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spiny agamas [genus Agama](Echte) Agamen {pl}
spiny amaranth [Amaranthus spinosus]Dorniger Fuchsschwanz {m}
spiny amaranth [Amaranthus spinosus]Malabarspinat {m}
spiny amaranth [Amaranthus spinosus]Stachel-Fuchsschwanz / Stachelfuchsschwanz {m}
spiny amaranth [Amaranthus spinosus] Dornamarant / Dorn-Amarant {m}
spiny angelshark [Squatina aculeata]Sägerücken-Engelshai {m}
spiny ant eaters [family Tachyglossidae] Schnabeligel {pl}
spiny anteater [family Tachyglossidae]Ameisenigel {m}
spiny anteater [Tachyglossus aculeatus] Kurzschnabeligel {m}
spiny anteater [Tachyglossus aculeatus] Kurzschnabel-Ameisenigel {m}
spiny babbler [Turdoides nipalensis] Igeldrossling {m}
spiny balloonfish [Diodon holocanthus]Braunflecken-Igelfisch {m}
spiny bamboo [Bambusa bambos, syn.: B. arundinacea]Bedornter Riesenbambus {m}
spiny basslets [family Plesiopidae]Mirakelbarsche {pl}
spiny basslets [family Plesiopidae] Rundköpfe {pl}
spiny bear's breeches {pl} [treated as sg.] [Acanthus spinosus] Stacheliger Bärenklau {m}
spiny bear's breeches {pl} [treated as sg.] [Acanthus spinosus]Dorniger Akanthus {m}
spiny Boki Mekot rat [Halmaheramys bokimekot]Halmahera-Ratte {f}
spiny broom [Calicotome spinosa] Stacheliger Dornginster {m}
spiny broom [Calicotome spinosa]Kahler Dornginster {m}
spiny bush viper [Atheris hispida] Rauschuppen-Buschviper {f}
spiny Ceram (Island) rat [Rattus feliceus]Seram-Stachelratte {f}
spiny chitons [family Acanthopleurinae] Acanthopleurinae {pl} [Meeresmollusken]
spiny chromis damselfish [Acanthochromis polyacanthus] Schwalbenschwanz-Riffbarsch {m}
spiny cladoraphis [Cladoraphis cyperoides] Dorngras {n}
spiny cockle [Acanthocardia aculeata, syn.: Cardium aculcatum, C. aculeatum, C. spinosum]Stachelige Herzmuschel {f}
spiny cockle [Acanthocardia aculeata, syn.: Cardium aculcatum, C. aculeatum, C. spinosum] Dornige Herzmuschel {f}
spiny cocklebur [Xanthium spinosum] Dornige Spitzklette {f}
spiny coriander [Eryngium foetidum] [Puerto Rican coriander] Langer Koriander {m}
spiny coriander [Eryngium foetidum] [Puerto Rican coriander]Mexikanischer Koriander {m}
spiny crawler mayflies [family Ephemerellidae]Ephemerelliden {pl} [Eintagsfliegen-Familie]
spiny cushion star [Culcita schmideliana] Stachel-Kissenstern {m}
spiny dogfish [Squalus acanthias] Dornhai {m}
spiny dogfish [Squalus acanthias] Gemeiner Dornhai {m}
spiny dogfishes [family Squalidae] Dornhaie {pl}
spiny dwarf catfish {pl} [family Scoloplacidae] [in general]Stachlige Zwergwelse {pl}
spiny dwarf catfishes [family Scoloplacidae] [with reference to the species of the family]Stachlige Zwergwelse {pl}
spiny dye murex [Bolinus brandaris, syn.: Aranea cinerea, Murex brandaris, M. brandariformis, M. clavaherculis, M. clavaherculis, M. clavatum, M. coronatus, M. fuliginosa, M. trifariaspinosus]Brandhorn {n} [Herkuleskeule] [Meeresschneckenart]
spiny dye murex [Bolinus brandaris, syn.: Aranea cinerea, Murex brandaris, M. brandariformis, M. clavaherculis, M. clavaherculis, M. clavatum, M. coronatus, M. fuliginosa, M. trifariaspinosus] Türkenblut {n} [Herkuleskeule] [Meeresschneckenart]
spiny dye murex [Haustellum brandaris / Bolinus brandaris / Murex brandaris] Herkuleskeule {f}
spiny dye murex [Haustellum brandaris / Bolinus brandaris / Murex brandaris]Purpurschnecke {f}
spiny eels [family Mastacembelidae]Stachelaale {pl}
spiny eels [family Mastacembelidae]Pfeilaale {pl}
spiny elm caterpillar [Nymphalis antiopa] Raupe {f} des Trauermantels
spiny emex [Emex spinosa, syn.: Rumex glaber, R. spinosus] Dornige Emex {f}
spiny emex [Emex spinosa, syn.: Rumex glaber, R. spinosus]Stechampfer {m}
spiny emex [Emex spinosa, syn.: Rumex glaber, R. spinosus]Stachelknöterich {m}
spiny feather-duster worm [Sabellaria spinulosa]Pümpwurm {m}
spiny feather-duster worm [Sabellaria spinulosa] Röhren-Sandkoralle {f}
spiny flower mantis [Pseudocreobotra ocellata, syn.: Pseudocreobotra ocellaria] [African flower mantis] Westafrikanische Mantis {f}
spiny flower mantis [Pseudocreobotra ocellata, syn.: Pseudocreobotra ocellaria] [African flower mantis]Augenfleckenmantis {f} [Westafrikanische Mantis]
spiny flower mantis [Pseudocreobotra wahlbergi, syn.: Pseudocreobotra wahlbergii]Afrikanische Blütenmantis {f}
spiny forestDornwald {m}
spiny forest dwarf lemur [Cheirogaleus medius]Westlicher Fettschwanzmaki {m}
spiny forest dwarf lemur [Cheirogaleus medius] Mittlerer Katzenmaki {m}
spiny golden star [Asteriscus spinosus, syn.: Buphthalmum spinosum, Pallenis spinosa]Stechendes Sternauge {n}
spiny golden star [Asteriscus spinosus, syn.: Buphthalmum spinosum, Pallenis spinosa] Stachliges Sternauge {n}
spiny (hill) turtle [Heosemys spinosa, syn.: Emys spinosa, Geoemyda spinosa]Stachel-Erdschildkröte {f}
spiny (hill) turtle [Heosemys spinosa, syn.: Emys spinosa, Geoemyda spinosa]Stachelrandschildkröte {f} [auch: Stachelrand-Schildkröte]
spiny holdback [Caesalpinia spinosa, syn.: C. pectinata, C. tinctoria, Coulteria tinctoria, Poinciana spinosa, Tara spinosa]Tara-Strauch {m} [auch Tara]
spiny icefish [Chaenodraco wilsoni]Stacheliger Eisfisch {m}
spiny knob-tailed gecko [Nephrurus asper, syn.: Nephrus asper] Keulenschwanzgecko {m}
spiny leaf insect [Extatosoma tiaratum] Australische Gespenstschrecke {f}
spiny lobster [family Palinuridae]Languste {f}
spiny lobster en bellevue Languste {f} Bellevue
spiny lobsters [family Palinuridae]Langusten {pl}
spiny long-footed rat [Tarsomys echinatus] Stachel-Fersenratte {f}
spiny love grass [Cladoraphis spinosa] Dorngras {n}
spiny mason wasp [Odynerus spinipes] Gemeine Schornsteinwespe {f}
spiny medick [Medicago murex] Kurzstacheliger Schneckenklee {m}
spiny medick [Medicago murex] Stachelschneckenklee {m}
spiny monkey orange [Strychnos spinosa]Grüne Affenorange {f}
spiny naiad [Najas marina] Großes Nixenkraut {n}
spiny naiad [Najas marina] Meeres-Nixenkraut {n}
spiny naiad [Najas marina] Großes Nixkraut {n} [auch: Großes Nixenkraut]
spiny nightshade [Solanum rostratum, syn.: S. cornutum]Stachel-Nachtschatten / Stachelnachtschatten {m}
spiny nightshade [Solanum rostratum, syn.: S. cornutum]Schnabel-Nachtschatten / Schnabelnachtschatten {m}
spiny nightshade [Solanum rostratum] Stachel-Nachtschatten {m}
spiny oleaster [Elaeagnus pungens]Dornige Ölweide {f}
spiny oleaster [Elaeagnus pungens] Stech-Ölweide {f}
spiny pigweed [Amaranthus spinosus]Malabarspinat {m}
spiny pigweed [Amaranthus spinosus]Dorniger Fuchsschwanz {m}
spiny pigweed [Amaranthus spinosus]Stachel-Fuchsschwanz / Stachelfuchsschwanz {m}
spiny pigweed [Amaranthus spinosus] Dornamarant / Dorn-Amarant {m}
spiny pipehorse [Solegnathus spinosissimus]Australisches Dornen-Nadelpferdchen {n}
spiny plumeless thistle [Carduus acanthoides] Weg-Distel {f}
spiny plumeless thistle [Carduus acanthoides] Wegdistel {f}
spiny plumeless thistle [Carduus acanthoides]Stachelige Distel {f}
spiny plumeless thistle [Carduus acanthoides] Bärenklauartige Distel {f}
spiny pocket mice [genus Heteromys] Wald-Stacheltaschenmäuse {pl}
spiny pocket mice [genus Liomys]Stacheltaschenmäuse {pl}
spiny puffball [Lycoperdon echinatum, syn.: L. gemmatum var. echinatum, L. hoylei]Igel-Stäubling {m}
spiny puffball [Lycoperdon echinatum, syn.: L. gemmatum var. echinatum, L. hoylei] Igel-Bovist / Igelbovist {m}
spiny rabbitfish [Siganus spinus] Gemusterter Kaninchenfisch {m}
spiny rats [family Echimyidae] Stachelratten {pl}
spiny restharrow [Ononis spinosa] Dornige Hauhechel {f}
spiny restharrow [Ononis spinosa] Weiberkrieg {m} [regional] [Dornige Hauhechel]
spiny restharrow [Ononis spinosa] Eindorn {m} [regional] [Dornige Hauhechel]
spiny rock lobster [Jasus edwardsii, syn.: J. (Jasus) edwardsii, J. (Jasus) novaehollandiae, J. novaehollandiae, formerly Jasus lalandii, Palinurus edwardsii]Kaplanguste {f}
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