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English-German Dictionary

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speckle-bellied keelback [Rhabdophis chrysargos, syn.: Amphiesma chrysargos, Natrix chrysargus] Gefleckte Wassernatter {f}
speckle-bellied roughside [Aspidura copei]Bauchflecken-Rauhnatter {f}
specklebelly (goose) [Am.] [coll.] [Anser albifrons] [(greater) white-fronted goose]Blässgans {f}
specklebelly keelback [Rhabdophis chrysargos, syn.: Amphiesma chrysargos, Natrix chrysargus] Gefleckte Wassernatter {f}
speckle-breasted antpitta [Hylopezus ochroleucus, syn.: H. o. o., H. ochnoleucus] Fleckenbrust-Ameisenpitta {f}
speckle-breasted antpitta [Hylopezus ochroleucus, syn.: H. o. o., H. ochnoleucus] Weißbrauen-Ameisenpitta {f}
speckle-breasted antshrike [Xenornis setifrons] Streifenbrustwürgerling {m}
speckle-breasted woodpecker [Dendropicos poecilolaemus] Tropfenspecht {m}
speckle-breasted wren [Pheugopedius sclateri, syn.: Thryothorus sclateri] Bänderbrust-Zaunkönig {m}
speckle-breasted wren [Pheugopedius sclateri, syn.: Thryothorus sclateri]Pünktchenbrust-Zaunkönig {m}
speckle-chested piculet [Picumnus steindachneri]Perlenbrust-Zwergspecht {m}
speckled gesprenkelt
speckled gefleckt
speckled alder [Alnus incana] Grauerle {f} [fachspr. auch: Grau-Erle]
speckled alder [Alnus incana]Weiß-Erle {f}
speckled antshrike [Xenornis setifrons]Streifenbrustwürgerling {m}
speckled antshrike [Xenornis setifrons]Strichelrücken-Ameisenwürger {m}
speckled beard lichen [Usnea glabrescens]Kahle Bartflechte {f}
speckled beauty [Fagivorina arenaria] [moth] Scheckiger Rindenspanner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
speckled beauty [Fagivorina arenaria] [moth] Scheckiger Eichen-Rotbuchen-Rindenspanner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
speckled beauty [Fagivorina arenaria] [moth]Rotbuchen-Rindenflechtenspanner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
speckled beauty [Fagivorina arenaria] [moth] Rotbuchen-Flechten-Baumspanner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
speckled blue grouper [Epinephelus cyanopodus] Blauer Zackenbarsch {m}
speckled bush cricket [Leptophyes punctatissima] Punktierte Zartschrecke {f}
speckled butterfly [Chaetodon citrinellus] Punktierter Falterfisch {m}
speckled butterflyfish [Chaetodon citrinellus] Blaupunkt-Falterfisch {m}
speckled (buzzing) grasshopper [Bryodemella tuberculata] Gefleckte Schnarrschrecke {f}
speckled (Cape) tortoise [Homopus signatus] Gesägte Flachschildkröte {f}
speckled carpetshark [Hemiscyllium trispeculare] Gepunkteter Epaulettenhai {m}
speckled carpetshark [Hemiscyllium trispeculare]Gefleckter Epaulettenhai {m}
speckled catshark / cat shark [Halaelurus boesemani] Gesprenkelter Katzenhai {m}
speckled chachalaca [Ortalis guttata] Tüpfelguan {m}
speckled chachalaca [Ortalis guttata]Flecken-Tschatschalaka {m}
speckled coral snake [Calliophis maculiceps]Gesprenkelte Korallenotter {f}
speckled cowgefleckte Kuh {f}
speckled crake [Coturnicops notatus] Darwinralle {f}
speckled crat [Craterocephalus stercusmuscarum, syn.: Atherina stercusmuscarum] [fly-specked hardyhead] Gesprenkelter Süßwasserährenfisch {m}
speckled dasyure [Neophascogale lorentzi] Spitzhörnchenbeutler {m}
speckled dasyure [Neophascogale lorentzi] Neuguinea-Spitzhörnchenbeutler {m}
speckled dolphin [Sousa chinensis] Chinesischer Buckeldelfin {m}
speckled dolphin [Sousa chinensis] Indopazifischer Buckeldelfin {m}
speckled footman [Coscinia cribraria] [moth] Weißer Grasbär {m} [auch: Weißer Gras-Bär] [Nachtfalterspezies]
speckled ground snake [Atractus ventrimaculatus] Gesprenkelte Spindelnatter {f}
speckled ground squirrel [Spermophilus suslicus] Perlziesel {m} [österr. meist {n}]
