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species gradientArtengefälle {n}
species history [esp. Habermas] Gattungsgeschichte {f} [bes. Habermas]
species hybridArtbastard {m}
species identification Artbestimmung {f}
species identityArtenidentität {f}
species in deciduous forests Laubwaldarten {pl} [in Laubwäldern vorkommende Pflanzen- und Tierarten]
species inventory Arteninventar {n}
species inventoryArtenbestand {m}
species isolation Artisolierung {f}
species level Artniveau {n}
species level Artebene {f}
species list Artenliste {f}
species list Artenverzeichnis {n}
species longevity Überleben {n} von Arten
species loss Artenschwund {m}
species membershipArtzugehörigkeit {f}
species monitoring Artenmonitoring {n}
species name Artname {m}
species of alderErlenart {f}
species of algae Algenart {f}
species of alligatorAlligatorenart {f}
species of ant Ameisenart {f}
species of antelopeAntilopenart {f}
species of aphid Blattlausart {f}
species of ash Eschenart {f}
species of baboonPavianart {f}
species of bark beetleBorkenkäferart {f}
species of bear Bärenart {f}
species of beeBienenart {f}
species of beetle Käferart {f}
species of birch Birkenart {f}
species of bird Vogelart {f}
species of bird-of-paradise [also: species of bird of paradise]Paradiesvogelart {f}
species of boaBoa-Art {f} [auch: Boaart]
species of brown algaeBraunalgenart {f}
species of bumblebee Hummelart {f}
species of buntingAmmerart {f}
species of bustard Trappenart {f}
species of butterfly Schmetterlingsart {f}
species of cactusKakteenart {f}
species of caddisfly Köcherfliegenart {f} [auch: Köcherfliegen-Art]
species of carrion beetle Aaskäferart {f} [auch: Aaskäfer-Art]
species of caterpillarRaupenart {f}
species of caterpillars Raupenart {f}
species of cedar Zedernart {f}
species of chameleon Chamäleonart {f}
species of cicadaZikadenart {f}
species of coral Korallenart {f}
species of craneKranichart {f}
species of crane fly Schnakenart {f}
species of crocodile Krokodilart {f}
species of crow Krähenart {f}
species of cypress Zypressenart {f}
species of dolphin Delfinart {f}
species of dormouse Bilchart {f}
species of dragonfly Libellenart {f}
species of duck Entenart {f}
species of earthwormRegenwurmart {f}
species of eelAalart {f}
species of finchFinkenart {f}
species of fish Fischart {f}
species of frog Froschart {f}
species of fungusPilzart {f}
species of gall waspGallwespenart {f}
species of geckoGeckoart {f}
species of gibbonGibbonart {f}
species of goat Ziegenart {f}
species of goose Gänseart {f}
species of green algae Grünalgenart {f}
species of ground beetle Laufkäferart {f}
species of hedgehog Igelart {f}
species of heron Reiherart {f}
species of hoverflySchwebfliegenart {f}
species of hummingbird Kolibriart {f}
species of iguana Leguanart {f}
species of jellyfish Quallenart {f}
species of kangaroo Känguruart {f}
species of leaf beetle Blattkäferart {f}
species of lemur Lemurenart {f}
species of liverwort Lebermoosart {f}
species of lizardEchsenart {f}
species of lizard [esp. member of the family Lacertidae]Eidechsenart {f}
species of longhorn beetleBockkäferart {f}
species of LycaenidaeBläulingsart {f}
species of manMenschenart {f}
species of mapleAhornart {f} [auch: Ahorn-Art]
species of marsupial Beuteltierart {f}
species of marsupialBeutelsäugerart {f}
species of marten Marderart {f}
species of mongoose Mangustenart {f}
species of monitor lizardWaranart {f}
species of monkey Affenart {f}
species of monkey Affenspezies {f}
species of moss Moosart {f}
species of nightjar Nachtschwalbenart {f}
species of oak Eichenart {f}
species of orchid Orchideenart {f}
species of owl Eulenart {f}
species of penguinPinguinart {f}
species of pine Kiefernart {f}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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