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English-German Dictionary

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savoriness [Am.] Würzigkeit {f}
savoriness [Am.] Pikantheit {f}
savoring [Am.]genießend
savorless [Am.]geschmacklos
savorlessness [Am.]Geschmacklosigkeit {f}
savory [Am.]schmackhaft
savory [Am.] herzhaft
savory [Am.] pikant
savory [Am.] Würzbissen {m}
savory [Am.] angenehm [schmackhaft]
savory [Am.] [piquant]rezent [schweiz.] [pikant, würzig] [rezenter Käse]
savory [Am.] [tasty]wohlschmeckend [geh.]
savory [genus Satureja]Bohnenkraut {n}
savory [genus Satureja]Kölle {f} [selten] [Bohnenkraut]
savory [genus Satureja]Pfefferkraut {n}
savory oilBohnenkrautöl {n}
savory snacks {pl} [Am.] Salzgebäck {n}
savour Geruch {m}
savour [Br.]Geschmack {m}
savour [Br.] [a suggestion or trace, typically of something bad]Ruf {m} [zweifelhaft]
savoured [Br.]genossen
savourer [Br.] Genießer {m}
savouriness [Br.] Schmackhaftigkeit {f}
savouriness [Br.]Schmackhaftigkeit {f}jipijeh
savouriness [Br.] Würzigkeit {f}
savouriness [Br.] Pikantheit {f}
savouring [Br.]genießend
savourless [Br.] geschmacklos
savourlessness [Br.]Geschmacklosigkeit {f}
savoury [Br.]schmackhaft
savoury [Br.] pikant
savoury [Br.] herzhaft
savoury [Br.] Appetithappen {m}
savoury [Br.] Würzbissen {m}
savoury [Br.] [fig.] [pleasant] ersprießlich [geh.] [angenehm]
savoury [Br.] [fig.] [pleasant]angenehm
savoury [Br.] [tasty]wohlschmeckend [geh.]
savoury biscuits [Br.] Salzgebäck {n} [mehrere Stücke, ein Teller voll]
savoy Wirsingkohl {m}
savoy Wirsing {m}
SavoySavoyen {n}
Savoy [historical region] Savoyen {n} [historische Landschaft]
Savoy AlpsSavoyer Alpen {pl}
savoy cabbageWirsingkohl {m}
savoy cabbage Wirsing {m}
Savoy cabbage Savoyenkohl {n} [veraltet] [selten] [Wirsing]
savoy cabbage Kohl {m} [österr.] [Wirsing]
savoy cabbageWirz {m} [schweiz.] [Wirsing]
savoy cabbageWelschkraut {n} [regional] [Wirsing]
Savoy cabbageSavoykohl {m}
savoy cabbageKelch {m} [österr.] [bes. Wien] [Kohl, Wirsing]
Savoy hawkweed [Br.] [Hieracium sabaudum, syn.: H. autumnale, H. boreale subsp. fuscidulum, H. corybosum, H. platyphyllum]Savoyer Habichtskraut {n}
Savoy Operas [esp. Gilbert and Sullivan]Savoy-Opern {pl}
savoyane [Coptis trifolia, syn.: Coptis groenlandica] Dreiblättriger Goldfaden {m}
SavoyardSavoyarde {m}
Savoyard Savoyer {m}
Savoyard [female]Savoyardin {f}
Savoyard [female] Savoyerin {f}
savoysWirsingkohle {pl}
Savu SeaSawusee {f}
Savu Sea Savusee {f}
savvier klüger
savviest [coll.] klügste
savvy {sg} [coll.]praktische Fertigkeiten {pl}
savvy [coll.] schlau
savvy [coll.] clever
savvy [coll.] ausgebufft [Politiker u. ä.]
savvy [coll.] Können {n}
savvy [coll.] gerissen [ugs.]
savvy [coll.] gesunder Menschenverstand {m}
savvy [coll.]Grips {m} [ugs.]
savvy [coll.] Intelligenz {f} [Köpfchen, Know-how]
savvy [coll.]klug [mit Köpfchen]
savvy [coll.] Klugheit {f}
savvy [coll.] Köpfchen {n} [ugs.]
savvy [coll.] Verstand {m} [Grips, Knowhow]
savvy [coll.]Durchblick {m} [ugs.]
savvy [coll.]Know-how {n}
savvy [coll.]versiert
-savvy [description of a person interested in or knowledgable about sth.] -affin [geh.] [adjektivbildendes Suffix] [z. B. technikaffin, kulturaffin]
savvying kapierend [ugs.]
Savvy? [coll.] Kapiert? [ugs.]
..., savvy? [coll.] ..., kapiert? [ugs.]
Savvy? [coll.] Klar so weit?
sawSäge {f}
saw [adage] Weisheit {f} [Spruch]
saw [adage] Sprichwort {n}
Saw [James Wan]Saw
saw [proverb, maxim]Spruch {m} [Sprichwort, Maxime]
saw band Sägeband {n}
saw banksia [Banksia serrata] Sägenbanksia {f}
saw banksia [Banksia serrata]Alter-Mann-Banksie {f}
saw bench niedrige Bank {f} zum Sägen [Kniehöhe]
saw benchSägetisch {m}
saw bladeSägeblatt {n}
saw blade sharpening machine Sägenschärfmaschine {f}
saw blades Sägeblätter {pl}
saw board Sägelade {f}
« saunsaussavasavesavisavosawbsawiSaxesayasb.a »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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