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southern speckled padloper [Homopus signatus cafer] Olifants-Flachschildkröte {f}
southern speckled tortoise [Homopus signatus cafer] Olifants-Flachschildkröte {f}
southern spectacled salamander [Salamandrina terdigitata] Südlicher Brillensalamander {m}
southern spiny pocket mouse [Heteromys australis] Südliche Stacheltaschenmaus {f}
southern splendid glossy starling [Lamprotornis splendidus] Prachtglanzstar / Pracht-Glanzstar {m}
Southern Sporades Südliche Sporaden {pl}
southern spotted skunk [Spilogale angustifrons] Südlicher Fleckenskunk {m}
southern spurge [Euphorbia nicaeensis] Nizza-Wolfsmilch {f}
southern spurge [Euphorbia nicaeensis]Pannonische Wolfsmilch {f}
southern square-lipped rhinoceros [Ceratotherium simum simum, syn.: C. s. burchellii, C. s. oswellii]Südliches Breitmaulnashorn {n}
southern star-of-Bethlehem [Ornithogalum narbonense]Narbonne-Milchstern {m}
southern state Südstaat {m}
southern stingray [Dasyatis americana]Amerikanischer Stachelrochen {m}
southern stingray [Dasyatis americana] Amerikanischer Stechrochen {m}
southern stingray [Dasyatis americana] Südlicher Stechrochen {m}
southern stingray [Dasyatis americana]Peitschenrochen {m}
Southern StyriaSüdsteiermark {f}
Southern Sudan [inofficial] <.ss> Südsudan {m}
southern sugar maple [Acer barbatum, syn.: A. saccharum floridanum] Florida-Ahorn {m}
southern swallowtail [Papilio alexanor] [butterfly] Alexanor-Schwalbenschwanz {m} [Tagfalterspezies]
southern SwedenSüdschweden {n}
southern Switzerland Südschweiz {f}
southern SyriaSüdsyrien {n}
southern talapoin [Miopithecus talapoin] Südliche Zwergmeerkatze {f}
southern tamandua [Tamandua tetradactyla]Südlicher Tamandua {m}
Southern Tanzania Südtansania {n}
southern tawny-bellied screech owl [Megascops usta]Usta-Kreischeule {f}
southern tchagra [Tchagra tchagra] Kaptschagra {m}
southern three-banded armadillo [Tolypeutes matacus]Südliches Kugelgürteltier {n}
southern three-banded armadillo [Tolypeutes matacus] Südliches Dreibindengürteltier {n}
southern three-corner jack [Emex australis]Südliche Emex {f}
southern Thuringia [also: Southern Thuringia]Südthüringen {n}
southern tip Südspitze {f}
southern toad [Bufo terrestris, syn.: Anaxyrus terrestris] Florida-Kröte {f}
southern tower Südturm {m}
southern transept Südquerhaus {n}
southern transeptsüdliches Querschiff {n}
southern tree agama [Acanthocercus atricollis] Blaukehl-Agame / Blaukehlagame {f}
southern tree dassie [Dendrohyrax arboreus] Steppenwald-Baumschliefer {m}
southern tree dassie [Dendrohyrax arboreus] Südlicher Baumschliefer {m}
southern tree hyrax [Dendrohyrax arboreus]Steppenwald-Baumschliefer {m}
southern tree hyrax [Dendrohyrax arboreus] Südlicher Baumschliefer {m}
southern treepie [Dendrocitta leucogastra] Weißbauch-Baumelster {f}
southern tribesSüdstämme {pl}
southern Turkey Südtürkei {f}
southern Turkishsüdtürkisch
Southern twang (näselnder) Südstaatler-Tonfall {m} [USA]
southern two-toed sloth [Choloepus didactylus] Eigentliches Zweifingerfaultier {n}
southern two-toed sloth [Choloepus didactylus] Unau {n} [Faultier]
southern two-toed sloth [Choloepus didactylus]Zweifinger-Faultier {n}
Southern UralSüdural {m}
Southern Vietnamese box turtle [Cuora picturata, syn.: Cuora galbinifrons picturata, Cistoclemmys galbinifrons picturata] Südvietnamesische Scharnierschildkröte {f}
southern violet woodhoopoe / wood-hoopoe [Phoeniculus damarensis]Steppenbaumhopf {m}
southern violet woodhoopoe / wood-hoopoe [Phoeniculus damarensis]Damarabaumhopf {m}
southern viscacha [Lagidium viscacia]Cuvier-Hasenmaus {f}
southern vole [Microtus levis] Osteuropäische Feldmaus {f}
southern wainscot [Mythimna straminea, syn.: Leucania straminea] [moth] Uferschilf-Weißadereule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
