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specialized field Sachgebiet {n}
specialized field Fachgebiet {n}
specialized fieldSpezialgebiet {n}
specialized institutions Spezialeinrichtungen {pl}
specialized journalFachzeitschrift {f}
specialized knowledgeSonderwissen {n}
specialized knowledgeFachwissen {n}
specialized knowledgeSpezialwissen {n}
specialized knowledge {sg} Fachkenntnisse {pl}
specialized knowledge {sg}besondere Fachkenntnisse {pl}
specialized knowledge {sg} Spezialkenntnisse {pl}
specialized lawyer Fachanwalt {m}
specialized literature Fachliteratur {f}
specialized museumSpartenmuseum {n}
specialized personnel Fachkräfte {pl}
specialized press [Am.]Fachpresse {f}
specialized range of productsFachsortiment {n}
specialized service Fachdienste {pl}
specialized shopFachgeschäft {n}
specialized skillsbesondere Qualitäten {pl}
specialized suit Spezialanzug {m}
specialized terminologyFachterminologie {f}
specialized trade Fachhandel {m}
specialized training Spezialausbildung {f}
specialized transduction spezialisierte Transduktion {f}
specialized vocabularySpezialvokabular {n}
specialized workerSpezialarbeiter {m}
specialized workerSpezialkraft {f}
specialized worker [female] Spezialarbeiterin {f}
[specialized medical practice] Schwerpunktpraxis {f}
specializing inspezialisiert auf
specially speziell
specially built eigens errichtet [gebaut]
specially coded for ... speziell kodiert für ...
specially designedspeziell entworfen
specially designed clean-air device Purosondergerät {n}
specially for you eigens für dich / Sie / euch
specially for you extra für dich / Sie / euch
specially hardenedspezialgehärtet
specially made for the occasion [postpos.]extra gefertigt
specially marked text Texthervorhebung {f}
specially minted coin Sondermünze {f}
specially tailored [fig.] maßgeschneidert [fig.]
specially tailored [fig.] speziell zugeschnitten [fig.]
specially trained servicing staffspeziell ausgebildetes Servicepersonal {n}
special-needs schoolFörderschule {f}
special-offer priceAktionspreis {m}
special-order contractWerkvertrag {m}
special-purpose [attr.]für einen besonderen Zweck [nachgestellt]
special-purpose [attr.] zur besonderen Verwendung [nachgestellt]
special-purpose company / associationSondergesellschaft {f}
special-purpose entity <SPE> Zweckgesellschaft {f}
special-purpose glasses {pl} Spezialbrille {f}
special-purpose local-option sales tax <SPLOST> [Am.][temporäre lokale Verkaufssteuer für besondere Zwecke]
special-purpose machineSpezialmaschine {f}
special-purpose machine Sondermaschine {f} [Spezialmaschine]
special-purpose microscope Spezialmikroskop {n}
special-purpose microscopeSondermikroskop {n}
special-purpose motor vehicle Sonderkraftfahrzeug {n} <SdKfz>
special-purpose saving Zwecksparen {n}
special-purpose spectacles {pl} [one pair] [esp. Br.] Spezialbrille {f}
special-purpose steelSonderstahl {m}
special-purpose vehicle Sonderfahrzeug {n}
special-purpose vehicleSpezialfahrzeug {n}
special-purpose vehicle <SPV>Anlagevehikel {n} [selten]
special-purpose vehicle <SPV> [esp. in Europe] Zweckgesellschaft {f}
specialsBesonderheiten {pl}
special-school teacher [female] [teacher at a school for special-needs children] Sonderschullehrerin {f}
specialties [Am.]Spezialitäten {pl}
specialty [Am.] Spezialität {f}
specialty [Am.]Fachrichtung {f}
specialty [Am.] Spezialgebiet {n}
specialty [esp. Am.] Besonderheit {f}
specialty [esp. Am.]Hausmarke {f}
specialty [esp. Am.]Sondergebiet {n}
specialty [esp. Am.]Spezialfach {n}
specialty [esp. Am.] Fachgebiet {n}
specialty bakery [Am.]Spezialitätenbäckerei {f}
specialty chemicals [Am.]Spezialchemie {f}
specialty chemicals [Am.] Spezialchemikalien {pl}
specialty chemicals companySpezialchemieunternehmen {n}
specialty chemicals companySpezialchemiekonzern {m}
specialty coffee [esp. Am.]Kaffeespezialität {f}
specialty component [Am.] Spezialbauteil {n}
specialty contractgesiegelter Vertrag {m}
specialty crop [Am.]Sonderkultur {f}
specialty department [Am.] Fachabteilung {f}
specialty foods [esp. Am.]Feinkost {f}
specialty goods hochwertige Waren {pl}
specialty hospital [Am.]Spezialklinik {f}
specialty hospital [Am.] Fachklinik {f}
specialty hospital [Am.] Fachkrankenhaus {n}
specialty insurer Spezialversicherer {m} [Unternehmen]
specialty market [Am.] Spezialmarkt {m}
specialty market [Am.] Fachmarkt {m}
specialty metal Spezialmetall {n}
specialty occupation [esp. Am.] Spezialberuf {m}
specialty of the house [Am.] Spezialität {f} des Hauses
« specspecspecspecspecspecspecspecspecspecspec »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers