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English-German Dictionary

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splash boardSchutzblech {n}
splash boardSpritzbrett {n}
splash cymbal Splashbecken {n}
splash erosionRegentropfenerosion {f}
splash erosionSplasherosion {f}
splash guardSpritzschutz {m}
splash guardSpritzfänger {m}
splash lubricationTauchschmierung {f}
splash lubrication Schleuderschmierung {f}
splash of color [Am.] Farbklecks {m}
splash of colour [Br.]Farbtupfer {m}
splash of mud Dreckspritzer {m} [ugs.]
splash of soda Spritzer {m} Soda
splash oilSpritzöl {n}
splash pad Wasserspielplatz {m}
splash page [jargon] Übergangsseite {f} [zu einer Website]
splash page [jargon] Vorseite {f} [einer Website]
splash pan [pottery equipment]Spritzwanne {f} [Töpferei]
splash panel Spritzblech {n}
splash pants {pl} [one pair] [Am.] Matschhose {f}
splash pants {pl} [one pair] [Am.]Buddelhose {f} [Matschhose]
splash protection goggles {pl}Spritzschutzbrille {f}
splash protective goggles {pl}Spritzschutzbrille {f}
splash screen Begrüßungsbildschirm {m}
splash screen Splash Screen {m}
splash screenStart-Up Logo {n}
splash testSpritzversuch {m}
splash tetra [Copella arnoldi]Spritzsalmler {m}
splash water Spritzwasser {n}
splash water protection Spritzwasserschutz {m}
splash zoneWellenschlagzone {f}
splash zone [of fountain, waterfall, etc.] Spritzzone {f} [eines Gewässers etc.]
splash zone [of fountain, waterfall, etc.]Spritzwasserzone {f} [eines Gewässers etc.]
splash zone [of fountain, waterfall, etc.]Gischtwasserzone {f} [eines Gewässers etc.]
splash zone [of fountain, waterfall, etc.]Gischtzone {f} [eines Gewässers etc.]
splashbackSpritzschutz {m}
splashback Spritzwand {f}
splashback poison frog [Adelphobates galactonotus, syn.: Dendrobates galactonotus] Gesprenkelter Baumsteiger {m}
splashback poison frog [Adelphobates galactonotus, syn.: Dendrobates galactonotus]Gelbrücken-Baumsteiger {m}
splashback poison frog [Adelphobates galactonotus, syn.: Dendrobates galactonotus] Oranger Baumsteiger {m}
splashback poison frog [Adelphobates galactonotus, syn.: Dendrobates galactonotus] Klecksbaumsteiger {m}
splash-backed poison frog [Adelphobates galactonotus, syn.: Dendrobates galactonotus] Gesprenkelter Baumsteiger {m}
splash-backed poison frog [Adelphobates galactonotus, syn.: Dendrobates galactonotus] Gelbrücken-Baumsteiger {m}
splash-backed poison frog [Adelphobates galactonotus, syn.: Dendrobates galactonotus]Oranger Baumsteiger {m}
splash-backed poison frog [Adelphobates galactonotus, syn.: Dendrobates galactonotus] Klecksbaumsteiger {m}
splash-backed poison frog [Ranitomeya variabilis, syn.: Dendrobates variabilis]Variabler Baumsteiger {m}
splash-backed poison frog [Ranitomeya variabilis, syn.: Dendrobates variabilis] Einpunkt-Baumsteiger {m} [auch: Einpunktbaumsteiger]
splashdivingSplashdiving {n}
splashdiving [cannonball dive]Arschbombenspringen {n} [ugs.]
splashdown Wasserlandung {f}
splash-down Wasserung {f} [Landung einer Raumkapsel im Wasser]
splashdownWasserung {f} [Landung einer Raumkapsel im Wasser]
splashdowns Wasserlandungen {pl}
splashed angespritzt
splashed geplatscht
splasher [splash guard]Spritzschutz {m}
splashguard Schutzblech {n} [Fahrrad]
splashguardSpritzschutz {m}
splash-guardSpritzschutz {m}
splashing anspritzend
splashing platschend
splashing Geplatsche {n}
splashing Geplätscher {n}
splashing planschend
splashing Rumgeplatsche {n} [ugs.]
splashing Verspritzen {n}
splashing water Spritzwasser {n}
splash-proof spritzwassergeschützt
splash-water proof spritzwassergeschützt
splash-water protectedspritzwassergeschützt
splashy [attention-attracting]sensationell
splashy [with water] spritzend
splat key <⌘> [command key] Apfeltaste {f} <⌘> [Befehlstaste]
Splat! Platsch!
splatterPlätschern {n}
splatter [splash] Spritzer {m} [z. B. Fettspritzer, Farbspritzer]
splatter film Splatterfilm {m}
splatter guard Spritzschutz {m}
splatter screen Spritzsieb {n}
splatter shieldPfannenspritzschutz {m}
splatter shield Pfannen-Spritzschutz {m}
splattered bespritzt
splay Abkantung {f}
splaySpreizung {f}
splay foot [Pes transverso-planus, Pes transversoplanus] Spreizfuß {m}
splay knot Flügelast {m}
splay leg piglets Grätscher {pl} [Ferkel]
splay leg pigletsSpreizer {pl} [Ferkel]
splay legs [also: splaylegs] Spreizbeine {pl}
splay tree Splay-Baum {m}
splay tree Spreizbaum {m}
splayed deerfly [Chrysops caecutiens] Goldaugenbremse {f}
« spirspirspirspirspitsplasplasplesplesplispli »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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