southern wainscot [Mythimna straminea, syn.: Leucania straminea] [moth]Spitzflügel-Graseule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
southern wall Südwand {f} [auch eines Berges, Felsens]
southern wall Südmauer {f}
southern wartbiter / wart-biter [Decticus albifrons] Südlicher Warzenbeißer {m}
southern water shrew [Neomys anomalus]Sumpfspitzmaus {f}
southern water snake [Nerodia fasciata] Südliche Schwimmnatter {f}
southern water snake [Nerodia fasciata]Gebänderte Wassernatter {f}
southern water snake [Rhabdophis chrysargos, syn.: Amphiesma chrysargos, Natrix chrysargus]Gefleckte Wassernatter {f}
southern water vole [Arvicola sapidus, syn.: Arvicola tenebricus, Microtus musiniani]Westschermaus {f}
southern water-hemp [Amaranthus australis, syn.: Acnida australis, A. cuspidata] Riesen-Amarant / Riesenamarant {m}
southern white admiral [Limenitis reducta]Blauschwarzer Eisvogel {m} [Tagfalter]
southern white admiral [Limenitis reducta] [butterfly] Zaunlilienfalter {m}
southern white rhino [Ceratotherium simum simum, syn.: C. s. burchellii, C. s. oswellii] [coll.] Südliches Breitmaulnashorn {n}
southern white rhinoceros [Ceratotherium simum simum, syn.: C. s. burchellii, C. s. oswellii]Südliches Breitmaulnashorn {n}
southern white rhinoceros [Ceratotherium simum] <SWR>Breitmaulnashorn {n}
southern white rhinoceros [Ceratotherium simum] <SWR> Weißes Nashorn {n}
southern white-breasted hedgehog [Erinaceus concolor]Südlicher Weißbrustigel {m}
southern white-cheeked crested gibbon [Nomascus siki] Südlicher Weißwangen-Schopfgibbon {m}
southern white-cheeked gibbon [Nomascus siki]Südlicher Weißwangen-Schopfgibbon {m}
southern whiteface [Aphelocephala leucopsis] Fahlrücken-Weißstirnchen {n}
southern white-faced owl [Ptilopsis granti] Südliche Weißgesichtseule {f}
southern white-spot octopus [Octopus bunurong] Südlicher Weißfleckenkrake {m} [ugs. auch Südliche Weißfleckenkrake {f}]
southern whorl snail [Truncatellina callicratis]Südliche Zylinderwindelschnecke {f}
southern widgeon [Anas sibilatrix] [Chiloe wigeon]Chilenische Pfeifente {f}
southern wingSüdflügel {m}
southern wood ant [Formica rufa] Rote Waldameise {f}
southern wood-rush [Luzula forsteri] Forster-Hainsimse {f}
southern wood-rush [Luzula forsteri]Eichenwald-Hainsimse {f}
southern woodslave [Hemidactylus mabouia, syn.: H. mercatorius, H. tuberculosus, Gekko aculeatus, G. mabouia] [gecko] Brauner Halbzehengecko {m}
southern woodslave [Hemidactylus mabouia, syn.: H. mercatorius, H. tuberculosus, Gekko aculeatus, G. mabouia] [gecko]Afrikanischer Hausgecko {m}
southern woolly lemur [Avahi meridionalis] Südlicher Wollmaki {m}
southern wormwood [Artemisia abrotanum, syn.: A. procera] Eberreis {n} [manchmal fälschlicherweise auch {m}] [Eberraute]
southern wormwood [Artemisia abrotanum, syn.: A. procera] Zitronenkraut {n}
southern wormwood [Artemisia abrotanum] Eberraute {f}
southern yellow bat [Lasiurus ega, syn.: Lasiurus (Dasypterus) ega]Südliche Gelbfledermaus {f}
southern yellow bat [Lasiurus ega, syn.: Lasiurus (Dasypterus) ega] Südliche Gelbe Fledermaus {f}
southern yellow pine [Pinus echinata] Fichtenkiefer / Fichten-Kiefer {f}
southern (yellow) pine [Pinus palustris, syn.: P. australis, P. longifolia] Sumpf-Kiefer / Sumpfkiefer {f}
southern (yellow) pine [Pinus palustris, syn.: P. australis, P. longifolia]Harz-Kiefer {f}
southern (yellow) pine [Pinus palustris, syn.: P. australis, P. longifolia] Besenkiefer {f}
southern (yellow) pine [Pinus palustris, syn.: P. australis, P. longifolia]Parkettkiefer {f}
southern yellow-beaked hornbill [Tockus leucomelas]Südlicher Gelbschnabeltoko {m}
southern yellow-beaked hornbill [Tockus leucomelas] Südgelbschnabeltoko {m}
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