaan [Afrotis afra, syn.: Eupodotis afra]Gackeltrappe {f}
southern black racer [Coluber constrictor priapus]Südliche Schwarznatter {f}
southern black widow [Latrodectus mactans]Südliche Schwarze Witwe {f}
southern black widow [Latrodectus mactans] Schwarze Witwe {f} [Südliche Schwarze Witwe]
southern blackcap [Tchagra anchietae, syn.: T. minuta anchietae, T. minutus anchietae, Bocagia anchietae, B. minuta anchietae, Antichromus anchietae anchietae, A. minutus anchietae] Anchietatschagra {f}
southern black-throated wren [Thryothorus spadix] Rußkopf-Zaunkönig {m}
southern bladderwort [Utricularia australis] Südlicher Wasserschlauch {m}
southern bladderwort [Utricularia australis] Verkannter Wasserschlauch {m}
southern bladderwort [Utricularia australis] Großer Wasserschlauch {m}
Southern blotSouthern Blot {m}
Southern blotting (technique) Southern-Blotting {n}
southern blue devil [Paraplesiops meleagris] Blaupunkt-Mirakelbarsch {m}
southern blue gum [Eucalyptus globulus] Blauer Eukalyptus {m}
southern blue gum [Eucalyptus globulus] Gewöhnlicher Eukalyptus {m}
southern blue gum [Eucalyptus globulus]Tasmanischer Blaugummibaum {m}
southern blue penguin [Eudyptula minor minor]Südlicher Zwergpinguin {m}
southern blue penguin [Eudyptula minor minor] Südinsel-Zwergpinguin {m}
southern blue roller [Coracias benghalensis]Hinduracke {f}
southern blue roller [Coracias benghalensis] Bengalenracke {f}
southern blue whiting [Micromesistius australis]Südlicher Wittling {m}
southern bluefin [Thunnus maccoyii]Südlicher Blauflossen-Thunfisch {m}
southern bluefin tuna [Thunnus maccoyii] Südlicher Blauflossen-Thunfisch {m}
southern bluefin tuna [Thunnus maccoyii] Südatlantischer Blauflossen-Thun {m}
southern bluetongue [Tiliqua nigrolutea] Schwarzgelber Blauzungenskink {m}
southern blue-tongued lizard [Tiliqua nigrolutea]Schwarzgelber Blauzungenskink {m}
southern bog lemming [Synaptomys cooperi] Südlicher Moorlemming {m}
southern bog lemming [Synaptomys cooperi] Südliche Lemmingmaus {f}
southern border Südgrenze {f}
southern bororó [Mazama nana] Kleiner Spießhirsch {m}
southern bottlenose whale [Hyperoodon planifrons]Südlicher Entenwal {m}
southern boubou [Laniarius ferrugineus]Flötenwürger {m}
southern boundary Südgrenze {f} [einer Stadt, eines Siedlungs- oder Verbreitungsgebiets]
southern bracken [Pteridium aquilinum]Adlerfarn {m}
southern bridle snake [Dryocalamus subannulatus] Südliche Zügelnatter {f}
southern bristle tyrant [Pogonotriccus eximius, syn.: Phylloscartes eximius] Weißaugen-Borstentyrann {m}
southern bristle tyrant [Pogonotriccus eximius, syn.: Phylloscartes eximius]Weißzügel-Laubtyrann {m}
Southern British Englishin Südengland gesprochenes Englisch {n}
southern bronzeback [Dendrelaphis grandoculis] [snake] Südliche Bronzenatter {f}
southern brown bandicoot [Isoodon obesulus] Kleiner Kurznasenbeutler {m}
southern brown cockroach [Periplaneta brunnea] Braune Schabe {f}
southern brown eggeater / egg eater [Dasypeltis inornata] [snake]Südafrikanische Eierschlange {f}
southern brown eggeater / egg eater [Dasypeltis inornata] [snake]Braune Eierschlange {f}
southern brown egg-eating snake [Dasypeltis inornata] Braune Eierschlange {f}
southern brown howler (monkey) [Alouatta guariba clamitans]Südlicher Brauner Brüllaffe {m}
southern brown howling monkey [Alouatta guariba clamitans] Südlicher Brauner Brüllaffe {m}
southern brown howling monkey [Alouatta guariba, syn.: A. fusca, Simia guariba] Brauner Brüllaffe {m}
