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spike lavender [Lavandula latifolia]Breitblättriger Lavendel {m}
spike lavender [Lavandula latifolia] Spanischer Lavendel {m}
spike lavender [Lavandula latifolia]Gewürz-Lavendel {m}
spike potential <SP> Spike-Potential {n}
spike potential <SP> [one of the action potentials] Spitzenpotential {n}
spike protein [bacterial]Spike-Protein {n} [bakteriell]
spike stripNagelband {n} [Nagelsperre]
spike strip Nagelstreifen {m} [Nagelsperre]
spike stripsNagelbänder {pl}
spike test Spike-Test {m}
spike (tooth) disc [Br.] Zinkenscheibe {f} [einer Egge]
spike (tooth) disc [Br.]Zinkenring {m} [einer Egge]
spike (tooth) disk [Am.] Zinkenscheibe {f} [einer Egge]
spike (tooth) disk [Am.]Zinkenring {m} [einer Egge]
spike violin Spießgeige {f}
spike woodrush [Luzula congesta]Kopfige Hainsimse {f}
spike-and-wave pattern [electroencephalogram] EEG-Muster {n} [Zacke-Welle-Komplex]
spike-and-wave pattern [electroencephalogram]Spike-Wave-Muster {n}
spiked aufgespießt
spiked [having spikes] mit Spikes [nachgestellt]
spiked Atlantic spiny-rat [Trinomys paratus]Stachelige Atlantik-Stachelratte {f}
spiked bellflower [Campanula spicata] Ährige Glockenblume {f}
spiked bellflower [Campanula spicata] Ährentragende Glockenblume {f}
spiked blue grass [Agropyron cristatum, syn.: A. cristatum subsp. sabulosum, A. pectinatum] (Gewöhnliche) Kammquecke {f}
spiked crown Zackenkrone {f}
spiked dog collar Hundehalsband {n} mit Spikes
spiked drink spiked Drink {m} [mit versteckten Drogen versetztes Getränk]
spiked (false) mallow [Malvastrum americanum, syn.: M. spicatum] Amerikanische Scheinmalve {f}
spiked hair [hairstyle] Stachelfrisur {f}
spiked helmetPickelhaube {f}
spiked loosestrife [Lythrum salicaria] Gewöhnlicher Blutweiderich {m}
spiked mace Morgenstern {m}
spiked malvastrum [Malvastrum americanum, syn.: M. spicatum]Amerikanische Scheinmalve {f}
spiked ornithogalum [Ornithogalum pyrenaicum, syn.: O. latifolium] Kugelfrüchtiger Milchstern {m}
spiked ornithogalum [Ornithogalum pyrenaicum, syn.: O. latifolium] Pyrenäen-Milchstern {m}
spiked rampion [Phyteuma spicatum] Ährige Teufelskralle {f}
spiked rampion [Phyteuma spicatum] Weiße Teufelskralle {f}
spiked rollerStachelrolle {f}
spiked sedge [Br.] [Carex spicata] Stachel-Segge {f}
spiked sedge [Br.] [Carex spicata] Korkfrüchtige Segge {f}
spiked shieldbug [Picromerus bidens, syn.: Cimex bidens]Zweizähnige Dornwanze {f}
spiked shieldbug [Picromerus bidens, syn.: Cimex bidens]Zweispitzwanze {f}
spiked shoes Spikeschuhe {pl}
spiked Solomon's seal [Maianthemum racemosum, syn.: Convallaria racemosa, Sigillaria multiflora, Smilacina racemosa, Vagnera racemosa] Traubige Schattenblume {f}
spiked Solomon's seal [Maianthemum racemosum, syn.: Convallaria racemosa, Smilacina racemosa, Vagnera racemosa]Rispen-Duftsiegel {n}
spiked speedwell [Veronica spicata, syn.: Pseudolysimachion spicatum] Ähriger Ehrenpreis {m}
spiked speedwell [Veronica spicata, syn.: Pseudolysimachion spicatum] Ähriger Blauweiderich {m}
