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southern meadowlark [Sturnella magna] Östlicher Lerchenstärling {m}
southern Mesopotamia Südmesopotamien {n}
southern midwife toad [Alytes dickhilleni] Südostiberische Geburtshelferkröte {f}
southern migrant hawker [Aeshna affinis] Südliche Mosaikjungfer {f}
southern milkcap [Lactarius quietus] (Rotbrauner) Eichen-Milchling {m}
southern milkvetch / milk vetch [Br.] [Astragalus hamosus, syn.: A. aegyptiacus, Tragacantha hamosa] Haken-Tragant / Hakentragant {m}
southern milkvetch / milk vetch [Br.] [Astragalus hamosus, syn.: A. aegyptiacus, Tragacantha hamosa] Angel-Tragant / Angeltragant {m}
southern milkvetch / milk vetch [Br.] [Astragalus hamosus, syn.: A. aegyptiacus, Tragacantha hamosa] Hakenfrüchtiger Tragant {m}
southern milkvetch / milk-vetch [Br.] [Astragalus australis] Südlicher Tragant {m}
southern milkvetch / milk-vetch [Br.] [Astragalus australis]Schweizer Tragant {m}
southern milkvetch / milk-vetch [Br.] [Astragalus australis]Süd-Tragant / Südtragant {m}
southern minke whale [Balaenoptera bonaerensis]Südlicher Zwergwal {m}
southern mock coral snake [Erythrolamprus aesculapii]Äskulap-Korallennatter {f}
southern mockingbird [Mimus gilvus] Tropenspottdrossel {f}
southern mole vole [Ellobius fuscocapillus] Südlicher Mull-Lemming {m}
southern moonfish [Lampris immaculatus]Südlicher Gotteslachs {m}
southern mountain cacique [Cacicus chrysonotus chrysonotus] Bergkassike {f}
southern mountain cacique [Cacicus chrysonotus chrysonotus]Mittelandenkassike {f}
southern mountain cavy [Microcavia australis] Südliches Zwergmeerschweinchen {n}
southern mountain viscacha [Lagidium viscacia] Cuvier-Hasenmaus {f}
southern (mountain) viscacha [Lagidium viscacia]Eigentliches Bergviscacha {n}
southern mouthbrooder [Pseudocrenilabrus philander] Messing-Maulbrüter {m}
southern multimammate mouse [Mastomys coucha]Südliche Vielzitzenmaus {f}
southern muriqui [Brachyteles arachnoides] Südlicher Spinnenaffe {m}
southern musical wren [Cyphorhinus arada] Rotkehl-Zaunkönig {m}
southern musical-wren [Cyphorhinus arada]Rotkehl-Zaunkönig {m}
southern mynah [Gracula (religiosa) indica]Kleiner Beo {m}
southern mynah [Gracula (religiosa) indica]Indienbeo {m}
southern myotis [Myotis aelleni] [Argentine species of vesper bat] Argentinisches Mausohr {n}
southern myotis [Myotis macropus, Vespertilio macropus] [Australian species of vesper bat]Südaustralische Langfußfledermaus {f}
southern myotis [Myotis macropus, Vespertilio macropus] [Australian species of vesper bat] Südliche Langfußfledermaus {f}
southern naked-tailed armadillo [Cabassous unicinctus] Großes Nacktschwanzgürteltier {n}
southern naked-tailed armadillo [Cabassous unicinctus](Südliches) Nacktschwanzgürteltier {n}
southern needle-clawed bushbaby [Euoticus elegantulus]Südlicher Kielnagelgalago {m}
southern neighbor [Am.] Nachbar {m} im Süden
southern neighbour [Br.] Nachbar {m} im Süden
southern neighbours [Br.]südliche Nachbarn {pl}
southern nightingale-wren [Microcerculus marginatus] Schuppenbrust-Zaunkönig {m}
southern nightingale-wren [Microcerculus marginatus] Südlicher Nachtigallzaunkönig {m}
southern ninespine stickleback [Pungitius platygaster] Südlicher Neunstachliger Stichling {m}
southern ninespine stickleback [Pungitius platygaster] Aral-Stichling {m}
southern ningaui [Ningaui yvonneae]Südliches Ningaui {n}
southern (oak) bush-cricket / bush cricket [Meconema meridionale]Südliche Eichenschrecke {f}
Southern OceanSüdlicher Ozean {m}
Southern Ocean Südmeer {n}
Southern Ocean Südpolarmeer {n}
Southern Ocean Antarktischer Ozean {m}
southern opah [Lampris immaculatus] Südlicher Gotteslachs {m}