speckled hawk owl [Ninox punctulata] Pünktchenkauz {m}
speckled hummingbird [Adelomyia melanogenys] Schwarzohrnymphe {f}
speckled hummingbird [Adelomyia melanogenys] Schwarzohrkolibri {m}
speckled kingsnake [Lampropeltis getula holbrooki] Gefleckte Kettennatter {f}
Speckled Little Unidentified Redheaded Being <SLURB> [The Slurb]Sams [Das Sams]
speckled longfin eel [Anguilla reinhardtii] Australischer Langflossenaal {m}
speckled longhorn beetle [Pachytodes cerambyciformis, formerly Judolia cerambyciformis]Gefleckter Blütenbock {m}
speckled moray [Gymnothorax dovii] Melierte Muräne {f}
speckled mosquito fish [Phalloceros caudimaculatus]Gefleckter Kaudi {m}
speckled mosquitofish [Phalloceros caudimaculatus] Kaudi {m}
speckled mosquitofish [Phalloceros caudimaculatus]Einfleckkärpfling {m}
speckled mosquitofish [Phalloceros caudimaculatus] Rautenfleckkärpfling {m}
speckled mosquitofish [Phalloceros caudimaculatus] Vielfleckkärpfling {m}
speckled mousebird [Colius striatus] Braunflügel-Mausvogel {m}
speckled oil beetle [Meloe variegatus] Bunter Ölkäfer {m}
speckled padloper (tortoise) [esp. S.Afr.] [Homopus signatus] Gesägte Flachschildkröte {f}
speckled palm viper [Bothriechis nigroviridis]Schwarzgefleckte Palmlanzenotter {f}
speckled piculet [Picumnus innominatus] Tüpfelzwergspecht {m}
speckled pigeon [Columba guinea]Guineataube {f}
speckled pigeon [Columba guinea] Strichelhalstaube {f}
speckled piranha [Serrasalmus spilopleura] Schwarzband-Sägesalmler {m}
speckled racer [Drymobius margaritiferus] Perlnatter {f}
speckled rail [Coturnicops notatus] Darwinralle {f}
speckled rattlesnake [Crotalus mitchellii] Gefleckte Klapperschlange {f}
speckled ray [Raja polystigma] Vielfleckrochen {m}
speckled reed warbler [Acrocephalus sorghophilus]Hirserohrsänger {m}
speckled sandperch [Parapercis hexophtalma] Schwanzfleck-Sandbarsch {m}
speckled sea louse [Eurydice pulchra]Schöne Eurydice {f} [Meeresassel]
speckled smooth-hound [Mustelus mento] Gesprenkelter Glatthai {m}
speckled smooth-hound / smoothhound [Mustelus mento] Gefleckter Glatthai {m}
speckled spindle snake [Atractus ventrimaculatus] Gesprenkelte Spindelnatter {f}
speckled spinetail [Cranioleuca gutturata] Gelbkinnschlüpfer {m}
speckled squirrelfish [Sargocentron punctatissimum] Gesprenkelter Husarenfisch {m}
speckled tanager [Tangara guttata] Fleckentangare {f}
speckled tanager [Tangara guttata]Tropfentangare {f}
speckled teal [Anas flavirostris]Andenente {f}
speckled teal [Anas flavirostris] Südamerikanische Krickente {f}
speckled thrush [Zoothera dauma]Erddrossel {f}
speckled thrush [Zoothera dauma] Bunt-Erddrossel {f}
speckled tinker barbet [Pogoniulus scolopaceus] Schuppenbartvogel {m} [auch: Schuppen-Bartvogel]
speckled tinkerbird [Pogoniulus scolopaceus]Schuppenbartvogel {m}
speckled trout [Salvelinus fontinalis] Bachsaibling {m}
speckled warbler [Chthonicola sagittata]Grundhuscher {m}
speckled with white [postpos.]weißgefleckt
speckled wood (butterfly) [Pararge aegeria] Waldbrettspiel {n} [Tagfalterart]
speckled wood (butterfly) [Pararge aegeria] Laubfalter {m} [Tagfalterspezies]
speckled wood pigeon [Columba hodgsonii]Schwarzschnabel-Oliventaube {f}
speckled woodpigeon [Columba hodgsonii]Schwarzschnabel-Oliventaube {f}
speckled worm lizard [Amphisbaena fuliginosa] Gefleckte Doppelschleiche {f}
speckled wren [Thryothorus rutilus]Rotbrust-Zaunkönig {m}
speckled yellow (moth) [Pseudopanthera macularia] Pantherspanner {m} [Nachtfalter]
speckled yellow (moth) [Pseudopanthera macularia] Gelber Fleckenspanner {m} [Nachtfalter]
(speckled) racers [genus Drymobius] Renn-Nattern {pl}
speckle-faced parrot [Pionus tumultuosus] Purpurstirnpapagei {m}
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