southern brown kiwi [Apteryx australis]Streifenkiwi {m}
southern brown kiwi [Apteryx australis]Tokoeka {m}
southern brown kiwi [Apteryx australis]Südlicher Streifenkiwi {m}
southern brown-throated weaver [Ploceus xanthopterus]Braunkehlweber {m}
southern bullfrog [Lithobates grylio, syn.: Rana grylio]Schweinsfrosch {m}
southern bulrush [Schoenoplectus californicus]Totora-Schilf {n}
southern burrowing asp [Atractaspis bibronii, syn.: A. bibroni]Südliche Erdotter {f}
southern bypass Südumgehung {f}
southern bypass Südumfahrung {f}
Southern California <SoCal>Südkalifornien {n}
southern canton [Switzerland] Südkanton {m} [schweiz.] [ugs.] [Tessin]
southern caracara [Caracara plancus] Schopfkarakara {m}
southern carmine bee-eater [Merops nubicoides]Südlicher Karminspint {m}
Southern Carpathians Südkarpaten {pl}
southern cassowary [Casuarius casuarius] Helmkasuar {m}
southern catalpa [Catalpa bignonioides] Gewöhnlicher Trompetenbaum {m}
southern catalpa [Catalpa bignonioides]Zigarrenbaum {m}
southern catalpa [Catalpa bignonioides] Gemeiner Trompetenbaum {m}
southern catalpa [Catalpa bignonioides]Bohnenbaum {m}
southern catalpa [Catalpa bignonioides]Amerikanischer Trompetenbaum {m}
southern cattail [Typha domingensis, syn.: T. angustata, T. angustifolia, T. australis]Südlicher Rohrkolben {m}
Southern Caucasia Transkaukasien {n}
southern chestnut-tailed antbird [Myrmeciza hemimelaena] Südlicher Rotschwanz-Ameisenvogel {m}
southern coastSüdküste {f}
southern cockspur [Echinochloa colonum]Schamahirse {f}
southern cockspur [Echinochloa colonum]Südliche Hühnerhirse {f}
southern cockspur [Echinochloa colonum] [error: Echinochloa colona] Schmale Igelhirse {f}
southern comma (butterfly) [Polygonia egea] Gelber C-Falter {m}
southern comma (butterfly) [Polygonia egea]Südlicher C-Falter {m} [Schmetterling]
southern common cuscus [Phalanger mimicus]Südlicher Grauer Kuskus {m}
Southern Cone Südkegel {m}
southern continentsSüdkontinente {pl}
southern copperhead [Agkistrodon contortrix contortrix] Südlicher Kupferkopf {m}
southern coral snake [Micrurus frontalis]Südliche Korallenotter {f}
Southern Cordillera shrew mouse [Soricomys montanus]Berg-Spitzmausratte {f}
southern corner Südecke {f}
southern cotton rat [Sigmodon hirsutus, syn.: S. austerulus, S. borucae] Südliche Baumwollratte {f}
southern cowpea weevil [Callosobruchus chinensis, syn.: Bruchus chinensis] (Chinesischer) Kundekäfer {m}
southern cowpea weevil [Callosobruchus chinensis, syn.: Bruchus chinensis] Chinesischer Bohnenkäfer {m}
southern crabgrass [Digitaria ciliaris]Glattspelzen-Fingerhirse {f}
southern crabgrass [Digitaria ciliaris]Wimperfingerhirse {f}
southern creeper [Zeacumantus subcarinatus, syn.: Cerithium subcarinatum]Zeacumantus subcarinatus {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
southern crested caracara [Caracara plancus] Schopfkarakara {m}
southern crested guineafowl [Guttera pucherani edouardi , syn.: Guttera edouardi] Sambesi-Haubenperlhuhn {n}
southern crested Madagascar coucal [Coua verreauxi] Breitschopfcoua {m}
southern crested newt [Triturus karelinii]Asiatischer Kammmolch {m}
southern crested newt [Triturus karelinii] Südlicher Kammmolch {m}
southern crested newt [Triturus karelinii] Persischer Kammmolch {m}
Southern Cross Kreuz {n} des Südens [Sternbild]
Southern Cross [Patricia Cornwell] Kreuz des Südens
Southern Cross Mountains Southern Cross Mountains {pl}
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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