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speckled yellow (moth) [Pseudopanthera macularia] Pantherspanner {m} [Nachtfalter]
speckled yellow (moth) [Pseudopanthera macularia]Gelber Fleckenspanner {m} [Nachtfalter]
(speckled) racers [genus Drymobius] Renn-Nattern {pl}
speckle-faced parrot [Pionus tumultuosus] Purpurstirnpapagei {m}
speckle-faced parrot [Pionus tumultuosus] Rosenkopfpapagei {m}
speckle-fronted weaver [Sporopipes frontalis] Schuppenköpfchen {n}
speckle-headed vine snake [Ahaetulla fasciolata] Gefleckte Peitschennatter {f}
speckle-headed whipsnake [Ahaetulla fasciolata] Gefleckte Peitschennatter {f}
speckle-necked otter [Lutra maculicollis]Fleckenhalsotter {m}
speckless sauber
speckless rein [fleckenlos]
specklessly fleckenlos
specklessly sauber
specklessly rein
speckle-throated otter [Lutra maculicollis]Fleckenhalsotter {m}
speckle-throated woodpecker [Campethera scriptoricauda, syn.: C. albiefacies]Reichenowspecht {m}
speckle-throated woodpecker [Campethera scriptoricauda, syn.: C. albiefacies] Schriftschwanzspecht {m}
specky [attr.] [coll.] [also hum.] mit Nasenfahrrad [nachgestellt] [ugs.] [hum.]
specs {pl} [coll.] [one pair of spectacles] Brille {f}
specs [coll.] [short for: specifications] [data] technische Daten {pl}
specs [short: specifications]Spezifikationen {pl}
specs case [coll.] Brillenetui {n}
specs cloth [coll.] Brillenputztuch {n}
SPECT scannerSPECT-Scanner {m}
spectacle Spektakel {n}
spectacle [Abrostola tripartita] [moth] Uferbrennnesselflur-Silbereule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
spectacle [event or scene regarded in terms of its visual impact]Schauspiel {n} [eindrucksvoller Anblick, beeindruckende Szene]
spectacle [object of attention]Anblick {m}
spectacle blindBrillensteckscheibe {f}
spectacle blind [in piping systems] Umsteckscheibe {f} [DIN EN ISO]
spectacle case Brillenetui {n}
spectacle caseBrillenfutteral {n}
spectacle chain Brillenkette {f}
spectacle cloth Brillenputztuch {n}
spectacle cloths Brillenputztücher {pl}
spectacle cordBrillenband {n}
spectacle fibulaBrillenfibel {f}
spectacle frameBrillenfassung {f}
spectacle frame Brillengestell {n}
spectacle frameBrillenrahmen {m}
spectacle grinderBrillenschleifer {m}
spectacle lens edge grinding machineBrillenglas-Randschleifmaschine {f}
spectacle maker Brillenmacher {m}
spectacle maker Brillenschleifer {m}
spectacle maker [female] Brillenmacherin {f}
spectacle (moth) [Abrostola tripartita] Silbergraue Nessel-Höckereule {f} [Nachtfalter]
spectacle (moth) [Abrostola tripartita]Silbergrüne Nessel-Höckereule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
spectacle of nature Naturspektakel {n}
spectacle of natureNaturschauspiel {n}
spectacle optics Brillenoptik {f}
spectacle wearer Brillenträger {m}
spectacle wearer [female] Brillenträgerin {f}
spectacled Brillen-
spectacled Amazon parrot [Amazona albifrons] Weißstirnamazone {f}
spectacled barwing [Actinodura egertoni] [rusty-fronted barwing] Rotstirnsibia {f} [auch: Rotstirn-Sibia]
spectacled barwing [Actinodura ramsayi] Brillensibia {f}
spectacled bear [Tremarctos ornatus] Brillenbär {m}
spectacled bear [Tremarctos ornatus] Andenbär {m}
spectacled bristle tyrant [Phylloscartes orbitalis]Weißflügel-Borstentyrann {m}
spectacled bristle tyrant [Pogonotriccus orbitalis] Augenring-Laubtyrann {m}
spectacled bulbul [Pycnonotus erythropthalmus] Salvadoribülbül {m}
spectacled bulbul [Pycnonotus xanthopygos] Gelbsteißbülbül {m}
spectacled bulbul [Pycnonotus xanthopygos] Vallombrosa-Bülbül {m}
spectacled caiman [Caiman crocodilus]Krokodilkaiman {m}
spectacled caiman [Caiman crocodilus] (Nördlicher) Brillenkaiman {m}
spectacled cobra [Naja naja] Südasiatische Kobra {f}
spectacled cormorant [Phalacrocorax perspicillatus] [extinct] Brillenkormoran {m} [ausgestorben]
spectacled dormouse [Graphiurus ocularis]Brillenbilch {m}
spectacled duck [Speculanas specularis, syn.: Anas specularis]Kupferspiegelente {f}
spectacled eider (duck) [Somateria fischeri]Plüschkopfente {f}
spectacled finch [Callacanthis burtoni] Burtongimpel {m}
spectacled finch [Callacanthis burtoni]Stieglitzgimpel {m}
spectacled flying fox [Pteropus conspicillatus] Brillenflughund {m}
spectacled flying-fox [Pteropus conspicillatus] Brillenflughund {m}
spectacled fruit bat [Pteropus conspicillatus]Brillenflughund {m}
spectacled fulvetta [Alcippe ruficapilla / Fulvetta ruficapilla]Rotscheitelalcippe {f}
spectacled guillemot [Cepphus carbo] Brillenteiste {f}
spectacled hare-wallaby [Lagorchestes conspicillatu] Brillen-Hasenkänguru {n}
spectacled honeyeater [Lichmera monticola] Seramhonigfresser {m}
spectacled langur [Trachypithecus obscurus, syn.: Presbytis obscura]Südlicher Brillenlangur {m}
spectacled laughing thrush [Garrulax perspicillatus]Maskenhäherling {m}
spectacled laughingthrush [Garrulax mitratus, syn.: Ianthocincla mitrata, Rhinocichla mitrata] Spiegelhäherling {m}
spectacled laughingthrush [Garrulax perspicillatus]Maskenhäherling {m} [auch: Masken-Häherling]
spectacled leaf monkey [Trachypithecus obscurus]Südlicher Brillenlangur {m}
spectacled lizards [family Gymnophthalmidae] Zwergtejus {pl}
spectacled lizards [family Gymnophthalmidae]Brillentejus {pl}
spectacled lizards [family Gymnophthalmidae]Kleintejus {pl}
spectacled monarch [Symposiachrus trivirgatus, syn.: Monarcha trivirgatus] Brillenmonarch / Brillen-Monarch {m}
spectacled owl [Pulsatrix perspicillata]Brillenkauz {m}
spectacled owls [genus Pulsatrix] Brillenkäuze {pl}
spectacled parrotbill [Paradoxornis conspicillatus]Brillenpapageimeise {f}
spectacled parrotlet [Forpus conspicillatus] Brillensperlingspapagei {m}
spectacled parrotlet [Forpus conspicillatus]Brillenpapagei {m}
spectacled parrotlet [Forpus conspicillatus]Augenring-Sperlingspapagei {m}
spectacled porpoise [Phocoena dioptrica, syn.: Australophocaena dioptrica] Brillenschweinswal {m}
spectacled porpoise [Phocoena dioptrica, syn.: Australophocaena dioptrica]Brillentümmler {m}
spectacled porpoise [Phocoena dioptrica, syn.: Australophocaena dioptrica]Brillentragender Tümmler {m}
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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