southern opossum [Didelphis marsupialis] Südopossum {n}
Southern Oracle [The Neverending Story] Südliches Orakel {n} [Die unendliche Geschichte]
Southern Oscillation Index <SOI> Southern Oscillation Index {m} <SOI>
southern ostrich [Struthio camelus australis]Südafrikanischer Blauhalsstrauß {m}
southern ostrich [Struthio camelus australis]Südafrikanischer Strauß {m}
Southern Pacific rattlesnake [Crotalus oreganus helleri, syn.: Crotalus viridis helleri]Südpazifik-Prärieklapperschlange {f}
southern painted stork [Mycteria cinerea, syn.: Ibis cinereus]Milchstorch {m}
southern painted turtle [Chrysemys dorsalis, syn.: Chrysemys picta dorsalis] Rückenstreifen-Zierschildkröte {f}
southern painted turtle [Chrysemys dorsalis, syn.: Chrysemys picta dorsalis] Gestreifte Zierschildkröte {f}
southern painted turtle [Chrysemys picta dorsalis] Südliche Zierschildkröte {f}
Southern Palatinate [German region]Südpfalz {f}
Southern Palawan tree squirrel [Sundasciurus steerii]Südliches Palawan-Hörnchen {n}
southern partSüdteil {m}
southern part of townSüdstadt {f}
southern peacock chameleon [Trioceros perreti, syn.: Trioceros wiedersheimi perreti] Perrets Chamäleon {n}
southern penduline tit [Anthoscopus minutus]Kapbeutelmeise {f}
southern pied babbler [Turdoides bicolor]Elsterdrossling {m}
southern pig-tailed macaque [Macaca nemestrina] Südlicher Schweinsaffe {m}
southern pine [Pinus echinata]Igelkiefer {f}
southern pine [Pinus echinata] Glatte Kiefer {f}
southern pine [Pinus echinata] Fichtenkiefer / Fichten-Kiefer {f}
southern pine [Pinus echinata]Gelbkiefer {f}
southern pine beetle [Dendroctonus pseudotsugae] Douglasien-Riesenbastkäfer {m}
southern pine snake [Pituophis melanoleucus mugitus]Florida-Kiefernnatter {f}
southern pink borer (of sugarcane) [Sesamia calamistis, syn.: S. mediastriga, S. vuteria, Chilo calamistis] Afrikanischer Stängelbohrer {m}
southern plains gray langur [Am.] [Semnopithecus dussumieri] Dussumier-Hanuman-Langur {m}
southern plains grey langur [Br.] [Semnopithecus dussumieri] Dussumier-Hanuman-Langur {m}
southern plains grey langur [Br.] [Semnopithecus dussumieri] Dussumiers Hanuman-Langur {m}
Southern Plains rat snake [Pantherophis emoryi]Prärie-Kornnatter {f} [auch: Präriekornnatter]
Southern Plains rat snake [Pantherophis emoryi]Tiefland-Kornnatter {f}
Southern Plains woodrat [Neotoma micropus] Kleinfuß-Buschratte {f}
southern plantain [Plantago virginica]Virginischer Wegerich {m}
southern platyfish [Xiphophorus maculatus] Spiegelkärpfling {m}
southern platyfish [Xiphophorus maculatus] Platy {m}
southern pochard [Netta erythrophthalma, syn.: Aythya erythrophthalma, Nyroca erythrophthalma] Brauntauchente {f}
southern pochard [Netta erythrophthalma]Rotaugenente {f}
southern pocket gopher [Thomomys umbrinus]Zwergtaschenratte {f}
southern pokeberry [Phytolacca octandra, syn.: P. isocandra]Achtmännige Kermesbeere {f}
southern Poland Südpolen {n}
southern polar circle [usu. Antarctic Circle] südlicher Polarkreis {m}
Southern Polar SeaSüdpolarmeer {n}
southern poplar mushroom [Agrocybe cylindracea] Südlicher Ackerling {m}
southern poplar mushroom [Agrocybe cylindracea]Südlicher Schüppling {m}
southern poplar mushroom [Agrocybe cylindracea] Samthaube {f}
southern portSüdhafen {m}
southern portal [of a cathedral, tunnel] Südportal {n}
southern prickly ash [Zanthoxylum clava-herculis]Herkuleskeule {f}
southern prickly ash [Zanthoxylum clava-herculis] Herkuleskeulengelbholzbaum {m}
southern provincesSüdprovinzen {pl}
southern pudu [Pudu puda]Südpudu {m}
southern pudu [Pudu puda]Südlicher Pudu {m}
southern pygmy mouse [Baiomys musculus] Südliche Zwergmaus {f}
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