spiked star-of-Bethlehem [Ornithogalum pyrenaicum, syn.: O. latifolium] Kugelfrüchtiger Milchstern {m}
spiked tyre [Br.] Spikereifen {m}
spiked water milfoil [Myriophyllum spicatum] Ähriges Tausendblatt {n}
spiked water milfoil [Myriophyllum spicatum] Ährenblütiges Tausendblatt {n}
spiked water-milfoil [Myriophyllum spicatum]Ähriges Tausendblatt {n}
[spiked collar, formed of a series of wooden balls linked into a chain by stiff wires bent into the form of hooks] Korallenhalsband {n} [Hundehalsband aus hölzernen Kugeln mit Spikes]
spike-heeled mit Pfennigabsätzen
spike-heeled lark [Chersomanes albofasciata, syn.: Chersomanes garrula, Chersomanes rufulus, Certhilauda albofasciata] Zirplerche {f}
spikelet Ährchen {n}
spikemosses [family Selaginellaceae] Moosfarngewächse {pl}
spikemosses [family Selaginellaceae]Selaginellaceen {pl}
spikenards [genus Aralia]Aralien {pl}
spiker [volleyball] Angreifer {m} [Volleyball]
spikerushes / spike-rushes [genus Eleocharis, formerly: Heleocharis] Sumpfbinsen {pl}
spikes Stifte {pl}
spikes Spikes {pl}
spikesNagelschuhe {pl}
spikes [Am.] Pfennigabsätze {pl}
spikes [coll.] [running shoes with spiked soles] Spikeschuhe {pl}
spikesedges / spike-sedges [genus Eleocharis, formerly: Heleocharis]Sumpfbinsen {pl}
spiketail dragonflies [family Cordulegastridae, syn.: Cordulegasteridae] Quelljungfern {pl}
spiketail dragonflies [family Cordulegastridae, syn.: Cordulegasteridae] Cordulegastriden {pl}
spiketail paradisefish [Pseudosphromenus cupanus] Schwarzer Spitzschwanzmakropode {m}
spiketail platyfish [Xiphophorus andersi]Gelber Schwertschwanzplaty {m}
spike-tailed trumpet snail [Melanoides granifera] Genoppte Turmdeckelschnecke {f}
spiketails [family Cordulegastridae, syn.: Cordulegasteridae] Quelljungfern {pl}
spike-tooth disc [Br.] Zinkenscheibe {f} [einer Egge]
spike-tooth disc [Br.] Zinkenring {m} [einer Egge]
spike-tooth disk [Am.]Zinkenscheibe {f} [einer Egge]
spike-tooth disk [Am.]Zinkenring {m} [einer Egge]
spike-tooth roller Stachelwalze {f}
spike-tooth rotary harrow Stachelwälzegge {f}
spike-tooth rotary harrow Spitzzahnkrümler {m} [Egge]
spiketop applesnail / apple snail [Pomacea diffusa, also P. bridgesi, P. bridgesii] Spitze Apfelschnecke {f} [Süßwasserschneckenart]
spiketop applesnail / apple snail [Pomacea diffusa, also P. bridgesi, P. bridgesii] Blaue Apfelschnecke {f}
spiketopped / spike-topped applesnail / apple snail [Pomacea diffusa, also P. bridgesi, P. bridgesii] Spitze Apfelschnecke {f} [Süßwasserschneckenart]
spiketopped / spike-topped applesnail / apple snail [Pomacea diffusa, also P. bridgesi, P. bridgesii]Blaue Apfelschnecke {f}
spike-topped apple snail [Pomacea diffusa, also P. bridgesi, P. bridgesii] Spitze Apfelschnecke {f} [Süßwasserschneckenart]
spike-topped apple snail [Pomacea diffusa, syn.: P. bridgesii]Goldapfelschnecke {f}
spiking festnagelnd
spiking aufspießend
spiking fever [coll.] [eine Art intermittierendes Fieber]
spiky dornenartig
spiky mit spitzen Zacken versehen
spiky spitz
spikyspitzig [veraltend]
spiky stachelförmig
spiky stachelig
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