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split-skin graft [procedure]Spalthauttransplantation {f}
splitterSplitteinrichtung {f}
splitterSpaltkeil {m}
splitter Verteilerkästchen {n} [Splitter]
splitter [also in politics]Spalter {m} [auch politisch]
splitter [silencer] Kulisse {f} [Schalldämpfer]
splitter paneFensterbereich {m}
splitter silencer Kulissenschalldämpfer {m}
splitter windowSplitterfenster {n}
split-thickness skin graft <STSG>Spalthauttransplantat {n}
splittingSpaltung {f}
splitting Teilung {f}
splitting Abspaltung {f}
splitting Aufteilung {f}
splitting Splitting {n}
splitting [splaying] Aufspleißen {n}
splitting axeSpaltaxt {f}
splitting block Hackstock {m} [österr.] [südd.] [Hackklotz]
splitting chiselSchlitzmeißel {m}
splitting circle method Trennkreisverfahren {n}
splitting fieldZerfällungskörper {m}
splitting headache rasender Kopfschmerz {m}
splitting headache {sg}rasende Kopfschmerzen {pl}
splitting knife Spaltmesser {n} [Lederherstellung]
splitting laughtertobendes Gelächter {n}
splitting laughter zwerchfellerschütterndes Lachen {n}
splitting maulSpalthammer {m}
splitting of consciousness Bewusstseinsspaltung {f}
splitting of income Steuersplitting {n}
splitting of the atomAtomspaltung {f}
splitting of the atomKernspaltung {f}
splitting of the nails Onychorrhexis {f}
splitting of the nails in layers Aufspaltung {f} der Nagelplatte [Onychoschisis]
splitting offabspaltend
splitting off Abspaltung {f}
splitting painsrasende Schmerzen {pl}
splitting scream ohrenzerreißender Schrei {m}
splitting up Stückelung {f} [Aufteilung]
splitting up of (the) light Lichtzerlegung {f}
splitting (up) Aufspaltung {f}
splitting wedge Spaltkeil {m}
splitting-off Abspaltung {f}
splittings Spaltungen {pl}
splitting-up [of a train] Auflösung {f} [eines Zuges]
split-trail Spreizlafette {f}
split-up Zersplitterung {f}
split-upTrennung {f}
split-up Aufspaltung {f}
splitup [spv.]Trennung {f}
split-up plan Spaltungsplan {m}
split-wedge [e.g. deer tracks] [keilförmig gespalten]
splodgeKlecks {m}
splodge [Br.] Fleck {m} [Klecks]
splodgiest fleckigste
splosh [coll.]Platschen {n}
Splosh! [coll.] [esp. Brit.] Platsch!
splotch [coll.]Klecks {m}
splotchier [coll.] fleckiger
splotchiest fleckigste
splotching beklecksend
splotchy fleckig
spludger [rare] [spudger]Spudger {m}
Splügen Road Splügenstraße {f}
splurge [coll.] verschwenderischer Aufwand {m}
splurge of activityAktivitätsschub {m}
splurged [coll.]geprotzt [ugs.]
splurging [coll.] protzend [ugs.]
splutter Geplapper {n}
splutterSprudeln {n}
splutter Zischen {n}
spluttered [stammered, stuttered] gestottert
spluttering stotternd [auch Motor]
spodiosite [Ca2 [F|PO4]] Spodiosit {m}
spodogram Spodogramm {n}
spodogram Aschenbild {n}
spodography Spodographie {f}
spodography Spodografie {f}
spodumene [LiAlSi2O6] Spodumen {m} [veraltet auch {n}] [ein Klinopyroxen]
spogel plantain [Plantago ovata, syn.: P. brunnea, P. decumbens, P. fastigiata, P. gooddingii, P. insularis, P. ispaghula, P. minima] Indischer Flohsamen {m}
spogel plantain [Plantago ovata, syn.: P. brunnea, P. decumbens, P. fastigiata, P. gooddingii, P. insularis, P. ispaghula, P. minima] Spogel-Wegerich / Spogelwegerich {m}
spogel plantain [Plantago ovata, syn.: P. brunnea, P. decumbens, P. fastigiata, P. gooddingii, P. insularis, P. ispaghula, P. minima] Indisches Psyllium {n}
spogel seeds {pl} [treated as sg.] [Plantago ovata, syn.: P. brunnea, P. decumbens, P. fastigiata, P. gooddingii, P. insularis, P. ispaghula, P. minima]Indischer Flohsamen {m}
spogel seeds {pl} [treated as sg.] [Plantago ovata, syn.: P. brunnea, P. decumbens, P. fastigiata, P. gooddingii, P. insularis, P. ispaghula, P. minima] Indisches Psyllium {n}
spogel seeds {pl} [treated as sg.] [Plantago ovata, syn.: P. brunnea, P. decumbens, P. fastigiata, P. gooddingii, P. insularis, P. ispaghula, P. minima] Blondes Psyllium {n}
spoilAusbeute {f}
spoilAushub {m}
spoilAbraum {m}
spoil Endmaterial {n}
spoilBaggergut {n}
spoil [usually spoils] [goods stolen or forcibly taken]Beute {f} [Sieges- oder Kriegsbeute]
spoil board [also: spoilboard]Opferplatte {f}
spoil dump [built by mining waste]Abraumberg {m}
spoil heapAushubhügel {m}
spoil heapAbraumhaufen {m}
spoil pile Abraum {m}
spoil pile Abraumhalde {f} [Kohlebergwerk]
spoil sheetFehlbogen {m}
spoil sportSpielverderber {m}
« splasplesplesplisplisplispoispoksponsponspon »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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