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English-German Dictionary

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spoke [obs.] [spoken]gesprochen
spoke boneSpeiche {f}
spoke dynamo Speichendynamo {m} [Fahrrad]
spoke guard Speichenschutz {m}
spoke holeSpeichenloch {n}
spoke holes Speichenlöcher {pl}
spoke nipple Speichennippel {m}
spoke reflector Speichenreflektor {m} [Fahrrad]
spoke tightener Speichenspanner {m}
spoke wheelSpeichenrad {n}
spoke wrenchNippelspanner {m}
spoked mit Speichen versehen
spoked wheelSpeichenrad {n}
spoken geredet
spoken gesprochen
spoken mündlich
spoken decor gesprochene Dekoration {f}
spoken decorgesprochenes Bühnenbild {n}
spoken dialogue gesprochener Dialog {m}
spoken drama Sprechdrama {n}
spoken language Lautsprache {f}
spoken language mündliche Sprache {f}
spoken language gesprochene Sprache {f}
spoken text [text that has been spoken or that is intended for being spoken] Sprechtext {m} [gesprochener oder für das Sprechen vorgesehener Text]
spoken to angesprochen
spoken word program [Am.]Wortprogramm {n}
spokesRadspeichen {pl}
spokes Speichen {pl}
spokeshave Schweifhobel {m}
spokesman Sprecher {m}
spokesman Wortführer {m}
spokesman Vertreter {m} [Wortführer]
spokesman [of an executive board]Vorstandssprecher {m}
spokesman for mid-sized companies Mittelstandssprecher {m}
spokesman for the ministry Ministeriumssprecher {m}
spokesman for the (Swiss) Federal CouncilBundesratssprecher {m} [Schweiz]
Spokesman of the Management Board [title] Vorstandssprecher {m}
spokesman on / for foreign affairs außenpolitischer Sprecher {m}
spokesman on economic policy wirtschaftspolitischer Sprecher {m}
spokesman on energy matters energiepolitischer Sprecher {m}
spokesman on energy policy energiepolitischer Sprecher {m}
spokesmen Sprecher {pl}
spokesmodel Werbebotschafter {m}
spokesmodel [female] Werbebotschafterin {f}
spokespeople Sprecher {pl}
spokesperson Sprecher {m}
spokespersonWortführer {m}
spokesperson [female]Sprecherin {f}
spokesperson [female] Wortführerin {f}
spokeswoman Sprecherin {f}
spokeswomanWortführerin {f}
spokeswoman for the ministryMinisteriumssprecherin {f}
spokeswoman on / for foreign affairs außenpolitische Sprecherin {f}
spokeswoman on family affairsfamilienpolitische Sprecherin {f}
spokeswomen Sprecherinnen {pl}
spokewheel Speichenrad {n}
Spoletian [from Spoleto (Italy)] aus Spoleto [nachgestellt]
spoliaSpolien {pl}
spoliation [robbery] Plünderung {f}
spoliation [robbery] Beraubung {f}
spoliation [ruining] Zerstörung {f}
spoliations Plünderungen {pl}
spoliator Berauber {m}
spoliator Plünderer {m}
spolium [rare]Spolie {f} [selten]
spondeeSpondeus {m}
spondoolies [sl.] [money] Knete {f} [ugs.] [Geld]
spondulicks [sl.] [also: spondulix, spondulics, spondoolicks, spondoolix, spondoolics] Moneten {pl} [ugs.] [Geld]
spondulicks [sl.] [treated as sg.] [also: spondulix, spondulics, spondoolicks, spondoolix, spondoolics, spandooly] [money] Kies {m} [ugs.] [Geld]
spondulics [sl.] [treated as sg.] [also: spondulix, spondulicks, spondoolics, spondoolicks, spondoolix] Kohle {f} [ugs.] [Geld]
spondylarthritis [Spondylarthrosis deformans] Spondylarthrose {f}
spondyliumSpondylium {n}
spondyloarthritis <SpA>Spondyloarthritis {f} <SpA>
spondyloarthropathy <SpA> Spondylarthropathie {f} <SpA>
spondylodesis [vertebral fusion (surgery)]Spondylodese {f} [Wirbelkörperverblockung]
spondylodiscitisSpondylodiszitis {f}
spondyloepiphysial [spv.] spondyloepiphysär
spondylolisthesis Spondylolisthese {f}
spondylolisthesis Spondylolisthesis {f}
spondylolisthesis Wirbelgleiten {n} [ugs.]
spondylolysis Spondylolyse {f}
spondylopathy Spondylopathie {f}
spondylosisSpondylose {f}
spondylosyndesis Spondylodese {f}
spongeSchwamm {m}
spongeSchaumstoff {m}
sponge Saugschwamm {m}
sponge [Br.] [sponge cake] Biskuitkuchen {m}
sponge [coll.] Schmarotzer {m}
sponge and dressing forceps {pl} [one pair] Korn- und Tupferzange {f} [Maier-Klemme]
sponge anglerfish [Echinophryne reynoldsi]Reynolds Anglerfisch {m}
sponge bag [Br.] Reisenessessär {n} [Kulturbeutel] [offizielle Rsv. von 1996 bis 2017] [Reisenecessaire]
sponge bag [Br.] Reisenecessaire {n} [Kulturbeutel]
sponge bag [Br.]Kulturbeutel {m}
sponge bag [Br.] Kulturtasche {f}
sponge bag [Br.] [toilet bag] Waschbeutel {m}
sponge bath Abwaschung {f}
sponge biopsy Schwammbiopsie {f}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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