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English-German Dictionary

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spice tobaccoWürztabak {m}
spice tobaccoGewürztabak {m} [selten] [Würztabak]
spice tradeGewürzhandel {m}
spice trade route [the sea route to India]Gewürzroute {f}
spice trader Spezereihändler {m} [veraltet]
spice traderGewürzhändler {m}
spiceberry [Ardisia crenata] Gekerbte Spitzblume {f}
spiceberry [Ardisia crenata] Korallenbeere {f}
spiceberry [Ardisia crenata] Gewürzbeere {f}
spicebushes [family Calycanthaceae] Gewürzstrauchgewächse {pl}
spiced biscuit [Br.] Spekulatius {m}
spiced cakeGewürzkuchen {m}
spiced cookie [Am.] Spekulatius {m}
spiced ketchupGewürzketschup {m} {n} [Rsv.]
spiced ketchupGewürzketchup {m} {n}
spiced orange Gewürzorange {f}
spiced sugar Gewürzzucker {m}
spiced wineWürzwein {m}
spiced wine Gewürzwein {m}
[spiced biscuit in the shape of a human or other figure, eaten at Christmas] Spekulatius {m}
spice-herb blend Gewürzkräutermischung {f}
spicer [obs.] Gewürzhändler {m}
spicery [archaic] [spice storage] Gewürzkammer {f}
spicery [spices collectively] Gewürze {pl}
spices Gewürze {pl}
spices Spezereien {pl} [altertümlich]
spices {pl} [collectively] Gewürz {n}
spicily würzig
spicily seasoned [rare]pikant gewürzt
spicinessWürzigkeit {f}
spick [Am.] [pej.] [Hispanic person][Amerikaner hispanischer Abstammung]
spick and spangeschniegelt und gebügelt
spick and span wie aus dem Ei gepellt
spick and spanblitzeblank [ugs.]
spick and span blitzblank [ugs.]
spick and span blitzsauber [ugs.]
spick and span tipptopp [ugs.]
spick and span wie geleckt [ugs.]
spick and span tadellos sauber [ugs.]
spick and span [brand-new] nigelnagelneu [ugs.]
spick-and-span schmuck
spicular apparatusSpikularapparat {m}
spiculated spikuliert
spicule Nadel {f}
spicule Spikule {f}
spicule [spiculum] Spiculum {n}
spicule length Spiculumlänge {f} [auch: Spiculum-Länge]
spicules Nadeln {pl}
spicy würzig
spicy gewürzreich
spicy scharf
spicy raß [südd.] [scharf gewürzt]
spicy rass [österr.] [südd.] [schweiz.: räss]
spicyrassig [schweiz.] [würzig, scharf]
spicy gewürzig
spicy [also fig.] pikant [auch fig.]
spicy foodstark gewürztes Essen {n}
spicy mixturewürzige Mischung {f}
spicy remark scharfe Bemerkung {f}
spicy story pikante Geschichte {f}
spicy story saftige Geschichte {f}
spicy taste würziger Geschmack {m}
spider Spinne {f}
spiderSpinnrich {m} [veraltet] [poet.]
spider Spider {m}
spiderArmstern {m} [eines Rades]
spider [Am.] [dated] [frying pan] Bratpfanne {f} [aus Gusseisen]
spider [Aus.] [NZ] Eiscreme-Soda {n}
spider [Internet bot that systematically browses the World Wide Web] Spider {m} [Computerprogramm, das automatisch das World Wide Web durchsucht]
spider [order Araneae] Webspinne {f}
spider abundanceSpinnenabundanz {f}
spider angioma [Naevus araneus, Naevus arachnoides, Naevus stellatus]Spinnennaevus / Spinnennävus {m}
spider angioma [Naevus araneus, Naevus arachnoides, Naevus stellatus]Spinnenangiom {n} [selten] [Spinnennaevus, Spinnengewebemal]
spider angioma [Naevus araneus, Naevus arachnoides, Naevus stellatus] Sternnaevus / Sternnävus {m}
spider angioma [Naevus araneus, Naevus arachnoides, Naevus stellatus] Gefäßspinne {f}
spider angioma [Naevus araneus, Naevus arachnoides, Naevus stellatus] Eppinger-Sternchen {n} [auch: Eppinger-Faltitschek-Sternchen]
spider angioma [Naevus araneus] [spider nevus] Sternchenangiom {n}
spider app [hum.] [coll.] Spider-App {f} [hum.] [ugs.]
spider beetle [subfamily Ptininae]Diebskäfer {m}
spider beetles [family Ptinidae; formerly: Anobiidae] Nagekäfer {pl}
spider beetles [family Ptinidae] Diebskäfer {pl}
spider bite Spinnenbiss {m}
Spider Bones [Kathy Reichs] Blut vergisst nicht
spider catcherSpinnenfänger {m}
spider chart Netzdiagramm {n}
spider crab Seespinne {f}
spider excavator Spinnenbagger {m}
spider familySpinnenfamilie {f}
spider fauna Spinnenfauna {f}
spider fauna Arachnidenfauna {f}
spider fingers [arachnodactyly] Spinnenfinger {pl} [Arachnodaktylie]
spider flowers [Cleome spinosa]Spinnenpflanzen {pl}
spider flowers [genus Cleome]Senfkapern {pl} [häufiger: Senfkappern]
spider flowers [genus Cleome]Spinnenblumen {pl}
spider flowers [genus Cleome] Pillenbäume {pl}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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